The ride was not finished (299)
(Part two hundred and ninety nine), Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, 30 June 2015, 11:29 pm)
Shiite heresy
Shia mashab problems currently upheld most Iranians are
increasingly attractive, especially the conflict in the Middle East, such as
Syria, Iraq and Yemen involving Shiite group against group Ahl-ul-Sunnah
waljamaah (Sunni).
In syria assad regime, which is an Islamic group halawit,
assisted Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah army alongside Iranian troops against the
Sunni opposition groups and also groups Daulah Islamiah (ISIS) which is also
The Iraqi authorities also assisted Hezbollah Shiite
regime and Iran against the power of ISIS.
While in Yemen Shia al-Houthi rebel group against a group
of Yemenis are Sunni resistance that helped Saudi Arabia and the Gulf
Cooperation Council, Pakistan and Egypt.
According to Armen Naro in tauziahnya in Radio Rodja,
using mushab Al Quran Shia Fatimid and is different from the Sunnis who use
mushab Usman bin Affan.
Shia also believe in 12 imams they derive the things
unseen exceed Apostles and Angels.
While Allah in Surah Al Annam words in verse 50 says only
God the only one who knows unseen, even the Prophet Muhammad and the angels did
not know the unseen.
MUI: 10 Meet Criteria Shiite Doctrine Cult
KIBLAT.NET, Jakarta - Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
Center stated that the Shiite sect lately been questioned by the public is
misguided and deviant group. According to MUI, Shi'ism has met ten criteria
that have been established cult MUI in Rakernas on Tuesday, 6 November 2007, at
the Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta.
In the book 'Understanding and Shia in Indonesia
Deviations Wary' issued by MUI Nepember Center in 2013 is mentioned that a
teaching in Islam if it contains ten criteria established in Jakarta MUI above
is deviant and heretical teachings. Ten criteria mentioned MUI is, first;
denying one of the Five Pillars of Islam and Tenets, second; believe or follow
the creed that is inconsistent with the proposition syar'i (Qur'an and Sunnah),
third; believe the revelation after the Qur'an, fourth; deny the authenticity
and truth of the Qur'an.
MUI continue, fifth; interpret the Koran are not based on
the rules of interpretation, sixth; denying hadiths as a source of Islamic
teachings, seventh; harassing / deniers Prophet and Apostle, the eighth;
denying the Prophet Muhammad as the last Prophet and Messenger, ninth; reduce /
increase the points of worship that are not set Shari'a and tenth; mengkafirkan
fellow Muslims simply because it was not his group.
"The ten criteria above deviant groups have embraced
and practiced by the Shia Imamate, Ithna Asyariah and Madzhab Ahlu Bait
(Version Shiite)" MUI said in the book were distributed free of charge to
the community.
MUI show, it was revealed ten criteria adopted by the
Shia group based study and deliberation carried Silaturrahmi Agency Pesantren
Madura Ulama (BASSRA) on January 3, 2012 in the building of the Islamic Centre
Pamekasan, Madura. According to the study BASSRA, among the Shia Imami beliefs
that deviate from the principles of Islam are:
First: Tenets and Pillars of Shiite Islam distinct from
the texts of the Qur'an and the authentic Hadith mutawatir, as adding pillars
Al Wilayah (priesthood Ali bin Abi Talib and Keturuannya) as pillars of Iman
and Islam.
Second: believe their tahrif (interpolation) of the
Qur'an which means deny the authenticity and truth of the Qur'an
Third: keompok mengkafirkan another faction because they
were outside the principled man who does not believe in the pillars of the
Islamic faith and the most fundamental, namely Al Territory, it is not
considered a Muslim, wicked, even pagan. And it's not just for Muslims in
general, but also include the main companions of the Prophet Caliph Abu Bakr,
Umar and Uthman Radiyallahu anhum and everyone who agreed to pledge allegiance
to them.
In a book as thick as 152 pages in it, MUI also mentions
the statement of the great Indonesian scholars who assert that the Shia are the
teachings that deviate from the pure Islamic teachings, which in accordance
with the teachings of Salaf Salih. Scholars are Shaykh Hashim Al Ash'ari (Rais
Akbar NU), Prof. DR. Hamka (Figures Muhammadiyah and MUI coriander period
1975-1980), DR. Muhammad Nasir (Founder Propagation Council (DDI) and KH. Hasan
Bashir (MUI period 1985-1998). [Hunef]
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