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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

DNA system, one man, two women, what should according to Islam?

Unfinished journey (200)

(Part two hundred, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, February 4, 2015, 2:53 pm)

DNA system, one man, two women, what should according to Islam?

As reported by the BBC's UK Parliament recently approved the implementation of the method of DNA, a man with two women in repairing cells of the baby to be born is to remain healthy.
Technological breakthrough science is certainly different from the system IVF controversy.

When vitro methods Islam only confirmed when a woman injected with sperm from her husband, but in the DNA system is not to disrupt the system of marriage or the origin of the baby, as long as the incoming sperm comes from the husband remains valid, if they can not enter the category adulterers are strongly opposed and prohibited God.
Throughout the DNA system is not against the law of God (the Koran and the Hadiths), then for the sake of health and human survival yes, it is okay

Mitochondria are small compartments in every cell of the body that convert food into energy that can be used.
And defective mitochondria-which is only passed on by the mother to anaknya- among others, could cause brain damage, heart failure, and blindness.
The technique will be applied using a modified IVF method for combining the DNA of an old couple who had healthy mitochondria with a female donor.

Baby technique of DNA 3 people supported the British parliament

Result of the vote: 382 favor and 128 against.
British Parliament supports the creation of a DNA baby two women and a man, who is one of the historic decision in the UK.
The results of the vote in the lower house of the British parliament on Tuesday (03/02) night in London, is 382 support and 128 against techniques to stop the defective gene is passed by a mother to her child.
Britain is now the world's first country to implement legislation to create a baby of three people.
In a debate in parliament, proponents say such techniques as the 'light at the end of the tunnel' for many British families.
Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sally Davies, said support in parliament will put the UK is at the forefront of the development of science.
However, the results of voting in parliament still needs approval in the upper house and if approved also the first baby with 3 DNA techniques are likely to be born next year.
Techniques developed in Newcastle, northern England, this will help women like Sharon Bernardi who lost her seven children because mitochondrial disorders.
Mitochondria are small compartments in every cell of the body that convert food into energy that can be used.
And defective mitochondria-which is only passed on by the mother to anaknya- among others, could cause brain damage, heart failure, and blindness.
The technique will be applied using a modified IVF method for combining the DNA of an old couple who had healthy mitochondria with a female donor.
Last week, a number of important figures of the Anglican Church and the Catholic Church in England urged politicians to oppose these techniques because it is considered unsafe and unethical.

Subhan Allah, all knowledge comes from God ...

December 30, 2012 at 10:48
Rewritten to share for all that there disisni wrote. To be sure all knowledge comes from God, as well as Mathematics:

                 1 x 8 + 1 = 9
               12 x 8 + 2 = 98
             123 x 8 + 3 = 987
           1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
         12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
       123456 x 8 + 6 = 987 654
     1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
   12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98,765,432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

                   1 x 9 + 2 = 11
                 12 x 9 + 3 = 111
               123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
             1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
           12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
         123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
       1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
     12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111

               9 x 9 + 7 = 88
             98 x 9 + 6 = 888
           987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
         9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
       98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
      987654x 9 + 2 = 8888888
   9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88,888,888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888 888 888

Take a look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12,345,654,321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

less great,,,,
Now look at this

If 101% viewed from the point of view of mathematics, whether it is equal to 100%, or it MORE than 100%?

We always hear people say he could give more than 100%, or we are always in a situation where someone wants us to give 100% completely.

What if want to reach 101%?
Is the value of 100% in life?
Maybe a little mathematical formula below can help give
the answer.

If ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ equated as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Thus, the word HARD WORK worth:
11 + 5 + 18 + 10 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 18 + 19 + 1 = 99%

8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 +! 5 + 18 + 11 = 99%

11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96%

19 + 11 + 12 + 12 = 9+ 63%

1+ 3+ 9+ 20+ 15+ 14 = 62%

1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100%

Themselves or ATTITUDE Attitude is the main case to reach 100% in our lives. If we work hard though but no positive ATTITUDE within ourselves, we still have not reached 100%.

12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 = 101%

19 + 1 + 25 + 1 + 14 + 7 + 1 + 12 + 12 + 1 + 8 = 101%

It's really fantastic and possibly fraudulent but indeed a miracle from God. Wallahualam bissawab.
Science in the Qur'an Itself

Background Of The Problem
   The Qur'an is the everlasting miracle of islam where more advanced knowledge, the more visible the validity kemukjizatannya. Allah down to Prophet Muhammad to free mankind from the darkness into the light of the divine life, and guide them to the path lururs. Prophet menyampakannya to his friends as a native Arabic course can understand their nature. If there is anything that is unclear to them about the verses that they receive, they immediately asked Rasulullah. Among the mercy of God toward man is He not only confer a sacred nature that can membimbingkan to goodness even also from time to maa sent a Prophet who brought the book as a way of life from God, inviting people to worship Him alone. Delivering the good news and gives a warning that there is no reason for people to mebantah God after the arrival of the Apostles.

B. Problem Formulation
  In connection with the extent of the chapter to be discussed, the authors identify the problem in the form of questions that allows the author to define and formulate the problem as follows:
  1. What is the science in the Qur'an?
  2. What does the Koran against science?
  3. What is the nature of science in the Qur'an?
  4. How did relation to the interpretation of the Quran surah al Mujadalah: 11, Taha: 114, an-Naml: 15, al Qashah: 14?

C. Objectives of Papers
  The purpose of the discussion of this paper are:
  1. To know the notions of science.
  2. To determine the views of the Qur'an to science.
  3. To determine the nature of science in the Qur'an.
  4. To determine the relation of the nature of the science of interpretation several verses in the Quran (surah al Mujadalah: 11, Taha: 114, an-Naml: 15, al Qashah: 14).

  D. Method of Preparation

Papers In preparation of this paper is need for a method that actually fit and able to support the pembahasan.Oleh therefore the method used is the study of literature (literature) to collect sources used by the author are listed in the bibliography. E. Systematic Preparation of Papers In this paper the authors divide the sections:
1. CHAPTER I Introduction In this chapter elaborated on the background of the problem, formulation of the problem, the purpose, methods of discussion and systematic discussion.
2. CHAPTER II Theoretical Platform In this chapter listed some explanations on the basis of research methods discussed in this paper
3. CHAPTER III Discussion This chapter includes discussion of various research methods and an explanation
  4. CHAPTER III Conclusion and Suggestions In this chapter described the conclusions and suggestions

  The Qur'an is the word of God that it contains a lot of the magic that proves this fact. One of them is the fact that a number of scientific truths that are only capable we said with the technology of the 20th century turned out to have been declared the Qur'an about 1400 years ago. However, the Qur'an certainly not a book of science. However, in a number of verses there are many scientific facts stated are accurate and true that new technologies can be found in the 20th century. These facts can not be known at the time the Qur'an was revealed, and it further proves that the Qur'an is the word of God. The Qur'anic view of science and technology can be known principles of the analysis of the first revelation received by the Prophet Muhammad. "Read in the (call) the name of your Lord Who created. He has created man from alaq. Read it, and your Lord, Most Gracious. Who taught man with the pen, taught man what he did not know." (Surat al-'Alaq [96]: 1-5). Iqra 'drawn from the root word meaning to gather. From collecting born convey various meanings like, examine, explore, examine, know the features something, and read the text either in writing or not. The first revelation was not explained what to read, because the Koran wants his people to read anything during the reading bismi Rabbik, in a sense beneficial to humanity. Iqra 'means read, examine, dalamilah, know the characteristics of something; read nature, signs of age, history, and the self, which is written or not. As a result, the command object iqra 'includes everything that can be of her reach. Repetition command reads the first revelation is not just indicate that the reading skills will not be obtained unless the repeated reading or reading should be done to reach the maximum limit of ability. But it is to suggest that repeated readings bismi Rabbik (for the sake of Allah will generate new knowledge and insights, although the reading is still the same old stuff. That message contained Iqra 'wa rabbukal akram (Read and your Lord, the Most Gracious). Furthermore, , from the first revelation of the Quran obtained signal that there are two ways the acquisition and development of science, that is, God taught by the pen that has been known another man before, and teach humans (without pen) that is not yet known. the first way is to teach the instrument or on the basis of business man. the second way to teach without tools and without human effort. Although different, both come from one source, namely God. Each has a subject and object of knowledge. in general, the subject is required to understand the role of the object. However, the scientific experience shows that the object is sometimes introduced themselves to the subject without the subject of business. for example comet Halley who enters the horizon just a moment every 76 years. In this case, although astronomers prepare themselves with cutting-edge equipment to observe and know him, the more real is the presence of the comet's role in introducing ourselves. Revelation, inspiration, intuition, hunch has man who is ready and holy soul, or what is thought to be "accidental" experienced by the diligent scientist, everything is nothing but forms of teaching God analogous to the case of comet above. That teaching without Qalam affirmed by the first revelation of the Koran.

  A. Science in the Qur'an The word science in its various forms repeated 854 times in the Quran. This word is used in the sense of the process of achieving the object of knowledge and knowledge. 'Ilm means clarity in terms of language, because it is all that is formed from the root has the characteristic clarity. Consider for example the word 'nature (flags),' ulmat (cleft lip), 'knows best (mountains),' address (address), and so on. Science is a clear knowledge about something. Nevertheless, this word is different from the 'arafa (knowing)' a'rif (who knows), and ma'rifah (knowledge). Allah SWT. not named a'rif 'but' alim, who said ya'lam work (he knows), and usually the Quran uses the word -to God-the things he knows, though unseen, hidden, or concealed. Consider the following knowledge objects are ascribed to God: ya'lamu ma yusirrun (God knows what they keep secret), ya'lamu ma fi al-arham (God knows something is in the womb), ma tahmil kullu untsa (what contained by each female / female), ma fi anfusikum (which is in you), ma fissamawat wa ma fil ard (that is in the heavens and on the earth), khainat al-'ayun wa ma tukhfiy ash-shudur (winks and hidden in the chest). Likewise 'ilm that anchored in the human, everything implies clarity.

  B. The Qur'anic Against Science In view of the Quran, science is a privilege that makes humans superior to other creatures in order to carry out the functions of the caliphate. This is reflected in the story of human events first described the Quran in surah Al-Baqarah: 31 and 32. And he (God) taught Adam the names (objects) everything. Then he bring it to the angels as he said, "Tell me the names of the objects if ye are truthful (in dugaanmu)." They (the angels) said, "Glory be to thee no knowledge except what has been you teach. Truly you are the All-Knowing, All-Wise. "Man, according to the Koran, have the potential to gain knowledge and develop it with the permission of Allah. Therefore, scattered verses that commanded people sought ways and means to achieve this goal. Many times the Quran also shows how high the position of people who are knowledgeable. In the view of the Quran revelation-as implied by the first of science consists of two kinds. First, the knowledge obtained without human effort, called 'ilm ladunni, as informed, among others, by the Quran surah Al-Kahf (18): 65. Then they (Moses and his students) met with a servants and slaves of Us, which have We gave him a mercy from Us, and We taught him the science and the Us. Secondly, the knowledge obtained as a business man, named 'ilm kasbi. Verses 'ilm kasbi much more than talk about the' ilm Laduni. This division is because in the view of the Quran there are things that are "there" but can not be known through human effort alone. There is a form that does not appear, as confirmed many times by the Koran, among others, in his words: I swear by what you see and what you do not see (Surah Al-Haqqah [69]: 38-39). Thus, the object of science covers the material and non-material. phenomena and non-phenomenon, there is even a form which, let alone seen, was not known by man. He creates what you do not know (Surah Al-Nahl [16] From this it is also clear that human knowledge is very limited, because it is natural to affirm God. You are not given knowledge except a little (Surat al-lsra '[17]: 85) .

  C. Nature of Science in the Qur'an in a comprehensive proposal of science, in addition to the Koran emphasizes the study of the natural phenomena and human using the senses and empirical, also strongly condemn this study with reflection and reasoning that, in the end, all it falls within the embrace of religion. Having regard to the depth dimension of the divinity of natural phenomena in relation to the power of the creator, the Qur'an puts knowledge gained from the senses, empirical, reason, faith and piety as a man in order to improve the facilities and personal development. Definition chosen by Murtaza Muthahari to the essence of science in view of the Quran is familiar verse, on that basis, the whole universe is a sign and a sign of the greatness of Allah. Allama Ja'fari introduced him as "a reminder of knowledge". Thus, knowledge of the Koran has paved the way reveal verses and impressions of the divine with the human urge to examine the history, nature, and himself. By doing so, then in addition to increasing the level of knowledge in recognizing the relationships and relationships antarfenomena in this realm, the Koran will uncover the deepest layers of knowledge through the knowledge of the relationship of various phenomena and signs with the fundamental meaning of human existence and the direct road to happiness and safety. Allama Thabathabai define the essence of science in the literary language of the Quran as, "In principle, the language of science in the Quran is the belief in Allah. and his verses ". In another place, he he wrote, "The Qur'an calls these sciences with the requirements as a guide to truth and nature, contain essential worldview that puts divinity are in it. If not, then science is conceived to excite people and prevent them from truth and nature, in the dictionary of the Koran, is synonymous with ignorance. Similarly, Al-Ghazali in Ihya 'Ulum al-Din and al-Kashani in Mahajjat Al-Baydha' introduce science with such definition, "Science is also used to Allah., His verses, and his deeds to the servants His and His creatures. "the researchers are trying hard to describe the theory of science in the Quran, but it should be noted that in the Quran, says science is not used in the plural, because the science is not more than one, which is the knowledge of Allah. , his effects and signs of His infinite and seemed scattered on external nature and internal nature of man, and the introduction is familiar verse tool that manages all the facilities of human knowledge in order to meet and achieve the purpose of human creation and escort advanced theoretical and practical. "Al-Quran introduce science and sure as the purpose of creation, while worship itself is expressed as a secondary goal, as in Surah Al-Dzariat, Allah. said, "No I created the jinn and mankind except to worship", and in Surah Al-Hijr said, "And worship your Lord until the sure to come to you." Therefore, even if worship is the goal, but the goal mainly is sure, that knowledge awake of errors and changes. D. Interpretation-Related Science in the Qur'an Itself 1. Interpretation of verse 11 of surah al Mujadalah. Meaning: "O people of faith when you say unto you: 'charitable-lapanglah in the majlis', then Allah will give lapangkanlah spaciousness for you. and when it is said: "Stand ye ', then stand it, Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge. and Allah knows what you do ". Explanation Meaning: "O those who believe in Allah and His Messenger justify, when it is said unto you, give spaciousness in the majlis of the Prophet or in the council of war, ye give Allah will pave the spaciousness of grace and sustenance for you in places where you in heaven ". The Companions race seat adjacent to the Prophet Muhammad has been issued by Ibn Abu Hatim of Muqatil, he said: It is the Messenger of Allah on Friday there shuffah, being where it was narrow. He honors those who joined the battle of Badr, whether they were immigrants and Ansar. Then a few people among them that, among Thabit Ibn Qais. They had been preceded in terms of seating people. Then they were standing in front of the Messenger of Allah and then they say "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa O Prophet barakatuh" He answered their greetings. Then they shook hands with people and people were answering their greetings. They stood waiting to be spaciousness for them, but they were not given spaciousness. It was heavy by the Prophet. Then He said to the people who are around him, "Stand thou, O So and so, stand thou, O So and so. He asked a few people to stand in line with the number of those who came. It seemed heavy with them, and he looked after by their discomfort. Hypocrites are thus condemned it and said, "By Allah, he is not fair to them. Those people have taken their seats and want to be near him. But he told them to stand up and tell the people sitting late. "So the verse came down. Al-Hasan said, is the best friend in the majlis serried battle when they lined up to march to war, so most of them do not provide spaciousness to others because of his desire for martyrdom. And from this verse we know: 1. The friends vying for a seat adjacent to the Prophet to listen to him talk, because he talks it contains many good and great virtue. Therefore then he said, "let me sit adjacent ones mature and understanding among you." 2. The order to provide greater flexibility in the Majlis and pressed them together when it's not possible, because that will cause a sense of love in the hearts and togetherness in hearing religious laws. 3. People who paved the servants gods doors goodness and pleasure, will dilapangkan her goodness in the world and in the hereafter. In summary, this text covers the provision of spaciousness in conveying all kinds to the Muslims and the fun. If you are asked to stand up from the majlis Prophet then you stand, because the Prophet was sometimes want to be alone in order to plan the affairs of religion or perform some specific tasks that can not be fulfilled or completed penunaiannya except in a state of their own. If you are asked to stand up from the majlis Prophet then you stand, they have made it a general law that they say if the owner of the Majlis told who was on majlisnya, "Stand ye" it should be the words that followed. God exalts the believers to follow His commands and command Apostle, especially those who have knowledge among those degrees that much in terms of rewards and levels of contentment. In summary, in fact, O believers, if one of you give spaciousness for his brother when it comes, or if he was told to get out and he came out, then let him not think at all that it reduces their rights. That such an increase and addition to its proximity to the side of his Lord. Allaah will not waste such it but he will get back in the world and in the hereafter. For anyone who tawadu 'to the command of Allah then Allah will elevate and broadcast his name. God knows all your deeds. There is nothing vague for him, who is obedient and who are ungodly among you. He will reward you all with charitable deeds. People who do well rewarded with good and bad people who do will be rewarded him with what is proper for him or diampuninya 2. The interpretation of paragraph 114 letters to Taha. Meaning: "So the king of the Most High God in truth, and do not be hasty reading al quran before perfected revealed them unto [946], and Say:" O my Lord, add science to me. "(Q.S Taha: 114) That is: Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. forbidden by God mimicked reading Gabriel U.S. sentence by sentence, before Gabriel U.S. complete read, in order to Prophet Muhammad memorize and understand really verses revealed it. Most holy God - the power to command and forbid. Who is entitled to his appointment expected and feared his threats, which are fixed and do not change - the decline of the Qur'an to them no purpose for which it was revealed, that they left the immoral acts and do all obedience. No doubt, this verse contains the command to examine the Koran and the explanation that all the advice and prohibitions are divine stratagem containing the benefit of the world and the Hereafter, only the people who were left by God who would stray from Him; and that the promise and the threat it contains entirely true, not mixed with falsehood; that the people of truth are those who follow falsehood and people are turning away from the thought of the ban-prohibitions. Do not be hasty in your heart to read it before Gabriel finished deliver to you. Gabriel narrated when the Prophet delivered Qur'an followed by pronouncing each letter and sentence, because he worried about being able to memorize. So he is forbidden to do so because it may pronounce the sentence would make careless to listen to the next sentence. On this Allaah lowered his word: It means: "Do not move your tongue to (read) the Qur'an that they might quickly (master) his [1532]. Indeed, the expense was our collecting (in the chest) and (makes clever) read. When we have finished reading read So follow it. Then, at the expense Indeed we were the explanation. [1532] That is: Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. forbidden by God mimicked reading Gabriel U.S. sentence by sentence, before Gabriel U.S. complete read, in order to Prophet Muhammad memorize and understand really verses revealed it. Summary: listen well and live lessened by the revelation of the Quran down to bring to you; until when the angel finished to read, then read afterwards. Ask additions to God without haste read revelation because what is revealed to you it will be eternal. 3. Interpretation of verse 15 Surah an-Naml means: "And We have indeed given knowledge to David and Solomon; and they both said: "Praise be to Allah who has preferred Us from many servants who believe". (Surat an-Naml: 15) Explanation Surely We have given David and his son Solomon as most of the science. We taught him the manufacture of armor and armor, while the Solomon We teach the language of birds and reptiles, rosary mountain, and others We have not given to anyone before them. Then they give thanks to God for the gift bestowed upon them, and said, "Praise be to Allah who has favored us - the prophetic, the Book, and the subordination of the devil and demons are given to us - on most of the believers among His servants who have not been given as to what is given to us. "this verse refers to the primacy of science and the glory of the owner. It is evident, that David and Solomon grateful and make the principle of the primacy without the slightest regard to the other, in the form of a large empire that was given to them. 4. Interpretation of verse 14 Surah al Qashah Meaning: 'and after Moses was old enough and sought, We gave to him Hikmah (Prophethood) and knowledge. and thus do We reward those who do good. (Surat al-Qasas: 14) Explanation After a strong body and his mind perfectly, so we gave him a religious understanding and knowledge of the law. This is confirmed by God in His Word others: Meaning: "and remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and Wisdom (sunnah prophet). God is All-gentle, All-knowing. As we have given a reply to Moses on obedience to Us and giving him a favor for her patience to command us, then so are we reply to every servant who do good, to obey commands and avoid a ban Us. After informing the preparation of Moses to be a prophet, then Allah revealed the reason he moved to Madyan and got a great variety of challenges.

  A. Conclusion Islam is a religion that collateralize science. The Islamic view of the very significant Sciences. This is evident in Islamic terms someone that he should use his brain to think and receive revelation / Islam. Yes, Islam is glorified science even the revelation that first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad is a must read is to see, examine letters and nature. In Surah al-'Alaq verses 1-5 it says: Meaning: "read it (call) the name of your Lord who created (1), He has created man from a clot (2) Read and your Lord, Most merciful (3) the teaching (humans) with perantaran kalam [Meaning: God taught man through literacy] (4) He teaches man what he did not know (5) "the order for the acquisition of knowledge is very clear that Islam really appreciate science. Islam strictly prohibits taqlidu-l a'ma but oblige his community for al-Ittiba '. Taqlidu-l a'ma and al-Ittiba 'has a different meaning. Taqlidu-l a'ma mean just follow the previous, follow whatever the older person without knowing the science and understand the essence, the opposite of al-Ittiba 'is to follow the previous ones but with accompanying knowledge about it, not only trailing but know what, why, how and to what law / teachings he received. Even so, there are limitations in the use of reason in matters of law. Guidelines lives Muslim is a Muslim al-Quran and al-Hadith, only then use common sense in determining issues and muamalah sharia. B. Recommendations As a suggestion from the above discussion is that for the realization of the goals that are so good in order to study behest. Then each student and academic sifitas in college should have a logical and rational concept for restrictions on use of reason in matters of the Shari'a. Guidelines lives Muslim is a Muslim al-Quran and al-Hadith, only then use common sense in determining issues and muamalah sharia. Let us use the intellect which is the highest gift of God to man alone. Using the mind to think, contemplate God's creation so that we include those ulul-Albab as Allah says in Surah Ali-Imran verse 190-191. Allah says: "Verily the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people of understanding, (ie) those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying down and their objec thinking about creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "O Lord We, You have not created this in vain, thou holy Maha, then guard Us from the torment of the Fire." (QS. Al Imran 190-191).


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Every disease has a cure
The Prophet. said,
"Each of these diseases there must be a cure. If a drug has been on the disease, the disease would have healed by the permission of Allah." (HR.Muslim & Ahmad)
Prophet. also said,
"It is not God send down a disease, but he lowered his medicine." (Muttafaq 'alaih)

Two hadith above contains endorsements for the presence of causality and refutation of those who reject the reality. The phrase, "Every disease is definitely no cure," meaning that can be general so including deadly diseases and various diseases can not be cured by doctors because it has not found a cure. Though God has lowered the drug every disease, but humans have not been able to find it, or God has not given instructions to man to find a cure of the disease.

And this hadith also be a strengthening of the soul for those who are sick not to despair to obtain recovery, because Allah has given the drug for the disease.

All diseases can be cured, except an old disease. Because old age is a definite period in the whole of human nature without exception.

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