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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sycamore Cigarettes Much Worse than pig and wine

Unfinished journey (256)

(Part two hundred and fifty-six, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, April 1, 2015 7:52 pm)

Sycamore Cigarettes Much Worse than pig and wine

Ustad Abu Yahya Badrussalam in tauziahnya in Radio Rodja, based on the results of the study revealed Pig has 30 substances are not good, while the wine has 20 substances are not good,
Eating pork and drinking wine in the Quran has clearly forbidden for consumption
While cigarette, said Badrussalam containing 4000 poison is much worse than eating pork and drinking wine, based on the many texts in the Qur'an and Sunnah forbidden to dikunsumsi, and the perpetrators will aggravate the scales of sins in the day of reckoning reckoning on the Day of Judgment.
Even menghisab a cigarette, when a 4000 type poison into the body of the smoker, the worse the impact will be experienced by the passive smokers, people around the smoker, meaning that the smoker has a double sin, kill yourself with menghisab poison, poison too many people other.
Based on consideration of the arguments of the Quran, Hadith and scientific petimbangan Muhammadiyah Ulama Indonesia and Saudi Arabia memfatwakan smoking is forbidden.
Therefore, the members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) that will discuss the law on tobacco, do not let one step, so that later in the eyes of God to be accountable for the attitudes and decisions not to act issued instead assessed also campaigning and participate encourage Indonesian people to be more happy smoking, can not imagine that more and more people smoke because of this law, then the manifold is also a sin to be borne, nauzubillahiminzalik.
Why would enjoy a salary of Rp 100 million just enjoyed 10 years in the world, but God's got a painful torment threats and old, if we do not have to repent. But be careful, we do not know when death awaits, and we do not know we die in a state already had time to repent or not. If we worry about it, it's time we repent, and begin to do good and do not repeat the sinner, started many istighfar and remembrance, and read Surah Al Ikhlas 10 times after prayers.
Fadi read Surah Al Ikhlas 10 times the reward equivalent to read 2/3 of reading the Quran and Allah will give palace in heaven.

Postulates Syar'i haramnya CIGARETTES

From Abu Rukayya Tamim bin Aus ad Dary something from 'Umar that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Religion is advice", we say: "To Whom O Messenger of Allah?" He said: For God, to His Book, to His Messenger, to the imam of the Muslims, and those of their general. "(HR. Muslim. See Imam an Nawawi, The Gardens of the Righteous, Chapter Fi An Nashihah, p. 72, hadith no. 181. Maktabatul Faith, Mansurah, Without a year. see Arbaeen also an Nawawiyah, hadith no. 7, See also Imam Ibn Hajar al Asqalany, Bulugh al-Maram, Chapter At targhib fi Makarimil Akhlaq, p. 287, hadith. No. 1339. Darul Pole al Islamiya. 1425 / 2004M)

Here's my advice to myself, and my brother Muslims, as well as preachers, or imam mosque, which is still shackled by opium smoking ... .. for those seeking tranquility with smoke, when a believer seek peace through remembrance and prayer ... for those who are looking for clarity and truth .... For this treatise they offered ...

Cigarettes, who is not familiar with this one object. It has been integrated into the lives of some people. Both laymen, or intellect, rich or poor, rural or city, men and even women, priyai or kiayi. Their lives as controlled by cigarettes. They are able to not eat for hours, but the 'dizzy' if the hours are not smoking. Admitted there is no money to pay for school, but the scar is always no money to buy cigarettes. It is amazing!

This paper is derived in order to save humanity, especially Muslims, from the dangers of smoking, as well as the danger of propagandists (defenders) it with their ignorance about the texts Shar'ie (religious texts) and qawaidusy syar'iyyah (rules Shari'a). Or because of lust, they decided religious law because the feelings and habits, not because the arguments of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and aqwal (view) of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah mu'tabar (which can be used as a reference). Because of them, people continue to be tottering on the wrong habit of this, and emulate the behavior is wrong, because to find most of the preachers hobby with cigarettes. Though the preacher is the lamp, then, what if the lamp is not able to illuminate itself? Wallahul Musta'an!

They reasoned 'I do not find in the Qur'an and Hadith that forbid smoking. "Indeed, it is the words that contain toxins harmful to the layman, and shows commonness pengucapnya, or lack of motivation to explore the proposition. Because a lot of things that are forbidden in Islam without having stated in manthuq (textual / clearly written) in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The words 'cigarette' clearly does not exist in the Qur'an and Sunnah textually, for it is not Arabic, it seems a small child knows it. Apparently, people who say this do not understand jurisprudence, that the prohibition in the Qur'an can be lafaz (text expressly forbid) or haram because the meaning / understanding / intent. Well, it lafaz does not exist on illicit cigarettes, but in the meaning / understanding / intent, obviously very much argument. People who spoke the words as there are several possibilities, first, he really did not know alias lay with the affairs of law, if so then saying "I do not find ... etc." that can be tolerated. Secondly, he has been aware of the verse or hadith that forbids any meaning that can spoil yourself and others including cigarettes, but he understood it to taste and one's own desires, not referring to the views of the Imams and Scholars deep. Third, he already knows argument but he hide from the people, or he pretended not to know, then this is a lie and kitmanul attitude haq (truth hides) were criticized in religion.

Since the days of friends, people have ijma '(agree) that the dog is forbidden to eat, but is there a verse or hadith clearly stating Dogs forbidden in eating? Nothing! But why Islam forbids? Because we have qawaid al fiqhiyyah fi at Tahrim (principles of jurisprudence in forbid), maqashid Shari'ah (law essence) who understand implicitly, and qarinah (correlation / hint hint) about the illicit nature of something though not explicitly referred to the name of the goods or actions. Well, here's the rules that seem to escape from them in this cigarette case.

Dikhawatiri of view of most preachers are too textual and this rigid, waiting to see there are people who say that monopolize merchandise is lawful, because there is no verse or hadith in light of the 'monopoly', Joget style drilling Inul also kosher, because not there is a verse or hadith that talks about rocking Inul! Wa laa laa hawla quwwata illa billah.

There is more to say, "Is not the kiayi also smoke? Are not they the expert religion? "

Our answer: Only the Messenger that Ma'shum (preserved from error), whereas in others (although scholars or kiayi) could be wrong. Truth is not seen from the person, but look at it from his behavior, the extent to which compliance with the Qur'an and Sunnah. We are very convinced and kind thought, the kiayi the smoke was actually hate what has become their habit, just because it was opium, they are difficult to leave. Finally, not least among those who are looking for excuses to justify smoking. Indeed, Ahlus Sunnah are those who dare to charity after the proposition, not a charity first, then searching the proposition and reason.

Imam Malik something from 'Umar said: "The words of the whole human being can be accepted or rejected, only the words of this tomb occupant (ie the Prophet) which must be accepted (not to be denied)."

Imam Hasan al Banna rahimahullah said: "Every human being can be taken or left behind their words, nor anything that comes from the righteous ones before us in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah, except only the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam ( which shall be accepted perkatannya should not be denied, pen) ... .. "(Al imam Ash Shaheed Hasan al Banna, Majmu'ah Ar Rasail, hal.306. Maktabah at Taufiqiyah, Cairo. Without year)

It is exemplary only present in the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaih wa Sallam.

And for the preachers beware, because Allaah says:

"And say not of what was mentioned by the tongue is a lie" This is lawful and this haram ", to invent a lie against Allah. Indeed, those who invent a lie against Allah, never will prosper. "(QS. An-Nahl (16): 116)

From Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al Ash something from 'Umar that the Prophet Shallallah' alaihi wa sallam said:

"Allah does not revoke the science is just like in humans, but the revocation of science through the death of the scholars. So people are not knowledgeable left, then humans make fools handle their affairs. They were then asked to answer with no science. Finally, they are misguided and misleading. "(HR. Bukhari, Sheikh Fuad Abdul Baqi see, Al lu'Lu 'wal Marjan, Kitabul' ilmi, p. 457, hadith no. 1712. Darul Fikri, Beirut. 1423H / 2002M)

"Among the signs of the apocalypse is taken science (religion) of the ashaghir." (HR. Abdullah ibn al Mubarak, in the book Az zuhd, with a hasan isnaad)

Who Ashaghir? Said Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak rahimahullah, that is, those who Qillatul 'ilmi (little knowledge). Yes, a little knowledge but a lot of style! Exceeded its tongue knowledge.

Jabir bin Abdullah something from 'Umar that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Indeed the closest I love and his company on the day of Judgment is the most depraved kind of you. And indeed most of my hate and farthest from me is that a lot of windy (ats tsartsarun), a big mouth (al mutasyaddiqun), and al mutafaihiqun. "The Companions asked:" O Messenger of Allah, we already know ats tsartsarun and al mutasyaddiqun, but whether al mutafaihiqun? He replied: "That al Mutakabbirun (people who feel great, quasi knowledgeable). (HR. Imam At-Tirmidhi, he said: This hadeeth 'hasan'. Imam an Nawawi, Riyadhush Righteous, Chapter Husn al Khuluq, p. 187, hadith no. 629. Maktabatul Faith, Al Mansurah)

Here we will describe adillatusy syar'iyyah (arguments of Personality ') from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of illicit cigarettes, which is no doubt in it, along with the rules fiqhiyyah that the scholars agreed mujtahidin, and we describe Similarly scholars view the world about cigarettes. Wallahul Musta'an!

1.Dalil of the Qur'an

Allah Almighty says:

"And you must not plunge yourself using your hands into the abyss of destruction." (QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 195)

"And you must not kill yourself .." (QS. An-Nisa (4): 29)

Consider these two verses, no offense (free) again, smoking is self-destructive actions of the perpetrators, and even suicide. Health experts have established the presence of dangerous toxins 3000, and 200 are very dangerous, even more dangerous than marijuana (Canabis sativa). They stipulate that once a puff of a cigarette can reduce the lifespan of up to a few minutes. And Allaah knows best bus sowab. Surely, Allah Ta'ala affairs of human life, but research experts are empirical scientific view that can not be underestimated. Mohammed Abdul Ghafar tipis al Hasyimi mentions in his book Mashaibud Dukhan (Disaster smoking) that cigarettes can give birth to 99 kinds of diseases. Lancet, a British medical journal stating that smoking is a disease in itself, not a habit. This behavior is a disaster experienced by most members of the family, can also reduce a person's dignity. The number of dead because of cigarettes doubled. The magazine concluded, cigarette smoke over the dangers of car fumes.

Note the two paragraphs above, he uses sighat lin lin nahyi wa nafyi (tenses for denial / ban) distracts meaningful self-destructive act or lead to suicide. In the rules of Usul al Fiqh mentioned an nahyi Ashlu fi lil Haram (the original law of a ban is forbidden). As the phrase wa laa taqrabuz zinaa .. (do you approach adultery) illegal means to approach only what else to do it. That is, there are two that are forbidden in this paragraph namely 1. fornicate, and 2. the behavior or the means to adultery. This is according to rules of Usul Fiqh, 'Ma no fa huwa ilal haram haram' (Something that leads to the forbidden, then it is also forbidden).

Similarly, the verse 'Do not you kill yourself', that is, the unlawful namely 1. Suicide, and 2. Conduct or any means that can kill yourself.

Imam Ash Syaukani says in the commentary, Fat-hul Qadir, on purpose Nisa verse 29 above:

Meaning: "His words mean 'Do not you kill yourself' is the Muslim Oh, you do not kill each other, except for no reason specified by law. Or, do not kill yourself with indecency and immorality, or the meaning of this paragraph is forbidden to kill yourself is essential (in fact). Not forbidden to bring the intent of this paragraph to the meanings of the more common. The evidence is Amr ibn al Ash berhujjah (postulated) with the verse, when he is not obliged bath (bath junub) with cold water in time of war Dzatul Salasil. However, the Prophet Shaliallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam silencing (nod) proof (reason) that are used olenya. It is in Musnad Ahmad, Sunan Abu Daud, and others. "So of Imam Ash Syaukani rahimahullah. (See also Imam Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, Volume 1, p. 480. Son Toha Semarang, with Arabic script adapted the script from Darul Kutub Al Mishriyah)

In another verse Allah Almighty also says:

"Indeed, it is the spender-spenders brothers devil and the devil is very dissenter to his Lord" (QS. Al-Isra (17): 27)

No doubt also, like smoke smoked action tabdzir (waste) and a waste of property. They do not get anything from cigarettes except tranquility moment, the danger threatening illness, and the waste of money in vain. In fact, Allah Ta'ala referred to them as brothers and the sisters devil.

Said Imam Ash Syaukany about the interpretation of this verse:

"... That the people who do mubadzir (spenders) rather like the devil, and all that is compared with the devil, the devil doomed him, and every devil is broken (against Allah, pen), then the people who mubadzir are disbelievers." (Imam Ash Syaukany, in Fat-hul Qadir her)

Most scholars Imam Ash-like this- Syaukany no exaggeration to say that in berinfak also includes tabdzir (waste) [1], it is much less exaggerated in smoke! Think Mankind!

Thus, illicit cigarette ash is muwafaqah bil maqashid Shariah (in accordance with the purpose of law) that requires the preservation of the five basic things (basic), namely religion, lives, property, intellect, and offspring. Imam al Qarafi al-Maliki added to six, namely honor.

Allaah also mention about the characteristics of people who believe that a person who:

"And those who keep their pledges (which endured) and its promise" (QS.Al Mu'minun (23): 8)

Health is a gift from God that must be maintained, it is a mandate from God Almighty that should not be betrayed. In the hadith mentioned, "Laa laa imanan amanata lahu liman (no faith for people who do not maintain trust). Supposedly, a good Muslim be careful with this mandate case, because it would drop it in the category of hypocrisy. Wal 'Iyadzubillah!

Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said about this verse: "That if given the mandate he did not betray him, even he fulfilled them to the party that gave him." (Imam Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, Volume 3, p. 239)

That is a believer, he maintain trust. And what about the people who do not maintain trust?

From Abu Hurairah something from 'Umar that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Signs hypocrite are three: when he spoke a lie, if he broken a promise, if given the mandate he was treasonous." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim, Imam's View Nawawi, The Gardens of the Righteous, Bab al-Amr bi Ada'I Al Amanah, p. 77, hadith no. 199, as well as Bab al-Wafa 'bil' Ahdi wa bil Wa'di Injaz, p. 201, hadith no. 687. Maktabatul Faith, Mansurah. See also his book Sheikh Fuad Abdul Baqi, Al Lu'Lu 'wal Marjan, Bab al Bayan Khishal hypocrites, hadith no. 38. Darul Fikr, Beirut. See also Imam Ibn Hajar al Asqalany, Bulugh al-Maram, Chapter at Tarheeb min Masawi al Akhlaq, p. 279, hadith no. 1296. Cet. 1, Darul Pole al Islamiyah. 1425 / 2004M)

Thus the arguments Karim Al Qur'anul very firm and clear on the prohibition of self-destructive and do mubadzir, betraying the trust of health, which is all that has been portrayed by the activity of smoking. This section we describe also some hadith, and the views of our previous scholars. Alhamdulillah ...

2. The arguments of the Sunnah Al Muthahharah

In addition to some of the above hadith, there are again some other traditions that reinforce the smoking ban for a Muslim. We will only use maqbul hadiths (acceptable periwayatannya) is a saheeh or hasan, there is no hadith that mardud (rejected / not be used, especially in matters of beliefs and laws) that the hadith is weak, we will not use. Nas'alullaha as Salamah wal 'Afiyah ...

From Abu Hurairah something from 'Umar that the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa SallamI said:

"Among the good of Islam a person is he left the things that are not useful." (HR. Imam At-Tirmidhi, he said 'hasan'. Bulugh al-Maram, Chapter Az zuhd wal Wara ', p. 277, hadith no. 1287. Darul Pole al Islamiyah)

Yes, a sign of the good quality of a person's Islam is that he left the acts that are not useful. Cigarettes do not bring any benefit, except a threat to health and life and waste. There was calmness and concentration after smoking, it is just a suggestion. For a Muslim should be aware and understand religion contemplate this noble hadith.

From Abu Shirmah something from 'Umar that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Whoever memudharatkan (damaging) the other a Muslim, Allah will memudharatkannya, whoever complicate others then God will make it difficult for him." (HR. Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi, he menghasankan. Bulugh al-Maram, p. 282, hadith no. 1311)

There is a term passive smokers are people who do not smoke but unintentionally (well he is shy or not) he also inhale cigarette smoke. In fact, according to the study, the effects of passive smokers get more dangerous, because in addition he get toxins from cigarette smoke, also gets the toxins from the air is blown to the smoker that has been mixed with the smoke. This is the harm (damage) that was created by active smokers to others. Obviously the Prophet very forbid, he even prayed that God Almighty repay the damaged person.

Said Imam Ibn Hazm in his book, Al Muhalla, "Whoever cause harm to himself and to others that he did not do good, and whoever does not do good yng means against the command of God to do good in all things." (Al Muhalla , Volume 7, pp. 504-505)

From Ibn Umar something from 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah' alaihis Shalatu was Salami said: "Whoever imitates a people, then he has become part of the people." (HR. Abu Dawud, Ahmad, and Ibn Hibban menshahihkannya. Bulugh al-Maram, p 277 , hadith no. 1283. This hadeeth was also classed as saheeh hadeeth Experts such as Shaykh Shu'ayb al Arnauth, Shaykh al Albany, and Shaykh Ahmad Shakir may Allaah have mercy)

Historically, smoking was first performed by the Indians while the ritual worship of their gods. We believe current smokers do not mean like the Indian tribes, but their behavior is apparent from the form tasyabbuh bil kuffar (penyerupaan with unbelievers) are strictly forbidden Islam. And keep in mind, that the Islamic Fiqh judge someone from the visible (visible), while the liver or his intent, we submit to Allah Ta'ala.

Allah the Exalted says:

"And do not follow what you do not have knowledge of it. Truly hearing, sight and hearts, all these things will be questioned. "(QS. Al-Isra (17): 36)

Thus, we both ends meet first the arguments of the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Actually the entire description above approxi- -We are sufficient, but it is worthwhile to add a few things to be more convincing.

3. Qawaid al Fiqhiyyah (The rules of fiqh)

In jurisprudence there are rules used ulema mujtahid (expert ijtihad) to help conclude and decide a law, both for the decision halal haram or some object or action.

In determining illicit cigarettes are a few rules that strengthen, among them:

No ilal fa ma huwa haram haram or forbidden fa Al Washilah ilal hiya haram (Something or means which led to the prohibition, it is haraam). Spoil yourself with acts that could threaten the health and life, clearly forbidden in the law, without doubt. Thus, smoking or any behavior that could damage the self and life-threatening, either sooner or later, is forbidden, because the behavior of the ingredients.

Wa Laa Laa Dharara Dhirar (you do not damaged (do dharar) or damaging someone else). Actually, this rule is sound hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah. Smoking in addition to self-destruct, also damage the health of others around them (passive smoking). Both (ie, self-destructive and destructive of others) are equally prohibited by law. There is also the culprit he suffered dharar mali (damage to property, because he wasted it), dharar jasady (damage to the body, can have harmful and even life), dharar nafsi (destructive personality self-image). If harmful to health alone is enough to forbid, especially if it includes a waste of money and lowered self-esteem. Of even stronger pengharamannya.

Dar'ul mafasid muqaddamun 'ala jalbil mashalih (Avoiding damage, should take precedence over benefit). We know, smokers -katanya- feel calm and concentration when smoked. Well, put the existing benefits, but it turned out and proved that mudharatnya very much greater, then according to this rule though smoking has benefits, it is still obliged to be abandoned, in order to avoid damage caused. In fact, the benefits do not exist, only suggestions and myths.

4. Reasons They and denial

They reasoned that "legal origin of all things (world affairs) is permissible (may) unless there is a law that forbid proposition. Well, we did not find pengharamannya proposition. "

The reason this has been answered thoroughly and in detail of the description above. We explored some of the verses, some traditions, which leads to illicit cigarettes (or what constitutes harm and mental health, and mubadzir), along with the views of the Imam of Muslims. Saying "we do not find the arguments of pengharamannya" does not mean there is no argument. For, not finding does not mean no. This, depending on the foresight, willingness, and-most important-human consciousness. Indeed, the problem of knowledge and truth, is not the place for the lazy and imitators passions and emotions.

They reasoned that, "We are dizzy if you do not smoke, if you smoke, we calmed down and concentration."

The reason is not worth out of the mouth of a good Muslim, let alone preachers. This remark actually been unmasked, that the person has addiction to cigarettes, which actually strengthens keharamannya. Even according to Prof. Dr Quraish Shihab, cigarettes have become idols for this guy, so he does not deserve to be the prayer. That's according to Prof. Dr Quraish Shihab. For us, it still may be a prayer leader, Abdullah ibn Umar because something from 'Umar never become a congregation praying behind expert immoral, ie a governor wrongdoers in Madinah, Hajjaj bin Yusuf ats Tsaqafy.

Yes, indeed miraculous. If, indeed are Muslims (never mind if it is a heavy believer), he should dhikr of Allah Ta'ala that calm the mind, heart humility 'and concentration, not to smoke! Because only by remembering Allaah be quiet heart. Wallahul Musta'an!

Allah the Exalted says:

"(They are) those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only with the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. "(QS. Al Ra'du (13): 28)

Another reason is, "For us smoking is makrooh course, makruh'kan innocent."

This answer is just out of people who wahnun fid-din (weak in religion), not wara ', playing jurisprudence, and mutasahil (menggampang-gampangkan). If true it is makruh, then you know what it is makrooh? It is taken from the word Karaha (hate), makruh means something hated, who hates? God Almighty! Good Muslim, who claims God Almighty is his girlfriend, he would leave his girlfriend hated thing. Lover hobby models what the hated doing something if the lover?

In the past, we were just memakruhkan cigarettes, as the opinion of Imam Hasan al-Banna and the Sheikh Said Hawwa Rahimahumallah. However, what we believe in it, and what was stated by a two scholars are the long view when science has not developed, discoveries about the dangers of smoking are not as severe as it is unfolding now. We believe, if these two scholars long-lived and given the opportunity to see the development of the dangers of smoking, they will change their opinion. Because they both are famous scholars open mind (open mind), not old-fashioned (static / stationary in place), they always continue to seek the truth.

Indeed, opinion or ijtihad changes caused changes in conditions, places, and events in the history of Islamic jurisprudence treasures are not unusual. [2] Imam of Ahlus Sunnah, Ash Shafi'i something from 'Umar when he was still living in Baghdad have qaul Qadim ( old opinion), but when he moved to Egypt and died there, because of changes in conditions, place, and also the age and maturity of science, he changed it to qaul Jadid (new opinion). Another example is very much here and not in place.

To be sure, we have to revise what we believe to be first. For the experts have confirmed how dangerous cigarettes for suction and the people around him, sooner or later. Formerly with the limitations of existing knowledge, experts say the dangers of smoking and it's only. But now when science has advanced, secret formerly closed to open, which was formerly hidden poison now known. So, no doubt, that this time is not quite right if convicted cigarette makruh, but forbidden. The problem is, is there a consciousness within us to change habits that have become a tradition?

Indeed, hasten to the truth is more important than lingering in error.

5. The view Ulema World About Smoking

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ali ash-Shaykh said, "I never asked about tobacco law is often exploited by people who do not understand about illicit cigarettes. So we answer, that we among scholars and syaikhSyaikh we were first, the scientists, priests proselytizing, experts Najd (the area between Mecca and Medina), the first until now menghukumi that smoking is forbidden, based on the proposition that is authentic, and sane mind, as well as research doctors in praises. "Then Shaykh mentions the arguments, he also said that the illicit tobacco has been stated by a number of scholars from among the four schools.

Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Sa'di (Ulama famous tafsir) said, "Smokers, the seller, and the people who helped him, everything unclean. It is not lawful for Muslims to get them, either for inhaled or for sale. Anyone who acquired it, should he repent with Nasuha repentance from all sin. Because these cigarettes come in to postulate the generality texts (text of the Qur'an) which indicates either wording or makna..dst unlawful. "

Shaykh Mustafa al Hamami in an Nahdhatu al Ishlahiyah bekata about the peculiarities of the smokers, "Tobacco and cigarettes are almost the same case. Both have a strong appeal and influence for the pecandunya, so so amazing, as if no appeal that exceeds cigarettes. We watched together, how restless the exploiters cigarettes if she wanted to smoke, while he had no money. Then he will look for his friend who smoke to beg even one stem. This we tell, because we see it for yourself. Funny, cigarette beggar dignitaries, but because of the strong urge to smoke made him sell his pride to beg cigarettes even though the trunk! "

Shaykh Salih bin Abdullah bin Fauzan Fauzan Al I'lam bi hafizhahullah in Kitab al-Halal wal Naqdi Haram, said after he explained illicit cigarettes, "That's the essence of advice from doctors about the dangers of smoking, which we put forward after the fatwas of the scholars about the dangers of smoking. Is it appropriate for those who already understand a wide range of scholars fatwa and the views of specialists, they are still in doubt about the illicit cigarette and reluctant to leave? It is not the way it was but a ketakabburan without reason. "

Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradhawy hafizhahullah said in Al Halal wal Haram fil Islam, "We say that the cigarettes, as long as it has been declared dangerous and haraam. The more so if the specialists already set it to a specific person.

Even if it is not clear danger to health, but that obviously it includes waste money on useless, either for religion or world affairs. In a hadith the Prophet expressly prohibits wasting treasure.

Shaykh Mustafa al Hamami in an Nahdhatu al Ishlahiyah bekata about the peculiarities of the smokers, "Tobacco and cigarettes are almost the same case. Both have a strong appeal and influence for the pecandunya, so so amazing, as if no appeal that exceeds cigarettes. We watched together, how restless the exploiters cigarettes if she wanted to smoke, while he had no money. Then he will look for his friend who smoke to beg even one stem. This we tell, because we see it for yourself. Funny, cigarette beggar dignitaries, but because of the strong urge to smoke made him sell his pride to beg cigarettes even though the trunk! "

Shaykh Salih bin Abdullah bin Fauzan Fauzan Al I'lam bi hafizhahullah in Kitab al-Halal wal Naqdi Haram, said after he explained illicit cigarettes, "That's the essence of advice from doctors about the dangers of smoking, which we put forward after the fatwas of the scholars about the dangers of smoking. Is it appropriate for those who already understand a wide range of scholars fatwa and the views of specialists, they are still in doubt about the illicit cigarette and reluctant to leave? It is not the way it was but a ketakabburan without reason. "

Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradhawy hafizhahullah said in Al Halal wal Haram fil Islam, "We say that the cigarettes, as long as it has been declared dangerous and haraam. The more so if the specialists already set it to a specific person.

Even if it is not clear danger to health, but that obviously it includes waste money on useless, either for religion or world affairs. In a hadith the Prophet expressly prohibits wasting treasure. Keharamannya stronger again, if it turns out he is actually very need money for himself or his family. "This is the fatwa of Shaykh al Qaradhawy when his book is newly made the 1960s. In Fataawa al-Islam Hadyu Mu'ashirah volume 1, 1988, Darul Ma'rifah He even longer describes illicit cigarettes after he compared the whole reason that allow, memakruhkan, and forbid. With no argument, and the argument intent, along with keterangn the doctors, he is getting steadily on illicit cigarettes.

Below we shall mention the scholars of the world (also in the country), which forbids cigarettes other than those referred to above. They are:

- Shaykh Abul A'la al Maududi (Pakistan)

- Sheikh Said Ramadan al Buthy (Finally he settled in Sweden, deported)

- Shaykh Sayyid Qutb (Egypt, author Zhilalil Quran Tafsir Fi)

- Shaykh Muhammad Qutb (Sayyid Qutb's brother, lived in Mecca)

- Sheikh Abdullah Nashih 'Ulwan (Egypt)

- Shaykh Mahmud Syaltut (Mufti of Egypt, he is actually a smoker, with the realization that he fatwakan smoking haram)

- Shaykh Mustafa al-Maraghi (Rector of al-Azhar, Egypt)

- Sheikh Abdul Halim Mahmud (Rector of al-Azhar, Egypt's mufti)

- Shaykh Ahmad Shakir (Ahli Hadith Egypt)

- Shaykh Mustafa as Siba'i (Syria)

- Sheikh Abdul Halim Abu Syuqqah (Expert Fiqh, Egypt)

- Sheikh Fathi Yakan (Lebanon)

- Shaykh Abdurrazzaq 'Afifi (Member of the Commission be fatwa Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh Mustafa az Zarqa '(Expert Fiqh, Syria)

- Shaykh Muhammad nashirudin al Albany (Ahli Hadith, Jordan)

- Sheikh Abdullah 'Azzam (Palestine)

- Shaykh al-Hajj Amin Husaini (Palestinian mufti)

- Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (hadith expert, Syria)

- Sheikh Salman al-Ouda (Saudi Arabia)

- Sheikh Safar al Hawaly (Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh 'Aidh al Qarni (Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh Umar Sulaiman Asyqar (Expert commentary, Kuwait)

- Shaykh Abdurrahman Abdul Khaliq (Kuwait)

- Sheikh Abdul Majid Zindani Az (Rector of Al-Iman University in Sana, Yemen)

- Shaykh Abdul Karim Zaidan (Expert Fiqh, Iraq)

- Shaikh Ali Al Khafif (Expert Fiqh, Egypt)

- Shaykh ash Mutawalli Sha'rawi (Expert Commentary, Egypt)

- Sheikh Jad al haq (Rector of Al-Azhar, Egypt)

- Shaykh Manna 'Khalil Qattan (Chairman of the High Court, Saudi Arabia)

- Sheikh Ali Ash Shabuni (Expert Commentary, Saudi Arabia)

- Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz (Mufti of Saudi Arabia, chairman of the Ulema Organization)

- Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaymeen (Saudi Arabia, a member institution of the Ulama)

- Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd (Member institutions Scholars of Saudi Arabia)

- Sheikh Abdurrahman al-Jibreen (IDEM)

- Sheikh Hammud al 'Uqla

- Sheikh Hammud at Tuwaijiri (Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh Ibrahim Jarullah (Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh Yahya's Najmi

- Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al Wadi'I (Yemen)

- Shaikh Rabi 'bin Hadi al Madkhaly (Saudi Arabia)

- Sheikh Zaid bin Hadi al Madkhaly (Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh Falih al-Harby (Saudi Arabia)

- Shaykh Ibrahim al Ruhaily (Yemen)

- Shaikh Salim Eid al Hilaly

- Shaykh Salih al-Munajjid

- Shaykh Ibrahim Syaqrah

- Shaikh Ali Hasan al Halaby

- Shaikh Ubaid al Jabri

Thus this paper, may be a useful knowledge and broaden the Islamic Scientific, as well as an important consideration for anyone who wants the good of the world and the hereafter.

Al faqir Ila Rahmati Rabbihi

Source: Ust.Farid Nu'man


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