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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Stay away from Riba (Interest), Allah has cursed eating Riba results

Unfinished journey (255)

(Part two hundred and fifty-five, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, March 31, 2015, 12:02 pm)

Stay away from Riba (Interest), Allah has cursed eating Riba results

Allah through the Quran and Sunnah (Hadith) warn people, if humans are to survive in this world and hereafter we are required to eat a result of lawful money, including strictly forbidden to eat the money from usury (interest / interest)
Even the Prophet Muhammad in his saying, tell us the sin of usury of money eating, eating one dirham money from usury, our equivalent of committing adultery with 30 women.
It enormity of sin eating usury of money, so we do not pawn pleasures very short and temporary to eat the usury of money, no matter replies to God in the Hereafter a painful and long
In the human eye we seen rich can buy a lot of cars and buy new clothes every day, but in the eyes of God we continue to accumulate sin,
Sometimes we do not realize, even sometimes people repeatedly Umrah pilgrimage to use the proceeds of usury, whereas the validity of Hajj and Umrah requirements in order to get a reward from Allah the money that used to be lawful money, and should not be out of the proceeds of Riba.
Do not let the bad effects of the proceeds of usury to the wives and children who helped take the money from usury

Why Islam is forbidden Riba ..?

Why Islam is forbidden Riba ..?
Islam does not forbid anything except that there are dangers and negative effects contained in it and it is not Islam ordered anything unless there is some goodness in there. Similarly, the problem of usury which not only makes the culprit suffer yet further will make the Muslims be humiliated by Allah Ta'ala. Therefore, Islam is against and combat usury is because it has a lot of negative influences both individuals and society are:
a. Influence on the morals and personal
1. Riba will foster a love and ambition of the property on the borrower or the actors themselves usury.
2. Riba will eliminate feelings of compassion for people who need help to bring out the individualism that does not want to know about the distress of others. Rasululloh said: "It is not compassion but was deprived of a wretched" (HR. Abu Dawud 4942, shohih at tirmdzi 2/180).

3. Riba will make the faqir (borrower) and the uneasy feeling guilty even though he knows that it is not allowed.
4. Riba will make borrowers or those who need to feel terdzholimi because he was not there to help
5. Riba would harm the character and soul, because most people who are in it are people who spirited miser, thinking short, and the properties of other improperly.
b. Usury influence on society
6. Riba will destroy people's lives for the people who implement the system of usury then it is a mirror of society individualist and fragmented. Each other no mutual aid and relieve the others unless there is motivation behind then they will help each other.
7. Riba will form a group of people who lazed because this system will make developing his property without the hassle (Mauqifus Shariah terminal masorif al Islamiyah, Abdullah al ubbady p.117)
8. Riba will cause hostility in society (Taudhihul Ahkam 4/7).
9. Riba will destroy nature ta'awwun fellow community members.
c. Usury influence on the economy
10. Usury endanger individual and social economy. Among example, loan a lower class family or middle class who desperately need will usually complicated because lenders goal is not sincere to help. Even if assisted then be charged with interest troublesome. If the borrower dies then the debt will continue to be his heir. Similarly, loans underdeveloped countries to banks-which often once diembel embroider with political interference in the country borrowers tersebut-, will certainly have an impact on the economy of the community due to repay the state sometimes inevitably will raise fuel prices or the need Other principal. Not the least of this system also raises the economic crisis because of debts that can not be repaid.
11. Riba will set back the economy. That's because lenders do not perform any production effort and he also does not want to bear the risk of loss of business so that there is no positive feedback in the business world.
d. Effect of usury against one's religion
12. Usury is the profession of the Jews as enemies of Allah that in Surah an-Nisa ': 151.
13. Riba is one of the characteristics of the properties jahiliyyah (Tafsir at Thobary 3/67).
14. eater of usury to be raised on the Day of Resurrection like crazy (QS. Al Baqoroh: 275).
15. Assist the enemies of Allah to weaken the Muslims if the Muslims put their money in their banks (ar Riba 'wa atsaruhu' alal mujtama 'al Islamy, Sulaiman al Asyqor).
16. Allah will destroy and eliminate the blessings of treasure usury (QS. Al Baqoroh: 276). Of Abdulloh Rasululloh ibn Mas'ud said: "Riba though he much but the end is a little (destroyed)" (HR. Ahmad 1/395, and 2/37 and he menshohihkannya Judge).
17. bermuamalah with usury system will cause an enemy to Allah and His Messenger (QS. Al Baqoroh: 278-279).
18. All parties involved will get anathema and shunned from grace. Rasululloh said: "Allah has cursed the eater of usury, his deputy, the author and two witnesses. He said: "They are all the same" (HR. Muslim 1597).
19. eater of usury will diadzab on after death with a swim in the blood stream and then stoned (HR. Al Bukhari, 2085).
20. Eating usury including devastating thing a person (HR. Al Bukhari 2615).
21. Eating and transact with usury sisitem will cause major disaster as the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas rodhiyallohu 'anhuma: "If it has spread adultery and usury in an area that they have justified wrath of Allah for them" (HR.al judge 2/37 and dihasankan by Shaykh Albani in ghoyatul Marom 344).
22. Riba contains 73 doors lightest ugliness ugliness is such a person marry his own mother (Shohihul Jaami '2274).
23. Usury is included immoral to Allah and His Messenger (QS. An Nuur: 63).
24. usury eaters threatened with hell if he does not have to repent (QS. Al Baqoroh: 275).
25. Allah will not accept shodaqoh from the usury as Rasululloh said: "Verily, Allah is good and he did not receive except of the good" (HR. Muslim 1014).
26. eaters will not be accepted usury do'anya (HR. Muslim 1014).
27. Eating usury will make hearts become hard and dark (QS. Al Muthaffifin: 14).
28. Eating usury including the cruelty that will bring darkness on the Day of Judgment (QS. Ibrahim: 42-43).
29. Usury is against the rules of Allah (ar usury wa atsaruhu p.93).
30. eater of usury are people safe from the plots of Allah (QS. Al A'raf: 99).

And much more damage arising from this system. Then shall all the Muslims back to their religion by applying the system of buying and selling and all that disyari'atkan mudhorobah system so that they return glorified by Allah ... "until you return to the teachings of your religion .." (HR. Abu Dawud 3462, As shohihah 11). Wallohul musta'an.

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