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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Prophet Muhammad: Muslims have broken so 73 groups

Unfinished journey (205)

(Part two hundred and five. Depok, West Java, Indonesia, February 10, 2015, 21:56 pm)

Prophet Muhammad: Muslims have broken so 73 groups

What does the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago in a hadith that Muslims will be divided into 73 groups, then we have seen what the Prophet disclosed it had become a reality.
If at the beginning of Islam, wars occurred between Muslims and Non-Muslims (the unbelievers) is because Muslims in defensive positions, to defend themselves from interference or expansion of the infidels against Muslims.
In modern times, is no longer a dispute between Muslims and non-Muslims, but among fellow Muslims. Just look at the eight-year war between Iran against Iraq, a war between the government of Afghanistan against the Taliban, the war in Syria, Jordan now against Isis, the Iraqi government against ISIS, the civil war in Libya, the war in Yemen, the Houthis (Shi'ite) against Sunnis. 30-year war between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) against the Indonesian government, and many other sectarian conflict in Pakistan, and the Moroccan army with Polisario front in the Sahara, Africa. So it occurred to kill each other between the brothers themselves, as has been exemplified both children adam between Abel and Cain.
This seems to happen memabg has become human nature, why when a man (Adam) to be created by God was able to protests from the Angels.
'' Why God Created the man as vicegerent on earth, but they will only fight and kill each other-murder, while we only remembrance of the Angels praise and exalt only. God replied: '' I know better this magical thing than you ''. But God gave the keys to the whole human survivors and will happiness in the world and hereafter and not kill each other, which is the Holy book of Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and
 Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith reveals, that when the Jews will be divided into 70 groups, then the Christian will split into 71 groups, and Muslims will split into 73 groups (firqoh), then everything will go to hell, but one group , namely class wal-worshipers, who Wal Jamaat, said Rasululah wal-worshipers are those who follow the guidance of Muhammad and his companions. Sunni Waljamaah, which follows the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
 Then who the Muslims that includes Wal Jamaat it, whether Sunni, the Sunni who claim there are many dozens of organizations (firqah) in it. Of course, Sunnis (sunnah) really follow Qur'an and Sunnah are pure, if yes hadiths hadith sahih hadith (as narrated by Bukhari and Muslim priest), or other narrators who validated the competent scholars. As scholars Albany or Uthaymeen, or Imam Banteni (middle Eastern origin) is not al Banteni from Banten, Indonesia, meaning great scholar who mastered the science of Islam, such as memorized the Quran and memorized a number of hadith, and scholars who are able to distinguish whether it is authentic or fake hadith.
 Scholars who can distinguish whether it is a pure Islamic teachings according practiced what the Prophet Muhammad and his companions (Successors) is not influenced by the teachings of the other teachings such as the influence of Sufi (usually Shi'ite influence of Yemen, or Hindu).
 Because Islam is practiced can be strongly influenced the existing local religious teachings, as in worship there is guidance that plus-plus,  outside the provisions of, or had never been practiced by the Prophet Muhammad, through the process of interpretation and environmental influences (mashab there) so worship mixed with local customs or new culture.
 This is called heresy (which new-invent worship, but worship the Prophet Muhammad said that new-invent without arguments of Hadith and Quran or worship he had never done is worship rejected.
 So, do not let us diligently spent ages us to worship but worship without postulate and deviate from the practice of the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet's Companions and Successors.
 In Indonesia there are even television cleric who dared said no term hasanah worship, or worship either, which relates to non-Worship, such as automobile technology, mosque speakers. Whereas in Islam worship ya still worship, the problem of non-Worship as technology makes the car, plane, called the bid ah hasanah.
 Though the two issues it is a different matter. Prayer, remembrance, fasting, pilgrimage is called worship, making cars, airplanes called Tenets load, ie the human effort to improve the quality of human life. (will be worth worship if we intend for God) but not the so-called ritual prayers for example.
 So to find out if we worship in the category of heresy or not, we get not worship group wal-worshipers or not, then we must learn from Ustad or competent scholars, either through the books they write, a lot of listening Tauziah of Ustad-ustad the mosque, radio, or television, as long as we are able to select whether scholars, Ustad it already knows the true Islamic studies, such as whether he mastering Qur'an, hadith , can distinguish whether it is authentic or fake hadith, or graduates of the schools, the teachers  is one line or on premises or have practiced the Prophet Muhammad, or his companions such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali not another priest who has deviated from that practiced or outside the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad.
 Do we do the ritual, or events that have not been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (in terms of Worship) if we do not want to get caught up in heresy, but world affairs (permissible) as long as it does not conflict with the Qur an and Hadith, is fine, for example, we create a plane that can take us to the moon. Creating a faster plane so that Jakarta Towards Medina no longer six hours, but 30 minutes, it is okay if the science we've been able to.
 So the emphasis in Islam is the worship of our quality, not quantity, so as in the hadith, Establish Islamic teachings that although you alone. For God's truth in worship to God is absolute, whether you spread the word of truth that it will be rejected most humans.
 Noah himself despite preaching for 950 years, most of his people and his family still kufr.
 But Noah still did not care, he go on with his message.
 Therefore, the Prophet said, later in the day of Judgment there Prophet only have one follower, there are a few followers, and many followers such as Moses, Jesus, but most followers to go to heaven are the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

 Salafiyyun And Islamic State

 by The
 Shaikh Salim bin Id Al-Hilali hafizhahullahu

 Shaikh Salim bin Id Al-Hilali asked: How does our attitude in the face directed toward doubtful posed as-Salafiyyun, that as-Salafiyyun not concerned with the problem Iqamatud Daulah or the Caliphate of Al-Islamiyah (Establishing or build state and the rule of Islam)?

 Alhamdulillah, wash-shalatu was-salamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa' ala alihi wa wa ash habihi walah man.

 As had been mentioned by Shaykh Ali-doubtful doubtful Hafizhahullah that was a lot of [1]. So the answer was taking a long time. Therefore, he summed it up. And what he has to say is enough.

 However, when the issues in question relating to the affairs of state and government, then this problem is the biggest problem, and is the biggest reason that raised up and inflame the youth to very easily perform takfir (pengkafiran) and uprisings or demonstrations, and even act anarchists. Most of these problems have been described by Shaikh Ali Hafizhahullah and I'll explain on the other hand, are more closely related to political issues or state briefly anyway, insha'Allah.

 The first thing we should do is, that the country where Muslims, in which echoed the call to prayer, the prayer is established, the majority of the state of the Muslims rule by the Islamic shariah, then this country is an Islamic state. Because of the differences between Islamic countries with heathen nations, as already mentioned by Al-Sunnah Ushulus Muzani in the book, is the call to prayer echoed and enforced prayer in it.

 Therefore, for those who say "you do not care about the iqamatud Daulatil Islamiyah (an Islamic state)", then we tell them the true Islamic countries already exist and stand! However, the issues, the majority of laws that are now applied in most Islamic countries, both in the fields of economy, politics, education, culture and others, almost entirely a man-made laws, the laws of imports (which to come from pagan countries, ed).

 The scholars have explained in detail about this issue [2]. Namely, about rule by law or man-made laws. The scholars explained that someone who rule by law other than the law of God, then he has done a little disbelief, that does not remove it from the religion of Islam. However, it is possible that this tiny little disbelief issuing the great disbelief as I have explained in detail at the Istiqlal Mosque yesterday [3] .Yaitu if he thinks and believes kosher or bolehnya rule by other than the law of God; or he said, I do not feel obliged or should rule by the law of God; or said rule by other than Allah's law is better than rule by the law of God; or say, laws and other laws tantamount to the law of God; or say, I am free (up I want to rule by God's law or otherwise, the same); and other similar words to him. So, it means that he -with scholars of Ahlus Sunnah- agreement has been doing a great disbelief (out of Islam, ed). Wal 'iyadzu billahi tabaraka wa ta'ala.

 Means, for Islamic states now existing and erect, which is required for us to do is to improve the situation of Islamic countries, with methods that have been taught by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam; either in the way of preaching, fostering community based method at-Tasfiyah wat-MT (purify the people of shirk, heresy and immorality, then develop guiding them to understand Islam properly) and not in ways that are currently intensively conducted by most factions or parties. Such conduct military coups, uprisings, strikes, or even more ironic alliance holding the infidel countries, for the sake mnggulingkan Islamic state government, or other businesses.

 Know! Precisely all adds to the divisions and weaknesses of the Muslims in many Islamic countries!

 So, what we do is hold improvements in government Islamic countries today. We also tried to unify all Islamic countries, so that they work together, united, help from each other; and finally they like the word of Allah Almighty follows.

 والمؤمنون والمؤمنات بعضهم أولياء بعض

 "And those who believe, men and women, sebahagian them (is) be a helper for sebahagian others ..." [at-Tawbah / 9: 71]

 We should always remember and not forget that the unbelievers, although they vary disbelief, their country was different, but we should remain vigilant and alert that they always do-pooling pooling their fellow organized, both in politics , economy, science, and others. Because (they also knew) that unite the strength.

 Therefore, among our goals (in hold improvements in all areas of life) is like our Shaykh (Al-Albani rahimahullah) always writes in his books, striving for an Islamic life.

 Of course, he does not mean that the Islamic life does not currently exist at all! But what he meant, that the Islamic life that there are still many shortcomings and is still far from the religion of Allah Almighty. Therefore, we must preach to the people and the Muslims entirely, to the rule of the Shari'ah of Allah Almighty in all areas of their life; both in politics, perekonmian, or science. Similarly, in the national and international relations, either with friends or opponents.

 Here's a glimpse and our view (of the state) in general and brief. Our method is to make improvements in the way of preaching invites people to Allaah, purify them from pollution shirk, heresy and immorality, and guide and nurture them to the understanding and practice of Islam that is good and true. As the word of Allah Almighty.

 ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن

 "Call upon (humans) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and bantahlah them in a good way ...." [An-Nahl / 16: 125]

 We also do not forget, O my brothers, that the establishment of the Daulah Islamiyah is a gift and grace of God alone for His servants the righteous and pious. If we do good, righteous people also do good, then indeed the strength, power and glory of Islam is God's promise.

 Allah Almighty says.

 وعد الله الذين آمنوا منكم وعملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلف الذين من قبلهم وليمكنن لهم دينهم الذي ارتضى لهم وليبدلنهم من بعد خوفهم أمنا يعبدونني لا يشركون بي شيئا

 "And Allah has promised to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will indeed make their ruling on the earth, as He had made those before them in power, and will firmly establish for them their religion which has diridahiNya for them, and he was really going to switch (state) them, after they are in fear of being safe through, they still worship me with not associate anything with Me ... "[an-Nur / 24: 55]

 And we give the good news to you all, that the future belongs to Islam are true and straight, which is above the manhaj as-Salafush Salih. Manhaj blessed God, which bind Man to be always in touch with God and implement the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. That will bring them all to the faith, security and peace.

 We ask God Almighty to give taufiqNya always to every Muslim.

 (Adapted from a lecture of Sheikh Salim bin Id Al-Hilali in Jakarta Islamic Center, Sunday 23 Muharram 1428H / 2007M February 11)

 [Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 03 / Year XI / 1428H / 2007. Published Standing Committee Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858197]
 [1]. See the magazine al-Sunna, the coverage issue 01 / XI / 1428H / 1427M, rubric Manhaj, Salafiyyun Allegations Dismissed Lies, lectures Fadhilatusy-Sheikh Ali bin Hasan al-Halabi al-Atsari -haizhahumullahu, in the center of Jakarta Islamic mosque, Sunday 23 Muharram 1428H / 2007M February 11
 [2]. See Shaikh Salim bin scientific treatise Id al-Hilali that describe this problem clearly and in detail, Qurratu Uyun fi Tash-hihi Tafsiri Ibni Abbas Abd Allah Ta'ala Li Qaulihi: Man lamYahkum Wa Ma Anzalalluhu fa bi-ika Hummul Kafirun Ula.
 [3]. Lectures on Al-Istiqlal mosque in Jakarta, Saturday, 22 Muharram 1428H / 10 February 2007. The discussion which meant we picked up on this issue in a series of Manhaj rubric. See answer Sheikh Salim bin Id Fadhilatusy Al-Hilali hafizhahullahu about Kufrun Duna kufrin.

Brutal murder Jordanian Air Force pilot, who was burned to death by the militant group Islamic State, making the views of Muslims in the world is divided.
This action not only broad condemnation, but there are also those who support and justify IS, most people assume that the act of revenge that group based on the principles of the Koran.
Many people asked in a number of newspapers and social media, whether the acts of violence committed IS makes people rethink about Islam which is interpreted in the modern world.
The BBC's social affairs, John McManus researching the idea of violence in the Islamic world.
The level of brutality displayed IS reached a new phase with diperlihatkannya impressions online video uploaded by this group and shows Lt. Muath Al-Kaseasbeh burned alive in an iron cage.
This not only sparked outrage across the Middle East, but also a number of questions about how the IS using the teachings of Islam to fight, and if it's time to rethink how Islam is interpreted in the modern world.
Hidah Hizam pouring caustic comment in the Algerian newspaper, Al-Fadjr. "Do not say Islam is clean, psychopaths and lunatics who interpret all teachings with their mentality does not make Islam the net. Then he said that Islam needs to be freed from the ideas of 'crazy'.
Even the government-owned Egyptian newspaper, Al-Ahram, commented further, saying the death of Lt. Al-Kaseasbeh showed misconceptions about Islam.
Criminals and murderers
The newspaper said that for centuries fatwa in Islamic literature contains "ideas that can be received in the past must be purified so as not to conflict with the essence of Islam".
Comments are published newspaper Al-Ahram can not be separated from the political turmoil recently there, and the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood by President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi.
They are also open to the growing debate about Islam.
At the World Economic Forum in January, President Sides called on Muslims to think again about their religion.
"Islam, the religion with tolerance values shared by more than one billion followers, not to be judged by the actions of criminal and murderer," he said.

Al-Azhar called for militants IS to be crucified.
"We, as Muslims, must seek reform and re-evaluate our perspective so that minorities do not distort our history."
Queen Rania of Jordan said the same thing to the BBC that the country's military battles with IS only one aspect of the fight.
"This is a long term process, we must fight on many levels, there is a level of security - military - but we are also committed to the ideological battle.
"This is not Islam, and we will continue to emphasize that we must reclaim our religion of these people."
"Terrible literalism"
Islamic state (IS) certainly does not agree with what is said Queen Rania.
According to British historian Tom Holland, Islamists see themselves as the true religious reformers, peel the centuries-old tradition that is not necessary, to reveal the habits and the true message of Islam.
"I think what IS doing potentially destroy the basics of Islam," said Holland.
"They apply the Qur'an and Sunnah literalism in frightening rate.
"Islam is a sophisticated culture, in which grew a number of analyzes, philosophy and scholars.
"But the sources they use instead of the Prophet Muhammad."
Although General al-Sisi called on Muslims to think again about their religion, but the majority of Islam in Egypt still holds limitations.
For example, the author Naoot Fatima recently on trial, accused of insulting Islam, after he objected to the ritual of animal sacrifice practiced during the Eid celebration.
Homicide Lt. Al-Kaseasbeh encourage teaching center head prestigious Sunni, Al-Azhar, issued a declaration striking.
Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb major, said, according to the teachings of the Quran. IS deserve such punishment on the cross, or severed limbs.
This statement was criticized many Muslims, as it is considered very savage, but Salem abd Aljalil of Al-Azhar imam defended the statement, and told the BBC that the punishment fit.
"It was a deserved reward for the evil acts" he said, quoting from the Koran.
"That's what God says. If someone committed a crime, he should be punished in the same way. If someone committed a crime against humanity, he should be punished in the same way.
Is there any evidence, that the ordinary Muslim community is concerned about the existence of their religion in contemporary society?
Last week the BBC Arabic Talking Point program asks the audience if the scholars have done a considerable effort to challenge some ideas IS.
Some of them replied emphatically not - and may even be responsible for the current conditions.
exclusive movement
Suzanne Ezzat, said: "The scholars are not interested in modernizing the concept of religion and remain within the scope of strict and rigid interpretation set by its predecessor.
"This interpretation is stained with engineering that pollutes our religious nature of mercy."
Ashraf Hindi observed, "Religious institutions have been domesticated, so the only purpose they are supporting the regime and make the robe jurisdiction will only be useful in a religious community."
Can unhappiness was transformed into a kind of reform movement?
Yes, said Hassan Hassan, an analyst from the Delma Institute based in Abu Dhabi.
He said some people want change, but the Islamists have been hostage to the agenda and move the other way.
"When people talk about the Ummah (Muslim community) - the debate, in which Muslims regard themselves as a group, are now obsolete.
"The Islamists see themselves at the forefront of the Ikhwan al-aqeeda -Ajaran Brotherhood"
Assumptions of the past that every person 'is a Muslim' - regardless of their behavior - are challenged by this ideology.
"Criteria (who is and is not a Muslim) has been used for centuries, and therefore became, exclusive political movement."
Hassan said it had made a moderate Islam became defensive.

And the conflict in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen, it seems no one has the time and energy to fight back those ideas. (BBC)

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