The ride was not finished (295)
(Part two hundred and ninety five, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, 15 June 2015, 16:50 pm)
Blessing of Ramadan (fasting)
Began Thursday, June 18, 2015 is Muslims worldwide began
to welcome the beginning of Ramadan (fasting month), which is the word of God
is a blessed month.
Because the words of the Prophet Muhammad, in this
decline in the verses of the Koran, and in this whole fasting person sins
forgiven by God, and in God also ordained downs Lailatulqadar night.
God in his word in Sura Al-Qadr: 1). Indeed we have
lowered (Koran) on the night of glory. 2). And you know that glory night. 3).
Night of Power is better than 1000 months 4). On that night down the angels and
the angel Gabriel with his Lord permits to regulate all affairs 5) That night
(full) well-being until dawn.
In order to obtain the grace and Hidayah man of God in
order to go to heaven, God established three destiny:
The first destiny, common destiny of God written in the
"Lawh Mahfuz".
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: "Allaah
has set all the destiny of all creatures from fifty thousand years before God
created the heavens and the earth". (HR. Muslim no. 2653).
"Nothing a calamity befalls on the earth and (nor)
in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz) before We bring it.
Verily it is easy for Allah ". (QS. Al-Hadid: 22).
In this book all the fate of the creatures of God,
including the leaves are falling from the branches have been established by
God, including when a man dies, exposed to the test in the form of misfortune
pain, suffering and the form of the exam given abundant sustenance.
Then God determines the fate of a lifetime, written by angels
since exhaled spirit of God at the age of human fetal age of 4 months and ten
Then Allah establishes annual destiny called Laylat al
Qadr night.
Some hadith (Sunnah / al-wisdom) of the Prophet Muhammad
are narrated by Buchori-Muslim mentions that Tatyana Qadr night it happened at
night, the last ten days of Ramadan (fasting).
On this night how God shows man that God only gives grace
to humans.
Just imagine if we pray at night that God will give
reward as 1000 months (82 years), whereas the age of the nation of Muhammad
until now average there are rarely more than 80 years.
At the time of the ummah of Prophet Noah when night
Laylat al Qadr has not been revealed, but the age of the prophet nuh can reach
thousands of years.
That grace and a great gift of God to the ummah of
Prophet Muhammad, even though the average age of the ummah of Prophet Muhammad
is much shorter (no more than an average of 80 years) but the grace of God
given broad and large.
Of course, so that we obtain the grace of God in order to
meet the night Laylat al Qadr, we continue to pray that God met that night,
consistently carry out the commands of Allah through the Quran and Hadith
pillars of Islam.
After vowing to say; Laillahailaulah Muhammad Rasul Allah
(There is no god that must be worshiped except Allah, and Muhammad Rasul
Allah), we carry out our duty to pray five times a day, paying zakat, fasting
during Ramadan, Hajj / Umrah when able.
If all that we run, and after each prayer we do dhikr
morning and evening, in addition to istighfar we also read surah al-Ikhlas 10
Prophet Muhammad dala zikirnya his saying he was in
prayer after reading Istighfar least 100 times a day.
While remembrance is always spoken of remembrance: Subhan
Allah (Glory to God), God bless (Praise be to God), Laillahaillaulah (There is
no god that must be worshiped except Allah), Allahu Akbar (God is great),
Walakhauwalakauwataillabillah (There is no force other than Allah who can
helping humans).
Istighfar (Astagfirullahi allazim) (Ya Allah forgives all
sins servants lah).
Also recommended reading salawat Prophet Muhammad:
Muhammad Allahsoliala Waalaalisyaidina Muhammad.
In a Hadith explained, Even if the sentence
Laillahaillaulah (There is no god that must be worshiped except Allah) when we
put on a pair of scales on the right, and the entire contents of the seven
heavens and seven layers of earth placed on the scales to the left, then the
right of the weight scales far exceeding weighing scales to the left.
In valid Hadith also described Laillahaillaulah sentence
is the key to unlock the gates of heaven.
However, such locks in general, each serration lock
requires that the gates of heaven can be opened easily.
The key serration is we carry out the commands of Allah
as contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah, as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad, as
described hadith, the words of the prophet Muhammad were valid.
God's commands such as executing the pillars of Islam,
and branches that many good deeds described Allah and His Messenger.
May we include God's servant who received guidance and
grace, which is always grateful when tested God with an abundance of sustenance
Allah, and be patient when God tested with various calamities (suffering
poverty, illness, and other disasters).
Because the word of God, God is with those who are
patient, and will reward without limit to those who wait, when God tested with
Disaster sick.
Otherwise Allah will love people when God tested with the
provision of God (such treasures. Enjoyment other) with gratitude to God, to
release all their wealth in Allah (my wife and kids for a living, to pay zakat,
sadakoh orphan and widow, build mosques, schools, hospitals, and sympathize
both parents, and brothers again undergo the test in the form of misfortune
poverty, illness and other disasters).
In the month of Ramadan we encouraged many perform a
variety of worship, because the worship during Ramadan Allah folding double
reward, such as worship when performed Umrah in Ramadan equivalent reward Hajj,
when prayer in the Haram reward equivalent to 100,000 times more than prayer in
tempain on a normal day, then multiplied during Ramadan, as well as the reward
of reading the Quran, on the day when the usual reward of reading the Quran can
only stammer two rewards by one letter, if the current (understand its meaning)
Angel with the people who read it, then in the month of Ramadan doubled its
Take good care of your fasting, multiply the worship,
stay away from sinner who can break the fast and large sin. Enforce the pillars
of Islam, such as prayer five times a day, the prayer is obligatory, the reward
equivalent of 50 cycles a day (remember the prayer command in the event of Isra
Shaikh Abdurrazaq bin Abdulmuhsin hafizhahumallâh
Allah Almighty has given to His servants favors very much
and are not counted. Allah Almighty says:
وإن تعدوا نعمت الله لا تحصوها
And if you count the favors of Allah, you will not be
able to count them [Ibrahim / 14: 34]
Favors that there is absolute and some are muqayyad
(tied); there are religious and some are mundane. Allah Almighty shows his
servants to the pleasures of the past Allah Almighty also guide them to achieve
the enjoyment. Allah Almighty also called the servants to enter into Daris Salam
(heaven). Allah Almighty says:
والله يدعو إلى دار السلام ويهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم
Allah calls (men) to Darus Salam (heaven), and leadeth
man who wills to a straight path (Islam). [Yunus / 10: 25]
Allah Almighty bestows health and physical sense to them,
provide halal sustenance, subjecting to them what is in the heavens and
whatsoever is in the earth. All of this gift from Allah Almighty granted to His
servants so that they are grateful to Him, to worship only him and not
menyekutukannya. By doing it all, they will win the pleasure of Allah Almighty
and be safe from His punishment.
One example of the great favors that Allah Almighty gave
to His servants who believe that they make disyari'atkannya fasting the blessed
month is Ramadan. Allah Almighty make this fasting as one of the pillars of
Islam. Therefore fasting is a glorious favors that Allah Almighty gave to his
servants, then Allah Almighty closing paragraph containing the command to fast
the month of Ramadan with his word:
ولعلكم تشكرون
That ye may be grateful [al-Baqarah / 2: 185]
Because grateful is the purpose of the creation of a
variety of creatures and giving pleasure.
The essence of gratitude is to recognize these favors
come from Allah Almighty coupled with submission to Him, humble yourself and
love Him.
Whoever does not know a favor then he can not be
Whoever knows a pleasure but he did not know the Giver then
he will not be grateful.
Whoever knows the pleasure and know the Giver but he deny
the pleasure then it means he has Kufr against such favors.
Whoever knows the pleasure and know the Giver and he also
recognizes the enjoyment, only he did not submit to him, did not obey Him, and
do not love the Giver, and is not pleased with him, then he is not considered
to be grateful.
Whoever knows the pleasure and knowing the giver and he
is subject to Him, love Permberi favors, for his good pleasure and use them in
favor of things that loved him and in order to obey Him, then he is the one who
is said to be grateful to an easement ,
From this description, it seems clear that gratitude was
awakened at five rules:
• Submission of people who give thanks to Allah
• His Love,
• Acknowledge favor of Allah Almighty bestowed to him,
• Praising Him because He has given favor to him,
• Using these favors in order mentaat him,
These five things are the foundation of gratitude. When
one of the five foundation is missing or does not exist, then gratitude is not
considered or its value decreases. And everyone who speaks of gratitude and
understanding, then his word will never go out of five of the above [2].
In an effort to realize this gratitude, humans or the
servants of Allah Almighty is divided into different levels depending on the
extent to which they know the Almighty Creator, Giver of glory favor. Among
them are some who understand the name and nature of Allah Almighty in detail,
to understand how great His creation and His perbutatan, knowing how beautiful
creation of Allah. People like this heart will be filled with the love of
Allah, will be filled with verbal praise, his limbs will always do things that
are blessed by Allah. He admitted all the favors given to him, and used it on
things that are loved and blessed by Allah Almighty. Among humans there is also
immersed in the negligence and ignorance about Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
People who like this will be far from Allah Almighty to cause a denial that he
did against a favor of Allah, or he did not deny it but he did not want to
subject and obedient to the commands and Shari'ah of Allah Almighty.
The blessed month of Ramadan is a divine grace to all the
servants, so that those who believe their faith increases, while those who
exceeded the limit (which perform various violations-red) as well as
underestimating the shari'ah can repent to Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty privileging
this month with various specificities and privileges that no one in the other.
The following will mention some of the perks of this
month with the hope that we can understand how great favors this Ramadan so
that we are increasingly motivated to give thanks to the worship of Allah
Almighty with truth.
a. The month of Ramadan especially with al-Qur'ân,
because in this month the Qur'an was revealed as guidance for mankind. Allah
Almighty says:
شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان
Ramadan, the month in which the derived al-Qur'ân as a
guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference
(between the right and falsehood) [al-Baqarah / 2: 185]
In this verse, Allah Almighty praised Ramadan among other
months, by selecting it as a revelation of the Koran, even mentioned in a
hadith that the month of Ramadan is a time of lowered seluruk books Almighty
Allah to prophets , In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad and Mu'jamul Kabir of Imam
Thabrani of shahabat Wâtsilah bin 'Asqa', the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam said:
أنزلت صحف إبراهيم في أول ليلة من شهر رمضان, وأنزلت التوراة
لست مضين من رمضان, والإنجيل لثلاث عشرة خلت من رمضان, وأنزل القرآن لأربع وعشرين خلت
من رمضان
Shuhuf Abraham descended on the first night of Ramadan,
and the Law on the sixth day of Ramadan, while the Gospel on the thirteenth day
of the month of Ramadan, while al-Qur'ân was revealed at the twenty-fourth day
of Ramadan [3].
This hadith shows that the books samawiyah revealed to
the apostles in the month of Ramadan, it's just that the books were lowered at
the same time (not staged), while al-Qur'ân since its glory and grandeur, he is
revealed at once to Baitil Izzah in the sky World's (first) and it occurs when
Tatyana Qadr in Ramadan, as the word of Allah Almighty:
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر
Indeed, We have it down (al-Qur'ân) on the night of glory
[al-Qadr / 97: 1]
And His words:
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة مباركة إنا كنا منذرين
Surely We have revealed it on a blessed night and We-who
gave the warning. [Ad-Dukhan / 44: 3]
Then after that, revealed to the Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam gradually. It shows the privilege of Ramadan. And this month
to be special with the cause of al-Qur'ân, which this month mendapakan mankind
the great virtue of Allah, which is the revelation of Allah Almighty who
brought guidance for mankind, for the good of them in the world and in the
hereafter. Qur'an is also a difference between guidance and misguidance,
distinguishing between the haq and the falsehood, between light and darkness.
b. The month of Ramadan is special because there lailatul
him Qadr that Allah Almighty mentioned in his words:
وما أدراك ما ليلة القدر )2( ليلة القدر خير من ألف شهر
And do you know whether lailatul Qadr (Night of Power) is
it? Night of Power is better than a thousand months. [Al-Qadr / 97: 2-3]
The point is that deeds done when Tatyana Qadr is better
than a thousand deeds are done in a month other than Ramadan.
c. The month of Ramadan to be special as well because
there is fasting. Fasting in this month could be the cause of elimination of
sin. In a hadith issued by Imam al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurayrah radi
anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من صام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه
Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan with the full faith
and hope, then his sins will be forgiven the past [4]
What is meant by the full faith is full of faith to Allah
Almighty with expecting reward and reward from Him, no hate against the
obligation of fasting and do not hesitate to reward that will be acquired.
People like this, will be forgiven all sins past by Allah Almighty. Mentioned
in Saheeh Muslim from Abu Hurairah Companions radi anhu, the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
الصلوات الخمس, والجمعة إلى الجمعة, ورمضان إلى رمضان مكفرات
لما بينهن إذا اجتنبت الكبائر
Praying five times, between Friday the one with the
other, and between Ramadan with each other, among all the sins will be forgiven
by Allah Almighty, if great sins have shunned [5]
This month is also the devils chained, the gates of
Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and Allah Almighty on
every night of Ramadan frees many people from the fire of hell.
d. This month also Allah Almighty win Muslims over their
enemies in the battle of Badr, when the number of enemies at the time tripling
of the number of Muslims. At this month, Allah Almighty to conquer the city of
Mecca through the hands of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
purify Mecca of dirt idols, and there are three hundred and sixty statue that
was in the Kaaba and its surroundings. Prophet destroy the statues as he read:
وقل جاء الحق وزهق الباطل إن الباطل كان زهوقا
And say, "Truth has come and falsehood has
vanished". Verily falsehood it is definitely something disappear. [Al-Isra
'/ 17: 81]
(By this all), then the month of Ramadan is the month for
earnest and months to do good, the month of worship and jihad in the path of
By virtue possessed by this month as well as a variety of
grace that Allah Almighty gave to His servants who believe in this, then it is
proper servants glorify this month and make this month as a moment for prayer
and increase provisions hereafter.
Ya Allah Almighty make us among those who understand the
status and honor of the month of Ramadan! Give taufiq to us to do the deeds thy
good pleasure coming! Truly you are almighty prayer Hearing
[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 02 / Year
XVIII / 1435H / 2014. Published Lajnah Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo
- Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax
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