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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Why do we kill each other, and fight

Unfinished journey (198)

(Part one hundred and ninety-eight, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, February 1, 2015, 22:05 pm)

Why do we kill each other, and fight

History of murder and warfare as implied in the Qur'an, as well as sacred book before Islam, such as the Gospel (Christianity / Christian) and other historical sources indicate this conflict first occurred in human children (Caliph) of Allah on earth the first time in children Adam, which is between Abel and Cain.
Of the murder (the shedding of blood is) followed by subsequent human history thousands of years later, as a murder committed army of King Nimrod, Pharaoh against the followers of the Prophet Moses (Jews).
Gaining a war between the Kingdom in China, India, Europe, Latin America, in Indonesia, is now in the modern era is still going on tertorial expansion ambitions as did triad State leaders, Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy) and Hirohito (Japan) , the three leaders want to rule the world, through the expansion of Germany to Poland, Hungary to Russia, also Italian expansion up to Ethiopia and other African countries, while Japan was the expansion into Korea, China, and Indonesia, before finally the third expansion of this country dammed United States and its allies, and the peak in the city of Nagasaki atomic bomb and Hiroshima.
World War I and II at the expense of millions of soldiers and civilians apparently did not stop the conflicts and wars between nations and countries.
Because of differences in ideology of the United States sent millions of troops to defend South Vietnam to contain communist expansion from the north, as well as in the Korean War, the United States sent troops to help South Korea who fought against the communist North Korea aided China and the Soviet Union.
So also in the war in Afghanistan between the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union occupation troops. The United States has advanced weaponry (like Stinger) through the CIA, so the Mujahideen able to fight the Communist army.
Conflicts based on an understanding of religion (mashab) now also happening in the Middle East, between Shia and Sunni (Salafi) in Yemen, where Shi'a managed to occupy the palace and want power in Yemen. Transition of power from Sunni (Saddam Hussein) to Shiite) is now also happening in Iraq, as the President and Prime Minister of Iraq is now controlled by the Shia (President Maliki).
Now conflict mashab difference Sunni (Salafi) with Shia's also happening in Iraq Syria, and intensified since the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) which uses the system of the Islamic caliphate with its capital declared Raqqah (or Mosul) they even have a leader other than the Caliph , also publishes its own currency dinar.
Then What interests of the United States to lead the 80 countries want to destroy ISIS. A lot of speculation that economic factors are more important than ideology, because the world's largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia in Iraq. So for the interest of the long-term and guaranteed supply of crude oil from the Middle East (Iraq) to the United States. The US does not want to lose its influence in the Middle East.
History proves the sophistication of weaponry is not always a measure of victory in a war, just look at the Vietnam War, the United States has sent millions of soldiers and thousands of bombers and tanks, but can be defeated by Communist forces militancy weaker weaponry but more confident and militant in defense country.
It also happened in Afghanistan Army Soviet Union much more sophisticated weaponry and  defeated the Mujahideen, who has two powers, one of the CIA's advanced weapon United States, another strength of ideological, religious, who saw the fight against the infidels, when they first fought (defend themselves from colonialism) is jihad fisabilillah promised God, if being patient will be in Heaven.
Thus, both of these factors led to the victory achieved by the Mujahideen.
At the time of the Iraq war against Iran, occurred many years the war, with no single party won an absolute seca.
Perhaps, this is because these two countries have the same power of two factors, in addition to weapons, the number of soldiers, as well as religious ideology, both equally Islamic nation and put the sentence of God on the flag State. They differ even understand (Shiite) Iran and Iraq Sunni) but both have the same God, the same God and the Prophets Muhammad.
Later Salafi groups have accused the Shia are not Muslims, because the pillars of Islam and Iman different, if Sunni (Salafi) two sentences creed quite acknowledge No sir worshiped besides Allah, and Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, if Shia, supposedly added in addition to the Prophet Muhammad also added 12 Shia Imam.
So there is a difference of interpretation about the meaning of Scripture Al Qur an and Hadith of the Prophet, so happen prolonged debate between the Sunni Ulema and Shia Ulema.
So if this is mentioned in the Qur'an a warning Angels of God, that man created them to kill each other, that Allah revealed the Quran and Hadith that humans do not kill each other, except for lawful warfare as the Koran commands.
When the war was not lawful Allah, then if we are not punished the world, but it would be justified in the hereafter.
Is not it enough for a human way of life that God has given is true, success was not our lives be the richest treasures in the world, the smartest, strongest, most handsome, most beautiful, but the best man according to God is the most righteous, and rich faith
It is enough that the man of God as man's best choice will feel the Prophet Muhammad died, powerful people in the world of King Nimrod (Pharaoh), Alexander the Great, Khu Bilai Khan, Jeng His Khan, Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Sukarno, Suharto, King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah to Indonesian businessman Bob Sadino, and Sodono Salim, President Ronald Reagan is dead, we all are still alive will be caught up with them, so while still alive, we should not do wrong let alone do not kill fellow human beings (especially killing fellow Muslims) .

Muslim brotherhood

"And bertaqwalah to God by means of His names, you ask each other, and (guard) the relationship of friendship." (QS. An-Nisa: 1)
"A believer to believer (other) like one building, mutually reinforce each other." (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
Muslim brotherhood or fraternity of Islam is one of the vital aspects and is emphasized in the teachings of Islam. So much advice and orders are called to strengthen the bond of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, and many prohibitions to decide kinship in Islam. All that has been delivered in the teachings of Islam, either through word of Allah in the Qur'an or through the words of the Prophet in the Hadith.

Prophet himself who is an option humans have shown how Muslims should always maintain brotherly relationship. Through his saying, he has so much to remind his people to always maintain the integrity persaudaraanya in Islam, because Islam is a religion that forbids his people to decide kinship or friendship, especially with a brother who is in the shade of Islam.

From Abdullah bin Abi Aufa ra. say, when the afternoon on the day of Arafah, when we sat around the Prophet, suddenly he said, "If in this assembly there are people who decide gathering, please stand up, do not sit with us." And when it is, among the present there is only one that stands, and even then sit in the distance. Then the man went in a short time, after which he came and sat back.

Then, the Prophet was asked, "Since you only present among the stand, and then you come and sit back, what actually happened? He then said, "As soon as you hear the words, I went to see my aunt who had decided the relationship with me. Because of my arrival, he said, "Why have you come, you usually do not like to come here." Then I convey what You have decreed. Then he ask forgiveness for me, and I ask forgiveness for her (after we make peace, then I come back here).

Then the Messenger of Allah also said to him, "You have done a good deed, sit down, the grace of God will not descend upon a people if in it there are people who decide the relationship."

What has happened in the history of the above certainly very appropriate to the word of Allah the following:

"Indeed, the believers are brothers, so make peace between the two brothers and fear Allah, that ye may obtain mercy" (QS. Al Hujuraat: 10)

Strengthen the brotherhood of Islam is also a form of enforcement power of Islam in daily life. Because Muslims are one with the other is like a building that is complementary and mutually reinforcing. If there is a shortage of his brother, then it becomes his duty to always complete or guard, not just throw away or decide. Muslims who each other is like one body that if one member of the body experiencing pain, the whole body will feel it too. This is where the power of Islam will be formed through a strong fraternal relations.

"The parable of the faithful in love, love, and mutual empathy is like one body. If one of its members feel the pain of the whole body also feel the vigil and feel the fever. "(HR. Muslim)

He also once said, "No one else goodness reward obtained faster than friendship, and there is no any sin that adzabnya more quickly gained in the world, as would be obtained in the hereafter, exceeding injustice and decided strap." In another narration , from Anas, he said that Rasulullah Allah said, "Whoever likes dilapangkan sustenance and former dilamakan paw (extended age), he should connect strap. (HR. Mutafaq 'alaih)

In another narration, the Prophet was once asked by a friend, "O Prophet! Tell me charities that can put me in paradise". He replied; "You worship God, do not associate him with everything, you set up the prayer, charity, and you connect exert friendship". (HR. Bukhari).

The arguments above have explained the importance of the meaning of an Islamic brotherhood. So important and vital function strengthen Islamic brotherhood, to the Prophet did not want to admit people who do not have kepedualian against his affairs as his people, it is as stated by the Prophet in his saying which means:

Of Hudhayfah bin Yemen ra. said: The Messenger of Allah. said, "Who does not ihtimam (matter) to the affairs of the Muslims, then it is not included among them.". (HR. At Tabarani)

Once we know the urgency of a brotherhood in Islam, from this moment, let us begin to always connect, strengthen, and maintain our friendship ties in the path of Islam. Many things can we do to in order to connect, strengthen and maintain the Islamic brotherhood, among which are:

1. stated by Rasa Love You

Express love, which is known in the young people was limited to declare his love for his girlfriend alone. However, the highest Islamic religious teachings have a broader scope than just that. Expressed his love was also urgently needed in order to strengthen the brotherhood with fellow Muslims. It is, as has been recommended by the Prophet in his sayings.

Prophet. said, "If a man loves his brother, let him say love him." (HR. Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)

In another narration, Anas. saying that someone was on the side of the Prophet, then one of the companions through it. People who are on the side of the Holy Prophet said, "I love him, O Messenger of Allah." Then the Messenger of Allah said, "Did you tell him?" The man replied, "Not yet." Then the Messenger of Allah said, "Tell him." then the man told him and said, 'I love you because of God. "then a loved one replied," May God love you because you love me because of him. "(HR. Abu Dawud)

2. Show me a Happy Face

Meet with someone who has a radiant face will surely carve special memories. The face with a smile, full of passion and melancholy hue will not show cause longing for his brother. It could be beaming that we have pointed out it would give a positive spirit to you that we have encountered. Thus, it will be there arose the desire to always want to meet and see the radiant face.

Prophet. said, "Do not underestimate any good, although just met your brother with a cheerful face." (HR. Muslim)

3. Shaking Hands

Shaking hands is one form of physical contact that can touch the hearts of both parties melakukannnya if done with sincere intentions and vigorously because Allah. Hold your brother's hand tightly and warm, up to the spirit in the handshake can penetrate deep inside.

Prophet. said, "No two Muslims who meet and shake hands, but both were forgiven before parting." (HR. Abu Dawud)

4. Mutual Visiting

Besides being able to tighten the brotherhood in Islam, visit each visit is one way that will bring us to gain the love of Allah. This is similar to the following words of the Prophet:

Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah. said, 'It would have got my love people who love because I, the two are visiting because I, and give each other because I'. "(HR. Maalik in al-Muwatta ')

5. Provide Greeting

It can not be denied that the concern is one form of action that is very effective to strengthen a relationship. And one way to show concern for our brothers is to congratulate him when he gets a success. Brotherhood in Islam can only be slack just because of the nature indifferent to each other and do not care about each other.

In this case, the Prophet has said, from Anas bin Malik, the Prophet said, "Whoever meets his brother by taking something that can menggembirakannya, surely God will menggembirakannya on the Day of Resurrection." (HR. Thabrani in Mu'jam Shagir)

6. Mutual Giving Gifts

Hadith marfu 'from Anas that, "You shall give each other gifts, because it can pass on the gift of love and removes soiling heart." (Thabrani)

Still in the hadith marfu 'Thabrani also been narrated from' A'ishah. that, "Get used to one another to give a gift, you will undoubtedly love each other."

Both of the above hadith hadith although classified under marfu ', but the meaning is very positive and very supportive commands to strengthen the brotherhood in Islam as conveyed in the Qur'an and Hadith.

7. Mutual Help

Messenger of Allah said, "Who releases a believer in the world's trouble He will release his troubles in the hereafter. Who is it easier for people in trouble, Allah will ease (affairs) in the world and in the hereafter. Who is covered (disgrace) a Muslim, Allah will cover (her shame) in the world and in the hereafter. And God has always helped his servant if the servant helps his brother. "(HR. Muslim)

Referring to the above hadith can be deduced that actually help our brothers who were experiencing difficulty or adversity, basically is to help ourselves later. Because whoever is easier for people who are experiencing distress, eat Allah will ease the difficulties in the Hereafter. Whoever closes his disgrace, then Allah was the one who would shut her shame in the world and in the hereafter.

Indeed, strengthen Islamic brotherhood relationship adaladah one pious charity which no measurable value. Through strong relationships Islamic brotherhood, meaning we have helped to enforce Islamic power in the body, as in the know that the Messenger of Allah has said, "A believer to believer (other) like one building, mutually reinforcing each other." (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The stronger the relationship of Islamic brotherhood that we intertwine, the more sturdy Similarly Islamic building that will stand.

And of course, we have seen through the arguments above that so many benefits that we will get as a reward for our struggle to bind the Muslim brotherhood. May we all belong to the class of people who always get a reply goodness of God Almighty for keeping the relationship of brotherhood in Islam. Amen.

Why Salafi Manhaj Only

by The
Shaikh Salim Abu Usama bin 'Eid Al-Hilaaly

Very much the arguments of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the words of a friend who will explain the praise of those who follow the path of As-Salaf and slurs against people who do not do so. And these are cases that strengthens the obligation to follow the Salaf manhaj and insists that he is the way of salvation and happiness in life. Here we throw a few dozen arrows to people who doubt hesitate to spread the faith of the believers of the tree so picking the sweetness of faith from the top of lush trees and take shelter under kerindangannya in the cradle and fragrance.

The First
Word of Allaah.

"Meaning: Those who passed again the first place (to Islam) among the people muhajirin and the Ansar and those who follow them well, God's good pleasure to them and provide for their God-Jannah Jannah flowing rivers river in it, they will abide therein forever. that's a great victory "[at-Tawbah: 100]

Pendalilannya side is, the Lord of all mankind has praised those who follow the best of human beings it is clear that they (people earlier else first (to Islam) among the people muhajirin and Ansar) if said one word followed by people who follow it must be so would be a commendable and deserve the pleasure, and if they do not have the privilege to follow from other than them then he is not entitled to the praise and the pleasure.

Allaah says.

"It means: You are the best people are born to men, sent to the ma'ruf, and forbid what is wrong, and believing in Allah" [Ali Imran: 110]

Allaah has set a primacy over all the followers that exist and this shows their keistiqomahan in every state; because they do not deviate from the shari'ah brightly lit, so that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give evidence that they ordered every kemakrufan (goodness) and prevent any munkar, it shows with certainty that their understanding is proof on those who after them until Allah Allaah inherits the earth and everything in it.

If asked: It is common to Muslims not entirely specific to the generation of friends only.

I answer: That they were the ones who first became an object of patients, and not included in this context the people who follow them well except with metaphors (analogy) or with the argument as the first proposition. And if the general context -inipun'm then the friends are the first entry in the context of the generality of paragraph, because they are the first to receive from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam without intermediaries (direct) while they are the ones that directly pertain to the revelation, so that they are more worthy of inclusion in the context of the verse than in others because the properties of Allaah be made as to their nature do not have the -sifat nature perfectly except them. And suitability of the condition of the real nature of the evidence that they are more worthy to be praised than in others. It was explained by:

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"Meaning: The good man is Sabik-generation [1] then the generation after generation and then again afterwards, then came one of the the testimony of one of them preceded the oath and vow precedes persaksiannya" [Mutawatir, as has been confirmed by Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar in Al-Ishobah 1/12 and Al-Qadir Faidhul Muanawiy in 3/478 and approved by Al-Kataaniy in the book Nadzmul Mutanatsir p.127]

Is the primacy assigned to the generation of these companions is in color or shape or their property ... and so on?

I would not hesitate for intelligent people who have understood the Book and the Sunnah that's not all that meant; because the benchmark is the primacy of Islamic piety in the hearts and deeds, as Allaah says:

"It means: Verily the noblest among us in the sight of Allah is the most pious among you" [Al-Hujuraat: 13]

And the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"It means: Verily Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did not see the shape you and you will treasure but look carefully to you and your practice" [Hadith Sahih Muslim History 16/121 -Nawawiy]

Indeed Allaah has carefully looked at the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and got it as the best of hearts among the servants after liver Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam then God gave of understanding that is not earned by people that followed them, therefore what is the point of view as a good friend he is good in the sight of Allah wa Ta'ala Subahanahu and what they view as evil then he is evil in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Abdullah bin Mas'ud said: Verily Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has carefully looked at the servants and get the heart of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam best of the hearts of the servants and then select it for himself and his message was sent as a carrier, then look to caution after careful servants Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and get a caution his companions the best of servants and his Prophet made them as helpers, they fight over their religion, then what is regarded by the Muslims then he's good Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and what they see evil then he is evil in the sight of Allah wa Ta'ala Subahanhu. [2]

From Abu Juhaifah, he said.

"Meaning: I have been asked 'Ali bin Abi Talib:' Do you have a book? He replied: 'Not unless the Qur'aan or the understanding that given to a Muslim or what is on this sheet [3]. I ask again: What is in the sheet? he replied; Diyat, liberation of prisoners and (statements) that a Muslim is not killed by infidels because "[Hadith Sahih Bukhari 1/204 - Al-Fath]

Thus, the understanding of the companions of the Al-Kitab and Sunnah is a proof on the person who thereafter until the end of this people, therefore they become witnesses of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala on the surface of this earth, this is explained below.

Allaah says.

"Meaning: And thus (also) We have made you (Muslims), the ummah fair and choices that you be witnesses over the (deeds) that human Apostle (Muhammad) a witness to the (deeds) you" [Al-Baqarah: 143 ]

Here Allaah has made them the elect and the people just because they are the people most important and most just in word, deed and will, so that they are entitled to be the witness to human and thus Allah Subhanahu wa Ta 'style praise them, getting their name and receive them well. And witnesses accepted by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the witness to the truth that science and truth mengkhabarkan based knowledge, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: But (people who can give intercession is) one who recognizes the right of (tawhid) and they believe (it)" [Az-Zukhruf: 86]

If they accepted the testimony of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala then no doubt that their understanding of religion are proof on those who after them, because this verse has been explained that the appointment of an absolute and Muslims absolutize not fair on the nature of a generation unless the companions generation, because of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah give their properties to be absolutely fair and thorough so that they take on friends in the whole history and science without exception. In contrast to other than friends, the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah do not give the nature of this fair to those who have been recognized except faith and justice. These two things are not given to a person unless he is walking on the trail of the Companions.

So it is clear therefore that the understanding of the companions of the above proof in others in the direction of the texts of the Book and Sunnah therefore instructed to follow their path, it is described in.

Word of Allaah.

"It means: And those who follow the path back to Me" [Luqman: 15]

Each friend is the one who returned to Allaah, then Allaah gives them guidance (guidance) to get good words and deeds of righteous with the argument the word Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: Those who eschew Evil: (ie) not to worship and come back to God, for they are good news; therefore the tidings to my servants, who listened and followed what the best of them. They that those who have given God the instructions and they are the ones who have reason "[Az-Zumar: 17-18]

Then obliged to follow their path to understanding both the religion of Allah of the Qur'an or the Sunnah, therefore Allah Ta'a threaten people who do not follow their path to hell Hell at worst place again, this is explained.

Word of Allaah.

"Meaning: And whoever opposes the Apostle after the obvious truth for him, and follow the path that is not the way the believers, We let him freely to the apostasy that has mastered it and we insert it into Jahannam, and Hell was at worst place back "[An-Nisa: 115]

Pendalilannya side is that Allaah has threatened those who follow other than the path of the believers so that shows that follow their path to understanding the Shari'ah is mandatory and menyelisihinya is misguidance.

So to say: This is Istidlal (pendalilan) with khithaab proposition and it is not proof, then we say; He was the proposition, and this will be explained below their argument.

[a]. From Ya'la bin Umaiyah he said: I have been asked Umar.

"Meaning: Then why do not you menqashar prayer (mu), if you fear attack infidels" [An-Nisa: 101]

Though humans have been safely? Umar said: "I was surprised as surprised by you, and then I asked the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about this and he replied:

"Meaning: Sadaqah which Allaah gave to you then accept shadaqahNya" [Hadith Muslim History 5/196 - An-Nawawiy]

The two friends are Ya'la bin Umaiyah and Umar bin Al-Khattab understand from this verse that qashar prayer associated with the terms of fear, so that if humans have safely obligatory prayer and he is the perfect argument of khithaab called also to understand Mukhalafah.

Then Umar asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and he sallallaahu' wa sallam alihi approve his understanding but he explained to Omar that it is not used here; because God Almighty has bershadaqah Subahanahu to you then accept the shadaqahnya.

If understanding is not true of course Umar the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not silence him from the beginning and then steer the direction of this and there is a saying: taujih (briefing) part of the reception.

[b]. From Jabir from Umm mubasyir that he had heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said before Hafsah.

"Meaning: It makes one hell of Ashhab Syajaroh -insya God- that berbaiat underneath"
He said: O Messenger of Allah is true, then he rebuked Hafsah and said:

"Meaning: And no one than you, but approach it" [Maryam: 71]

So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied: Allah has spoken.

"Meaning: Then We will rescue those who fear Him and let the people in the naar wrongdoers in a state of his knees" [Maryam: 72]

Here the Mother of the Faithful Hafsah understand from this that all men will go to hell, then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam straighten it with a continuation of the verse is:

"Meaning: Then We will rescue those who fear Him" [Maryam: 72]

At first the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam acknowledges the truth understanding of Hafsah, then identifies that context the word "no entry of hell" (in the hadith) is different from the context of the word "wurud" (the coming of people to hell yan is in the verse) and explains that the the first special for the righteous people who fear that they do not feel the torment of hell and into heaven to get through without being touched at all torture and torment, while in addition they do not.

So it is clear that the proposition khithaab Alhmadulillah is a recognized proof and can be propped up in understanding.

Suffice it to you that the word of God:

"It means: And follow the path that is not the way the believers" [An-Nisa: 115]

Not postulate khithab but it is an argument with Taqsiimin Aqliy (division of logic), because there is no third choice between following the path of the believers and follows other than the way they are.

So when Allaah forbade them come apart the way it wajiblah follow their path, it is very clear.

If there were denied: There are two options in between the third option that did not join the two-two.

So I replied: This is a very weak opinion at all; because they do not obey them at all means follow a path other than them (the believers) it must be because the word of God:

"Meaning: It is no kabenaran after it, but heresy. So how you turned away (from the truth)" [Yunus: 32]

It is clear here that there are only two choices and there is no third option. If it is said: We do not agree that the path to follow other than the believers are entitled to such threats (in verse) unless accompanied by opposition to the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sehinnga it showed no prohibition to follow other than the believers in an absolute way but there must be Messengers opposition.

The answer; It is known that the apostle opposes forbidden separately and apart because of a warning on that as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment" [Al-Anfal: 13]

So this verse indicates that there is a threat to each of the two separately and this pensifatan (follow other than the path of the believers) including those under threat in itself, and it is in terms of the following;

[a]. Following the path of the believers apart if not prohibited by itself it is not forbidden, along with other opposition as a savior.
[b]. Following the path of the believers apart if not included in the threat by itself it (the pensifatan) is just useless and does not do good to mention, it is clear that penghubungannya (in the context of the verse) is a separate proposition like the beginning.

If there is a saying: We do not agree if the threat applies to all those who follow other than the believers in an absolute way, but it will take effect after clear instructions to him, because God calls opposition to the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the clarity of the instructions require him then connected by following a path other than the believers, it menunnjukkan that the clarity of the instructions is a requirement in a threat to those who follow other than the path of the believers.

The answer is: the Word of Allaah

"It means: And follow the path that is not the way the believers" [An-Nisa: 115]

Ma'thuf (leaning / connected) with the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"Meaning: And whoever opposes the Apostle after the obvious truth for him" [An-Nisa: 115]

Then it shows that the hooks (terms) at the beginning of the verse is not a requirement for a second but the conjunction is only to demonstrate the unity and equality in the law that is the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
"Meaning: We let him freely to the apostasy that has mastered it and we insert it into Jahannam, and Hell was the worst of places back" [An-Nisa: 115]

This suggests that any properties of both the nature of the threats of its own.

It can show it below.

Clarity of instructions (the truth) is a condition in the (legal) opposition to the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, because people who do not know the instructions (the truth) the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to be not opposed, while following the path of the believers is a clue (the truth) itself.

Context of this verse is to exalt and glorify the believers, so if they follow the road clarity of the instructions required by the arrival of (the truth) then it does not follow their path as the path because they will but because it has come clarity of instructions (the truth) and if so no avail follow their path.

Thus it is clear that following the path of the believers is the way of salvation and understanding of the Companions in religion is the proof above in addition to them, so that those who oppose it have willed misguidance and walk in a dangerous place, it is sufficient Gehenna (hell) as bad as bad-residence and return. This is the truth then hold How Firm him and leave the streets in defiance, and it is also explained by.

Word of Allah, the Exalted waa Subhnahu

"It means: He who cling to Dienullah then indeed he has given instructions to the straight path". [Ali Imran: 101]

The Companions are those who hold on to the rope of Allah, because Allah is the guardian of people who cling to Him as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: And you stick to the rope of Allah. He is the guardian, then he is the best of the best of protectors and helpers." [Al-Hajj: 78]

And has been known to help God's perfection and protection to those who indicate that they are the ones who cling to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, they are the ones who gave the instructions to the testimony of God and speak the truth is an obligation by law, reasonable and nature, therefore make them as priests for the Mutaqin (the pious) because of their faith and patience and it is described by:

Word of Allaah

"Meaning: Our Danjadikanlah for pious priests". [Al-Furqan: 74]

Every person who will be followed by their pious devotion is mandatory whereas, as has been affirmed by God in many verses that are difficult to expose it on this occasion, so it is clear obligation to follow them and the deviation from the path meraka a door slander and disaster.

Word of Allaah

"Meaning: And we made them the leaders who guide by Our command when they were patient. And are verses they believe us." [As-Sajdah: 24]

These properties are given to the companions of Moses in which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mengkhabarkan That He made them as priests, followed by those after them with patience and faith, because the priesthood (leadership) in the world can be achieved with patience and confidence.

It is certain the companions of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam more right and worthy of these properties of the companions of Moses because they are more perfect confidence and greater patience than other people so that they are more worthy of holding this priestly office. It has been determined also by the testimony of the Messenger of Allah and praise to them. Then they are the most intelligent of these people that we are obliged to refer to them as well as fatwas and opinions tied to their understanding of the Book and Sunnah in practice, reason and the Shari'a, wabillahi taufiq.

From Abi Musa Al-Asy'ariy he said:

"Meaning: We pray maghrib along the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then we say: Last night we sit around until the evening prayers with him and we sat down until we see the Prophet and said: You guys still here? We said: O Messenger of Allah we have been praying with you and then we said we would remain seated until the evening prayers with you, he replied; good or right. Abu Musa said: then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam lifted his head to the sky and it was often said he did then: the stars are the keepers sky, if missing the stars then came disaster to him and I was the best friend guard then if I go to come to them what was promised and my best friend is the keeper of my people have gone if my friend who told me what he promised the people "[Hadith Muslim History 16 / 82 -An-Nawawiy]

Prophet makes the position of his companions as compared to the generation after them from the position of Muslims as he told his companions and as the position of stars on the sky.

Clearly Tasybih Nabawiy (parable of the Prophet) explains the obligation to follow the understanding of the companions of the same religion with the obligations of Muslims back to their Prophet because the Prophet is explanatory of the Qur'an while his companions are his explanatory transmitter and for the people. So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is an infallible one who does not speak with passion and he just said instructions and guidance, while his companions are not fair to speak except with honesty and do not practice anything except the truth.

And so Allaah has made the stars as a tool of Satan while stealing khabar thrower as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars, and has been maintain (in truth) of any syaithan very ungodly, syaithan-syaithan it can not listen (speech) the angels and they stoned from all directions. To expel them and for their eternal torment, but whoever (among them) who sneak (conversation); then he was being chased by a brilliant torches of fire "[Ash-Shaaffat: 9-10]

And His Word.

"It means: Surely We have adorned the lower heaven with the stars and made the stars thrower syaithan tools" [Al-Mulk: 5]

Similarly, the friends are ornaments of Muslims who destroyed ta'wil fools, vanity and irregularities teachings deviant who takes most of the Qur'an and throw in part, to follow their passions and then crumbled to the right and to the left then they are in groups. Likewise, the stars are a sign for the people of the earth so that they use as a guide in the darkness of land and sea as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"It means: And He (created) signs (the guide). And the stars that they are guided." [An-Nahl: 16]

And His Word.

"Meaning: And He it is who makes the stars for you, so you make the instructions in the darkness on land and at sea" [Al-An'am: 97]

Likewise, the Companions, they emulated to save themselves from the darkness of lust and doubtful, then the people turned away from the understanding they are in error who took him to the darkness of a very dark, if he took her hand then look no further.

With the understanding of the companions, we fortify the Book and the Sunnah of kebid'ahan syaithan jinn and humans who want to slander and ta'wilnya ruin what is God and His Messenger. So the understanding of the companions are protective of ugliness and causes. If their understanding is not proof of understanding the course after they became their guardian and protector, and this is impossible.

Hadiths that describe the obligation to love the friends and denounced those who hate them-and a perfection in love they are with the example of footsteps and walking on their guidance in understanding the Qur'aan and Sunnah Rasulullah- very much, among the hadiths are word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"It means: Do not denounced friend because if any one of you berinfaq gold at Mount Uhud would not equal one half mudnya mud or their Sadaqah" [4]

The virtue of this not only from the side they had seen, side by side and make friends with his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would but it was because Ittiba' and practice them against his sunnah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam so great. Worth if they are used as a way of understanding the instructions and made their opinions mecca where a Muslim exposes her face and not turn to any other kind. And it is clear-if he seen since the decline of this hadith in which the person is prohibited from Khalid bin Al-Walid and he was a friend, then when the mud some friends or better half on the side of God of gold at Mount Uhud because of the virtue and its predecessor them in Islam, then no doubt, the great difference between friends with people who are after them. If the situation like this how can people who have a reasonable understanding of the brightest in the religion of Allah is not a guide path which leads to a more straight path?

Among the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"Meaning: How Firm Hold my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs and nibble with teeth gerahammu" [Gone Takhrijnya]

This hadith shows that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded his people when there is a dispute to cling to the Sunnah to his companions as understanding and explanation.

Among the valuable benefits of this hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam after calling his Sunnah and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs said:

In order to show that his sunnah and the sunnah of the Caliph Rasyidin is one manhaj and it only happens with a clear understanding of the authentic and adhere to the Sunnah that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with an understanding of his companions.

Hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in manhaj mensifatkan Firqatun Najiyah (Sect) and Ath-Thaifah Al-Mansurah (the group that won):

"It means: What I was over it now and the best friend" [Has ago Takhrijnya]

Some say: There is no doubt that the understanding of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions after him is that no iniquities manhaj but what if their argument is the understanding salafi manhaj Apostle sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions?

The answer to this question there are two sides:
Indeed understandings mentioned earlier existence after the time of the Prophet and the Caliphate Rasyidah and certainly not ascribed earlier to the later but vice versa, so it is clear that the group did not walk the streets and follow the apostasy is a group on the origin.

We did not find the splinter groups of Muslims in accordance with the companions of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah except among the followers of the Salaf As-Salih Ash-Ahlul Hadeeth.

The Mu'tazilah how could correspond to the companions of the great figures while they denounce the great figures of their friend and humble justice and accused them of heresy such as Al-Wasil bin Atho 'which states: If Ali, Az-Zubair Tholhah and then I did not testify punish because of their testimony. [See Al-Farqu Bainal Firaq hal.119-120]

The Kharijites had come out of religion and menyempal of the congregation of the Muslims because some of the basic features of their teachings are mengkafirkan Ali and his son, Ibn Abbas, Uthman, Talha, Ayesha and Mu'awiyah and is not located on the properties of the companions of the harassing and their infidel.

As Shufiyah, they underestimate the legacy of the Prophets and demeaning the transmitter of the Book and Sunnah and their mensifatkan as the deceased. A major figure they say: You take your knowledge, of deceased while we take our knowledge of the great life that is not dead (God) directly. Therefore, they say-with their mouths to reject sanad hadits-: Has mengkhabarkan me my heart from the Lord.

As for the Shiites, they have believed that the companions had lapsed after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except a few people, see Al-Kisyiy them- -one priest narrates the history of the book Rijalnya case. 12.13 from Abu Ja'far, that he has stated: All the apostate after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except three, I said: Who is the third person? He replied: Al-Miqdaad bin Al-Aswaad, Abu Dhar Al-Ghifary and Salman Al-Farisiy.

And narrated in p.13 of Abu Ja'far, he said: The Emigrants and Anshor has come out (of religion) except for three. [See Al-Kaafiy by Al-Kulaniy, hal.115]

See also large -tokoh Khomeini at the time of this- they denounced and cursed Abu Bakr and Umar in his book Kasyful Asroor thing, 131, he stated: Verily syaikhani (Abu Bakr and Umar) ... and from here we find ourselves forced to submit evidence

This suggests that any properties of both the nature of the threats of its own.

It can show it below.

Clarity of instructions (the truth) is a condition in the (legal) opposition to the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, because people who do not know the instructions (the truth) the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to be not opposed, while following the path of the believers is a clue (the truth) itself.

Context of this verse is to exalt and glorify the believers, so if they follow the road clarity of the instructions required by the arrival of (the truth) then it does not follow their path as the path because they will but because it has come clarity of instructions (the truth) and if so no avail follow their path.

Thus it is clear that following the path of the believers is the way of salvation and understanding of the Companions in religion is the proof above in addition to them, so that those who oppose it have willed misguidance and walk in a dangerous place, it is sufficient Gehenna (hell) as bad as bad-residence and return. This is the truth then hold How Firm him and leave the streets in defiance, and it is also explained by.

Word of Allah, the Exalted waa Subhnahu

"It means: He who cling to Dienullah then indeed he has given instructions to the straight path". [Ali Imran: 101]

The Companions are those who hold on to the rope of Allah, because Allah is the guardian of people who cling to Him as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: And you stick to the rope of Allah. He is the guardian, then he is the best of the best of protectors and helpers." [Al-Hajj: 78]

And has been known to help God's perfection and protection to those who indicate that they are the ones who cling to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, they are the ones who gave the instructions to the testimony of God and speak the truth is an obligation by law, reasonable and nature, therefore make them as priests for the Mutaqin (the pious) because of their faith and patience and it is described by:

Word of Allaah

"Meaning: Our Danjadikanlah for pious priests". [Al-Furqan: 74]

Every person who will be followed by their pious devotion is mandatory whereas, as has been affirmed by God in many verses that are difficult to expose it on this occasion, so it is clear obligation to follow them and the deviation from the path meraka a door slander and disaster.

Word of Allaah

"Meaning: And we made them the leaders who guide by Our command when they were patient. And are verses they believe us." [As-Sajdah: 24]

These properties are given to the companions of Moses in which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mengkhabarkan That He made them as priests, followed by those after them with patience and faith, because the priesthood (leadership) in the world can be achieved with patience and confidence.

It is certain the companions of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam more right and worthy of these properties of the companions of Moses because they are more perfect confidence and greater patience than other people so that they are more worthy of holding this priestly office. It has been determined also by the testimony of the Messenger of Allah and praise to them. Then they are the most intelligent of these people that we are obliged to refer to them as well as fatwas and opinions tied to their understanding of the Book and Sunnah in practice, reason and the Shari'a, wabillahi taufiq.

From Abi Musa Al-Asy'ariy he said:

"Meaning: We pray maghrib along the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then we say: Last night we sit around until the evening prayers with him and we sat down until we see the Prophet and said: You guys still here? We said: O Messenger of Allah we have been praying with you and then we said we would remain seated until the evening prayers with you, he replied; good or right. Abu Musa said: then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam lifted his head to the sky and it was often said he did then: the stars are the keepers sky, if missing the stars then came disaster to him and I was the best friend guard then if I go to come to them what was promised and my best friend is the keeper of my people have gone if my friend who told me what he promised the people "[Hadith Muslim History 16 / 82 -An-Nawawiy]

Prophet makes the position of his companions as compared to the generation after them from the position of Muslims as he told his companions and as the position of stars on the sky.

Clearly Tasybih Nabawiy (parable of the Prophet) explains the obligation to follow the understanding of the companions of the same religion with the obligations of Muslims back to their Prophet because the Prophet is explanatory of the Qur'an while his companions are his explanatory transmitter and for the people. So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is an infallible one who does not speak with passion and he just said instructions and guidance, while his companions are not fair to speak except with honesty and do not practice anything except the truth.

And so Allaah has made the stars as a tool of Satan while stealing khabar thrower as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars, and has been maintain (in truth) of any syaithan very ungodly, syaithan-syaithan it can not listen (speech) the angels and they stoned from all directions. To expel them and for their eternal torment, but whoever (among them) who sneak (conversation); then he was being chased by a brilliant torches of fire "[Ash-Shaaffat: 9-10]

And His Word.

"It means: Surely We have adorned the lower heaven with the stars and made the stars thrower syaithan tools" [Al-Mulk: 5]

Similarly, the friends are ornaments of Muslims who destroyed ta'wil fools, vanity and irregularities teachings deviant who takes most of the Qur'an and throw in part, to follow their passions and then crumbled to the right and to the left then they are in groups. Likewise, the stars are a sign for the people of the earth so that they use as a guide in the darkness of land and sea as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"It means: And He (created) signs (the guide). And the stars that they are guided." [An-Nahl: 16]

And His Word.

"Meaning: And He it is who makes the stars for you, so you make the instructions in the darkness on land and at sea" [Al-An'am: 97]

Likewise, the Companions, they emulated to save themselves from the darkness of lust and doubtful, then the people turned away from the understanding they are in error who took him to the darkness of a very dark, if he took her hand then look no further.

With the understanding of the companions, we fortify the Book and the Sunnah of kebid'ahan syaithan jinn and humans who want to slander and ta'wilnya ruin what is God and His Messenger. So the understanding of the companions are protective of ugliness and causes. If their understanding is not proof of understanding the course after they became their guardian and protector, and this is impossible.

Hadiths that describe the obligation to love the friends and denounced those who hate them-and a perfection in love they are with the example of footsteps and walking on their guidance in understanding the Qur'aan and Sunnah Rasulullah- very much, among the hadiths are word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"It means: Do not denounced friend because if any one of you berinfaq gold at Mount Uhud would not equal one half mudnya mud or their Sadaqah" [4]

The virtue of this not only from the side they had seen, side by side and make friends with his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would but it was because Ittiba' and practice them against his sunnah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam so great. Worth if they are used as a way of understanding the instructions and made their opinions mecca where a Muslim exposes her face and not turn to any other kind. And it is clear-if he seen since the decline of this hadith in which the person is prohibited from Khalid bin Al-Walid and he was a friend, then when the mud some friends or better half on the side of God of gold at Mount Uhud because of the virtue and its predecessor them in Islam, then no doubt, the great difference between friends with people who are after them. If the situation like this how can people who have a reasonable understanding of the brightest in the religion of Allah is not a guide path which leads to a more straight path?

Among the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

"Meaning: How Firm Hold my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs and nibble with teeth gerahammu" [Gone Takhrijnya]

This hadith shows that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded his people when there is a dispute to cling to the Sunnah to his companions as understanding and explanation.

Among the valuable benefits of this hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam after calling his Sunnah and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs said:

In order to show that his sunnah and the sunnah of the Caliph Rasyidin is one manhaj and it only happens with a clear understanding of the authentic and adhere to the Sunnah that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with an understanding of his companions.

Hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in manhaj mensifatkan Firqatun Najiyah (Sect) and Ath-Thaifah Al-Mansurah (the group that won):

"It means: What I was over it now and the best friend" [Has ago Takhrijnya]

Some say: There is no doubt that the understanding of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions after him is that no iniquities manhaj but what if their argument is the understanding salafi manhaj Apostle sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions?

The answer to this question there are two sides:
Indeed understandings mentioned earlier existence after the time of the Prophet and the Caliphate Rasyidah and certainly not ascribed earlier to the later but vice versa, so it is clear that the group did not walk the streets and follow the apostasy is a group on the origin.

We did not find the splinter groups of Muslims in accordance with the companions of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah except among the followers of the Salaf As-Salih Ash-Ahlul Hadeeth.

The Mu'tazilah how could correspond to the companions of the great figures while they denounce the great figures of their friend and humble justice and accused them of heresy such as Al-Wasil bin Atho 'which states: If Ali, Az-Zubair Tholhah and then I did not testify punish because of their testimony. [See Al-Farqu Bainal Firaq hal.119-120]

The Kharijites had come out of religion and menyempal of the congregation of the Muslims because some of the basic features of their teachings are mengkafirkan Ali and his son, Ibn Abbas, Uthman, Talha, Ayesha and Mu'awiyah and is not located on the properties of the companions of the harassing and their infidel.

As Shufiyah, they underestimate the legacy of the Prophets and demeaning the transmitter of the Book and Sunnah and their mensifatkan as the deceased. A major figure they say: You take your knowledge, of deceased while we take our knowledge of the great life that is not dead (God) directly. Therefore, they say-with their mouths to reject sanad hadits-: Has mengkhabarkan me my heart from the Lord.

As for the Shiites, they have believed that the companions had lapsed after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except a few people, see Al-Kisyiy them- -one priest narrates the history of the book Rijalnya case. 12.13 from Abu Ja'far, that he has stated: All the apostate after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam except three, I said: Who is the third person? He replied: Al-Miqdaad bin Al-Aswaad, Abu Dhar Al-Ghifary and Salman Al-Farisiy.

And narrated in p.13 of Abu Ja'far, he said: The Emigrants and Anshor has come out (of religion) except for three. [See Al-Kaafiy by Al-Kulaniy, hal.115]

See also large -tokoh Khomeini at the time of this- they denounced and cursed Abu Bakr and Umar in his book Kasyful Asroor case, 131, he stated: Verily syaikhani (Abu Bakr and Umar) ... and from here we find ourselves forced to submit evidence deviation proof they both were very clear about the Koran in order to prove that the two had menyelisihinya.

And again it says 137: ... and the Prophet closed the eyes (d) while both his ears no remarks on Ibn Khattab who erect derived from the practice of lying and infidelity, kezindikan and penyelisihan the revelations contained in the Qur 'an glorious.

As Murji'ah, they believe that the faith of those hypocrites who are in the same kenifakan Assabiqunal Awalun faith (the first person who converted to Islam) of the Emigrants and the Helpers.

How they all correspond with friends while they are:

Mengkafirkan people the choice of their
Do not accept at all that they are narrated from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in aqeedah and shariah law.
Following the Byzantine civilization and Greek philosophy

In Conclusion
These groups all want to deny us the witnesses to the Book and Sunnah and denouncing them while they are more worthy of reproach and they are the zindiq.

Thus it is clear that the understanding of the Salaf is manhaj al-Firqatun Najiyah and Ath-Thaifah Al-Mansurah in the concept of understanding, acceptance and Istidlal (law-making).

While those who follow the example of the companions are those who labor with the narrations (Hadith) are authentic and authentic dalah Shari'a law, with road and understanding friend, and this is his way of life Ahlul Hadeeth, not the course of Ahl-ul-Bid'ah and hawa. So true and the strong what we describe when we explain their success in the form arbitrate to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the success of those who took the sunnah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and the Sunnah of the first four caliphs after him.

[Copied from the Book of Al-Manhaj Limadza Ikhtartu As-Salafi, Indonesia edition Why Choose Manhaj of the Salaf (Study of Critical Problems Solution People) by Shaikh Salim Abu Usama bin 'Eid Al-Hilaly, published by Reader Imam Bukhari, translator Kholid Syamhudi]
[1]. Written in many books degan lafadz this hadith: "At best generation". I say that lafadz-lafadz weak and correct what I had written this.
[2]. Issued by Ahmad I / 379, Ath-Thoyalisiiy in his Musnad Al-Khotib p.23 and Al-Baghdadiy in Al-faqih wal Mutafaqqih I / 166 is mauquf with a hasan isnaad. The last words of this atsar has been famous as the hadith marfu 'and it is not true, as has been described priests and it is only from the words of Ibn Mas'ud, as I explain in the book Al-Bid'ah wa fil Atsaruha People, p. 21-22 please see.
[3]. It is quite unequivocal texts of Amiril the Faithful Ali destroy falsehood Shiite rafidhah that attributing them to the family of the Prophet (ahlil temple) in dzolim and deceiving when claim that ahlil temple has three folding sized book of Al-Qur 'an that is in our hands they call Mushaf Fatimah. See Bughyatul Murtaab works Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah hal.321-322
[4]. Hadith Al-Bukhariy History 7/21 - Al-Fath and Muslim 16 / 92-93 - An-Nawawiy of hadith Abi Said Al-Khudriy. And is mentioned in Sahih Muslim (16/92 - An-Nawawiy) from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah and this one mistake as described by Al-Hafiz Al-Baihaaqiy in Madkhol Ila Al-Sunnah it. 113 and Ibn Hajar in Fath 7/135 Bariy, for more details see the book: Juz Muhammad ibn Asim al-Syuyukhihi I tahqiq (13)

FRIENDS AND Successors berhujjah (argue) with the schools of their manhaj salaf AND

by The
Shaikh Salim Abu Usama bin 'Eid Al-Hilaaly

[1]. Abdullah bin Mas'ud
Of Amr ibn Salamah, he said: We were sitting in front of the house before midday Abdullah bin Mas'ud then when he came out we would walk with him to the mosque, then came Abu Musa Al-Atsary and said: "Is Abu Abdurrahman had met you? "

Our answer: Not yet.
Then he sat down with us to Abdullah bin Mas'ud out, when he came out we all meet Abu Musa then said to him: "O Abu Abdurrahman I have seen in the mosque was one thing I think is unjust and I do not see it -Alhamudlillah-but kindness .

He asked: "What is it?"

Answered: "If you live will undoubtedly see it, I have seen a people berhalaqah mosque, sitting around waiting for the prayer on every halaqah there was a man hand-hand lead and they were pebbles, then said (the lead):" Bertakbirlah hundred times and they bertakbir hundred times and said "" hymn one hundred times and they glorify a hundred times ".

Abdullah bin Mas'ud said: "What did you say to them"
Abu Musa replied: "I do not say nothing to them waiting for your command.

Abdullah bin Mas'ud said: "Why do not you order them to count their evil [1] and I assure them there is no good they are wasted".

Then he walked and we walked with him until he came to one of the halaqah halaqah-halaqah them and face them and say: "What are you doing this?!"

They said: "O Abu Abdirrahman, gravel that we use to calculate the Prophet and the rosary".

Ibn Mas'ud said: "And I guarantee there will be none of kindness that you wasted, woe to you, O people of Muhammad, how fast your destruction, they are friends of the Prophet's still very much alive and has not been damaged clothes and pitcher has not been destroyed and for the sake of the One who my soul in his hand actually you are on top of a better religion than the religion of Muhammad or you are opening the door astray ".

They said: "By Allah, O Abu Abdurrahman, we do not want but goodness, then he said:" How many people who want the goodness does not get it: Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Surely there are people who read the Qur'an not exceed his throat [2] and by God I think it seems most of them are of you.

Then he left them. Amr ibn Salamah said: "I have seen the majority Halaqah-Halaqah our fight in the war Nahrawan together Khawarij" [3]

Here Abdullah bin Mas'ud has argued for the existence of the embryo of the Khawarij with companions the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam among them and they do not carry out such work, because if it is a kindness as they thought of the friends of the prophet had preceded them to do so , then it is heresy. So if the friend is not a proof manhaj on people after them so of course they said to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: "You and our Rijal Rijal".

[2]. Beliaupun said:
Whoever imitate imitate the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam because they are the people of this race the most noble, most in science, at least all kinds, the most excellent examples of good example and most circumstances, they are a people chosen by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to accompany His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and to uphold their religion, then admit their virtues and follow their footsteps as they have been on the right way.

[3]. Abdullah bin Abbas.
When it appeared the group Haruriyah (Kharijites) [4] they broke away in a village, they amounted to 6000 people and agreed to menyempal (rebel) of Ali radi anhu. People always come to Ali radi 'anhu and said: O Commander of the Faithful is indeed the will to rebel to you. He replied: Let them because I will not fight against them until they fight me and they will do it. [5]

One day I (Ibn Abbas) came before midday prayers, and I said to Ali radi 'anhu: O Commander of the Faithful akhirkan pray that I can invite them to speak. He said: I worry about them harming you. I replied: I will not, because I am a man of good moral and never hurt anyone.

Then he allowed me, then I wore nice clothes most of the clothes wear my hair in Yemen and then I met with them in their village in the middle of the day while they were eating, then I see the people that I have never found the more serious (in worship) of them, their foreheads hhitam of prostration, their hands rough like rough camel and they put on the robe-the robe is cheap and revealed their faces and pale yellow.

Then I saluted them and they say: Welcome, O Ibn 'Abbas what clothes you wear this?!

I replied: What do you reproach me? Sunnguh I have seen Rasululla sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam very nice when wearing Yemen, then read the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

"Meaning: Who is God forbid jewelry from the issuance to the servant-hambanNya and (that He who menharamkan) sustenance of good" [Al-A'raf: 32]

Then they say: What is the purpose of visits you?

I told them: I came to you as a messenger of the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam from the Emigrants and the Helpers and cousin of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and the Qur'an while the law down on them so that they are more aware of the ta'wilnya of you and no one among you one of them; indeed I will convey to you what they say and I will tell them what you have to say.

Then he said a bunch of them: Do you argue with the Quraysh for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

"Meaning: Actually they are a people who like to fight" [Az-Zukhruf: 58]

Then some of them got up to me and said two or three people: What we'll be talking to him. I say: Please, what is your grudge against the companions of the Prophet and his cousin? they answer: Three.

I say: What is it?

They say: The first because he arbitrate to the person in the case of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala whereas Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.

"Meaning: Setting the law of God is just right ..." [Al-An'am: 57]

I say: This one.

They said again: The second one because he was fighting and not charming and seize property (the fight), if they are infidels lawful captive and then if they are the charming Mumineen then should not they, nor fight against them [6]

I say: This is the second and third what?

They said: He removes the title of Amir al-Mu'minin of himself, so if he's not Amirul Mu'minin, he was Commander of the infidels.

I say: Are there any on you other than this?

They replied: It is enough

I say to them: What do you think if I read to you a rebuttal on your opinion of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, if you want to come back?

They replied: Yes.

I say: As for your opinion that he (Ali) arbitrate to the (human) in the case of God then I read to you verses in the Qur'aan where God made man in the law to determine the price of 1/4 dirhams, then Allah ordered them to arbitrate her. What do you think about the word of God:

"Meaning: O ye who believe, do not kill game, when you're ihram. Whoever among you kill him on purpose, then the penalty is to replace the animals were killed by the game, according to two people a fair decision among you" [Al-Ma'idah: 95]

And the law of God given to man (humans) who punish in the case, and that God would punish him then he himself, then why not arbitrate to the human person, for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala whether arbitrate to humans in matters of peace and prevention of spillage the main blood or in the case of rabbit? they replied: Sure it's more mainstream. And Allaah says about a woman and her husband.

"It means: And if ye fear there is a dispute between the two, then send an Hakam family man and a woman from a family Hakam" [An-Nisa ': 35]

For the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala whether arbitrate to humans in peace and prevent bloodshed greater than arbitrate to humans in women's issues?! Do I have to answer it?

They said: Yes

I say: your opinion: "He fought but not charming and seize property of war". Do you want your mother Aisha captivating that you menghalalkannya like you justify much more, while she is your mother? If you answer: We like our menghalalkannya selainnya justify the heathen, and if you have your answer: He is not our mother then you are an infidel, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.

"Meaning: The Prophet's (should be) more important for believers than themselves, and his wives are their mothers" [Al-Ahzab: 6]

Then you are in the two error, please give a way out; Do I have to answer?

They said: Yes.

While the problems he (Ali radi 'ahu) have removed the title of Commander of the Faithful from him, then I will bring to you what makes you pleasure, namely that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam on the perjanjanjian Hudaybiya peace with the idolaters, and said to Ali : O Ali Erase (writing) cor Inaaka Ta'alam Ani Messenger (O Allah, that you know that I am the Messenger of Allah) and write (sentence) Hadza ma Shalaha alaihi Muhammad bin Abdillah (this is an agreement made by Muhammad bin Abdillah) [7 ] For the sake of Allaah indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam better than Ali and he delete the (title of his apostleship) from himself and not the elimination of the means the removal of his prophethood. Do I have menjawbnya?

They said: Yes

Then return from their two thousand people and the rest revolted and fought over their error and they fought by the Emigrants and Helpers. [8]

Here Abdullah bin Abbas radi 'anhu argued (berhujjah) with manhaj friend in the face of the Kharijites, because the Qur'an down to them, then they are the most knowledgeable people and their commentary accompanying the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam to be people who most follow his path. Answer Abdullah bin Abbas radi 'anhu doubtful for doubtful-Khawarij and his explanation of the truth of falsehood is of scientific proposition for the prayers I have said of the decision-proof (argument) with manhaj friend.

[4]. Al-Uzaa'iy rahimahullah said: Sabarkan (set) over you sunnah, stop where people (the Companions) stopped, say what they say and dwell on what they have let stand and walk in the nets of As-Salaf Ash-Salih, because they you replenish what they suffice. [9]

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