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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tips paved sustenance.

Unfinished journey (262)

(Part two hundred and sixty-two, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, April 8, 2015 22:37 pm)

Tips paved sustenance.

There are three things that are most important for us to work their sustenance, and facilitated all the good life in the world, and survived in the hereafter.
First, we must be cautious and repent to God for all the sins we have done so far. Terms become the cautious course, in addition to pronounce sentence Laillahailaulah Muhammadarasulallah Tawheed (There is no god that must be worshiped except Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah's Apostle), then pray five times just in time, fasting during Ramadan, paying zakat, and ride Hajj if able.
Then, the second connecting friendship with his brother and sisters, parents or siblings, in addition to facilitate the arrival of the provision also extends the life (remaining life would be useful and beneficial to human beings and increasing the quality of worship and repent).
Additionally berinfak (sedakoh) obtained partial sustenance to the poor, poor orphans, parents, and help his brother who had difficulty living. (Pain and other disasters).
Allah says in Surah Hud paragraph (3) And you shall ask forgiveness of your Lord and repent to him (If you do such), Surely God will give a good pleasure (continuous) to you until the specified time and God will give every person who has the virtue of (children) primacy. If you turn away, then I'm afraid you will be overwritten punishment on the Day of Judgment.
This verse tells us that if we want dilapangkan sustenance, then we must fear Allah and repent.
Because one of the barriers to the narrowness of sustenance is immoral or many sins, especially major sins such as shirk and fornicate, so we must first repent of all the sins we have committed.
Moreover, Allah and the Prophet Muhammad in his saying says every child adam (man) must have sinned, because God created human nature tends to sin.
Adam himself who created God directly, adulterous with God against eating the fruit of kuldi (due to the enticing of the devil), so it slipped from heaven to earth. But Adam soon repented and accepted the repentance of God.
Prophet Muhammad said, if there are no humans who repent to God, God will destroy the entire human being, and will create a new human sin, then repent.
But that does not mean we are justified sin, because we do not know how long we age ended. Let us not commit adultery and died without a chance to repent.
I have a friend of the office, when we celebrate the birthday of my boss at a great restaurant. I am one table alone with my friend, the difference in addition to ordering snaks (snacks), he ordered liquor (Margaretha) myself just ordered a soda, because realizing illicit liquor. It happened around 22:00 at night.
After the party we went home each, and when he got home I phoned one of my other colleagues, that my friend had one table when he got home at 02.pagi vomiting later died, allegedly due to lung and stomach hot drinks alcoholic earlier. Hopefully before the death of my friend had a chance to repent (say Istighfar) to God.

10 Door Locks Sustenance accordance Syar'i

Open the door of fortune by means Syar'i highly recommended in Islam, because in hakikaknya all the fortune that we can come in and comes only from Allah. Therefore, we are prohibited from seeking fortune with illicit street. As it comes to the Shaman, enlist the help of jinn etc.

Allah ordered us to open the fortune-fortune with the way that has been described either in the Qur'an or Hadith. And here's the key to unlock the fortune that has been prescribed:

First: Istigfar and Repentance
Allah says: "And I say to them: 'Ask forgiveness from your Robb, surely He is the Forgiving. Nescaya He will send rain to you with heavy, membanyak possessions and your children, hold you and hold gardens (also in it) for you rivers. "(Qs. Noah: 10-12)
Second: taqwa to Allah SWT
Allah says: "He who fear Allah, He will hold for him nescaya way out and give him sustenance from unexpected directions-but thought nothing." (Qs. Ath-Thalaq: 2-3)

Third: Tawakal to God
Prophet Muhammad said, "Really, if you betawakkal The real God with absolutely resignation, nescaya you will be given sustenance as sustenance birds, they go in the morning hungry, and come home in the evening in a state of satiety." ( Ahmad and Tirmidhi)
Fourth: Worshipping Wholeheartedly
Messenger of Allah said, "He says," O son of Adam !, Worship entirely to me, nescaya I meet (heart) in the chest with a fortune and I fulfill your need. If you do not do that so, nescaya and fill your hands with busyness and I do not meet your need (to humans). "(Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Ibn Majah).
Fifth: Silaturrahim
Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever wants to dilapangkan sustenance and diakhirkan death (extended age) then he should connect (rope) friendship." (Bukhari).
Sixth: Do good to those who are weak

Messenger of Allah said, "Help the weak, kerana you are given sustenance and helped because weak people among you." (Muslim and al-Nasa`i).

Seventh: berinfaq and Sadaqah
Allah says, "Say: 'Verily my Robb enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His among His servants and narrowing of (Him whom He wills)', and whatever you spend, Allah will replace it and he was giving sustenance as well as possible. "(Qs. Saba`: 39).
Eighth: Hijrah path of Allah
"He who emigrated in the way of Allah, nescaya they found in the earth move a broad and in abundance." (Qs. An-Nisa`: 100).

Ninth: berinfak for the prosecution of science sharia
Mentioned a story, "Once there were two brothers at the time of the Prophet. One thereof came to the Prophet and (his brother) other works. Then his brother who worked it complained to the prophet, the Majesty of Allah said, "I hope you are given sustenance to cause him." (Tirmidhi, Hakim).

Tenth: Continuing with the Umrah pilgrimage

Word of Allah, "Do Hajj and Umrah, the real kerana both eliminate poverty and sins, as fire can eliminate rust, gold, and silver. And there is no reward of Hajj which Mabrur except heaven. "(Ahmad, Tirmidhi and An-Nasa`i).

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