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Saturday, March 28, 2015

أولغا شاهابن توفي، موجودة بالفعل في كتاب "اللوح محفوظ"

رحلة لم تكتمل (250)

(الجزء مائتين وخمسين، ديبوك، غرب جاوة، اندونيسيا، 29 مارس 2015، 12:22 مساء)

أولغا شاهابن توفي، موجودة بالفعل في كتاب "اللوح محفوظ"

مصير الإنسان كفنان أولغا شاهابن كتبت بالفعل في الكتاب: "اللوح محفوظ".

وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: "جعل الله كل مصير جميع المخلوقات من خمسين ألف سنة قبل خلق الله السماوات والأرض". (HR. مسلم، لا. 2653).

"ما أصاب من مصيبة في الأرض و(ولا) في أنفسكم إلا هو منصوص عليه في كتاب (اللوح محفوظ) قبل نأتي عليه. حقا أنه من السهل في سبيل الله ". (. QS سورة الحديد: 22).

رسامة الله مصير ثلاث فئات. والتي وفقا الأستاذ أبو يحيى Badussalam في tauziahnya يشير إلى المصير المشترك الله استقر في كتاب "اللوح محفوظ".

ثم أمر الله ملائكته لكتابة مصير حياة الإنسان منذ نفخ في روح الجنين في عمر 4 أشهر وعشرة أيام.
في حين أن مصير الثالث الله يضع مصير السنوي، وهي اعتماد يلة القدر ليلة القدر كل ليلة الغريب 10 الأواخر من رمضان، حيث الخدام الذين كانوا يعبدون في الليل ليتزامن بشكل وثيق مع ثواب العبادة 1000 م أشهر (80 عاما).
لا يمكن أن تمتد مصير في شكل الموت (مؤجل)، إما عن طريق أكثر ذكية الطبيب أو المستشفى سماعة الطبيب حتى، ولكن نحن لا تزال الطبيعة البشرية ملزمة للحصول على العلاج، واستعادة أم لا نترك لله سبحانه وتعالى.
أليس من المؤسف أنه، كما سوء إذا كنا تحمل البقع الألم Akah في ومكافأة الأسر الذين هم المريض والمرض المؤسف هو أيضا محبة الله لعبده، لتسريع عذاب في شكل الألم، وأفضل يغسل الألم في العالم beupa العذاب أن مقارنة بالمسافة فقط عذاب أليم في الجحيم والكبار.

أولغا شاهابن يموت في سنغافورة

Liputan6.com، سنغافورة الخبر المحزن نحو العودة الى البلاد عالم الترفيه. يقال أولغا شاهابن توفي في مستشفى ماونت إليزابيث في سنغافورة، يوم الجمعة (27/03/2015).

هذا الخبر مباشرة من قبل مدير أولغا شاهابن، مدام فيرا عبر الهاتف مع محطة تلفزيونية خاصة. نفخ الكوميدي المخضرم الأندونيسية الاخيرة له في 16:17 مساء.

"الحداد أيضا وفاة أولغا شاهابن المشتريات PKL 16:17 #RipOlgaSyahputra جكت الوقت"، وكتب في واحدة من التلفزيون تويتر حساب الخاص.

حتى الآن أولغا شاهابن لا يزال في سنغافورة. وقال ماك السابق فيرا خبر وفاة أولغا Syaputra قادمة رسميا من فمه.

الأخبار ويناقش مشغول بالفعل في العالم الاجتماعي. حتى جعله محادثة مع العالم هاشتاج #RIPOlgaSyahputra.

"مرت Innalilahi وا inalilahi rojiun الأم الحبيبة بعيدا أولغا شاهابن في 5:17 مساءا (بتوقيت وسط أوروبا) يوم الجمعة. اسأل للصلاة للأم الحبيبة"، وقال مدام VeraMakVeraZanobia عبر حسابه تويتر الرسمية.

قصة حياة أولغا شاهابن، من المشجعين لمقدم الشهيرة

نعى الخلفي الوطن الترفيه العالم. هذه المرة، وجاء الخبر المحزن من مقدم والممثل الكوميدي أولغا شاهابن أن عدة أشهر المستشفى سنغافورة. بعد وقت طويل لا يظهر على شاشة التلفزيون، ولدت 8 فبراير 1983 ويقال توفي بعد ظهر يوم الجمعة أمس.

اقرأ أيضا: 4 الخير أولغا شاهابن خلال يجعل الحياة يلمس

رحلة لتصبح كانت معروفة لأولغا يست سهلة. قبل أن تصبح مذيعة معروفة، فهو مجرد شخص عادي الذين جاءوا إلى موقع التصوير من أجل تلبية معبوده. وبعد حياة أولغا شاهابن أكثر.

1. لديك المعبود توقيع
ظهور أولغا في مواقع تصوير في البداية فقط كمشجع. اليوغا Syahputra الذي هو مجرد شخص عادي لديه أيضا المعبود اسمه الحقيقي. واحد منهم، dangdut المغنية ريتا سوجيارتو.

أولغا شاهابن
أولغا شاهابن
ليس من النادر، الرجل جافا بدم المستخدمة Minang للعب إلى مجموعة لطلب توقيعه وصورة مع معبوده. بدلا من ذلك، والآن الكثير من المعجبين أولغا الذين جاءوا لطلب توقيعه. وبالمثل، عندما تكون وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية غمرت مع تعازيه لأولغا شاهابن.

2. لعب Lenong صبي
قبل الدخول في مقدم، أولغا لم يجرب حظه في التمثيل. في ذلك الوقت، عرضت عليه لتشغيل الفيلم Lenong الصبي. ومع ذلك، لتكون قادرة على لعب في الفيلم، لا بد له من الخضوع للتدريب في ستوديو أناندا. كان أولغا لبيع ثلاجة من قبل يمكن أن تأخذ دورة في ستوديو أناندا.

أولغا في Lenong صبي
أولغا في Lenong صبي
بينما في الاستوديو، أولغا غالبا ما تأتي لتشغيل الفيلم على الرغم فقط الحصول على دور ثانوي. ومع ذلك، أولغا يكافح للمقارنة مع ما حصل. مسرحية ناجحة ليس فقط في Lenong الصبي، ولكن شقيق بيلي Syahputra أيضا الحصول على عطاءات تصوير المعلقة الزواج ويويو.

3. مساعد ريتا سوجيارتو
ان الذين لديهم الفكر وأولغا تشتهر ذلك اتضح مرة واحدة أصبح مساعد ريتا سوجيارتو. يتم التعرف على المغنية أولغا كرسيين بأنها من محبي الذين كانت حريصة على إغلاقه. ولذلك، أخذت ريتا أولغا مرافقتها كصديق حتى صديق، وليس مساعدا.

كان أولغا مرة واحدة حتى مساعدو
كان أولغا مرة واحدة حتى مساعدو
وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، رأى ريتا أولغا باعتباره اجتهادا ومفيدة للغاية. مثال واحد، أولغا في كثير من الأحيان مساعدة في رفع حقيبة ريتا للسيارة، على الرغم من ريتا طلب أبدا. "أنا لا؟ T من أجل هذا أو ذاك من أي وقت مضى، هو الذي ساعدني بجد. ابنها تساعد بجد وأنانية "، قالت ريتا سوجيارتو، نقلا عن Tempo.com.

4. مقدم الشهير لذلك
بعد ان لعب الفيلم المعلقة متزوج، أولغا والبدء في التوصل إلى مقدم على الرغبة الشديدة في SCTV مع جيريمي توماس. بعد ذلك بفترة قصيرة، وانضم أيضا ABG الروعة. في الواقع، كان الرجل الذي ادعى أن تأليه شخصية الرئيس سوسيلو بامبانج يودويونو مرة واحدة انضمت معا أصبح Ipank وإندي Barends الحدث فضولي التي جعلت اسمه الشهيرة.

أولغا ورافي
أولغا ورافي
ومع ذلك، فإنه يمكن أن يقال ارتفعت أولغا المهنية عندما أصبح مقدم الإضرابات معا رافي أحمد وونا مايا منذ عام 2008. لا ينظر إليها إلا بوصفها زميل، ولكن بالفعل كما الأصدقاء والأقارب.

على الرغم من أنه أصبح شخص مشهور جدا، أولغا لا يزال يعرف باسم المتواضع وعلى استعداد للمشاركة. للأسف، قد ولت أولغا مضحك والنوع، ولكن الآن. انه تنفس الأخير له في مستشفى في سنغافورة.

Olga Syahputra Died, already exist in the book "Lawh Mahfuz"

Unfinished journey (250)

(Part two hundred and fifty, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, March 29, 2015, 12:22 pm)

Olga Syahputra Died, already exist in the book "Lawh Mahfuz"

Human destiny as an artist Olga Syahputra already written in the book: "Lawh Mahfuz".

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: "Allaah has set all the destiny of all creatures from fifty thousand years before God created the heavens and the earth". (HR. Muslim, no. 2653).

"No misfortune can happen on earth and (nor) in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz) before We bring it. Verily it is easy for Allah ". (QS. Al-Hadid: 22).

God ordained destiny three categories. Which according Ustad Abu Yahya Badussalam in tauziahnya suggests common destiny of God settled in the book "Lawh Mahfuz".

Then God commanded his angels to write the destiny of human life since the fetus is blown spirit at the age of 4 months and ten days.
While the third destiny God establishes annual destiny, namely the adoption Laylat al Qadr Night every night odd last 10 days of Ramadan, where the servants who worship at night to coincide closely with the reward of worship in 1000 months (80 years).
Fate in the form of death could not be stretched (postponed), either by the most clever doctor or hospital stethoscope even, however we as human nature remains obliged to seek treatment, recover or not we leave it to God almighty.
Is not it unfortunate that, as ill if we endure the pain blots and reward the families who are patient, unfortunate illness is also the love of God to his servant, to accelerate the doom in the form of pain, better wash away the pain in the world as a doom that only short compared a painful doom in hell and old.

Olga Syahputra Dies in Singapore

Liputan6.com, Singapore sad news back toward the entertainment world country. Olga Syahputra reportedly died at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore, Friday (27/03/2015).

This news delivered directly by the Manager Olga Syahputra, Madame Vera via telephone with a private television station. Indonesian veteran comedian is breathed his last at 16:17 pm.

"Also mourning the death of Olga Syahputra pd pkl 16:17 #RipOlgaSyahputra Jkt time," wrote in one of the private television Twitter account.

Until now Olga Syahputra still in Singapore. Previous Mak Vera said the news of the death of Olga Syaputra officially coming out of his mouth.

The news is already busy discussed in the social world. Up to make it a conversation with the hashtag #RIPOlgaSyahputra world.

"Innalilahi wa inalilahi rojiun beloved mother passed away olga syahputra at 5:17 o'clock pm (Central European Time) on the day Friday. Ask for prayer for the beloved mother," said Madame VeraMakVeraZanobia via his official Twitter account.

Life Story of Olga Syahputra, From Fans To Presenter Famous

Back homeland entertainment world mourned. This time, the sad news came from the presenter and comedian Olga Syahputra that several months hospitalized Singapore. After a long time does not appear on the television screen, was born February 8, 1983 is reportedly died Friday afternoon yesterday.

Also Read: 4 Goodness Olga Syahputra During Makes Life Touched

The journey to become a well-known for Olga was not easy. Prior to becoming a well-known presenter, he is just an ordinary person who came to the filming location for the sake of meeting his idol. Following the life of Olga Syahputra more.

1. Have the signature idol
The emergence of Olga in the locations filming at first only as a fan. Yoga Syahputra whose real name is just an ordinary person who also has the idol. One of them, dangdut singer Rita Sugiarto.

olga syahputra
olga syahputra
Not infrequently, the Java-blooded man Minang used to play to the set to ask for an autograph and a photo with his idol. Instead, now so many fans Olga who came over to ask for his autograph. Similarly, when they are social media flooded with condolences to Olga Syahputra.

2. Play Lenong boy
Before entering into a presenter, Olga never try his luck in acting. At that time, he was offered to play the movie Lenong boy. However, to be able to play in the film, he must undergo training in Studio Ananda. Olga had to sell a refrigerator-by can take a course in Studio Ananda.

Olga in Lenong boy
Olga in Lenong boy
While in the studio, Olga often come to play the movie though only get minor role. However, Olga struggles comparable with what he got. Not only successful play in Lenong boy, but brother Billy Syahputra also get bids filming The Marriage Hanging and Yoyo.

3. Assistant Rita Sugiarto
Who would have thought, Olga is so famous it turns out once he became assistant Rita Sugiarto. The singer Olga Two Chairs are recognized as being a fan who was eager to close. Therefore, Rita took Olga accompany her as a friend even a friend, not as an assistant.

Olga was once so Assistants
Olga was once so Assistants
In addition, Rita saw Olga as a highly diligent and helpful. One example, Olga often help lift the suitcase Rita of the car, although Rita never asked. "I don? T ever order this or that, he who diligently helped me. Her son diligently and selflessly help, "said Rita Sugiarto, quoted from Tempo.com.

4. So famous presenter
After playing the movie Married Hanging, Olga and start reaching a presenter on SCTV cravings with Jeremy Thomas. Shortly after that, he also joined the ABG Extravaganza. In fact, the man who claimed to idolize the figure of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was once joined together Ipank and Indy Barends nosy event that made his name became famous.

Olga and Raffi
Olga and Raffi
However, it can be said Olga career soared when he became a presenter Strikes together Raffi Ahmad and Luna Maya since 2008. They are not only seen as a colleague, but already as friends and relatives.

Although it has become a very famous person, Olga is still known as a humble and willing to share. Unfortunately, Olga funny and kind, but now are gone. He breathed his last at a hospital in Singapore.

Olga Syahputra Meninggal, sudah ada di kitab "Lauh Mahfuzh"

Perjalanan yang belum selesai (250)

(Bagian ke dua ratus lima puluh , Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 29 Maret 2015, 12.22 WIB)

Olga Syahputra Meninggal, sudah ada di kitab "Lauh Mahfuzh"

Takdir manusia seperti artis Olga Syahputra sudah tertulis di kitab : "Lauh Mahfuzh" .

Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda : “Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala telah menetapkan semua takdir seluruh makhluk sejak lima puluh ribu tahun sebelum Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi”. (HR. Muslim no. 2653).

“Tiada suatu bencanapun yang menimpa di bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu sendiri melainkan telah tertulis dalam kitab (Lauh Mahfuzh) sebelum Kami menciptakannya. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah”. (QS. Al-Hadid : 22).

Allah menetapkan takdir ada tiga kategori. Yang menurut Ustad Abu Yahya Badussalam dalam tauziahnya mengemukakan Allah menetap takdir umum di kitab "Lauh Mahfuzh" .

Kemudian Allah memerintahkan malaikatnya menulis takdir seumur hidup bagi manusia sejak janin ditiupkan roh pada usia 4 bulan sepuluh hari.
Sedangkan takdir ketiga Allah menetapkan takdir tahunan, yaitu ditetapkannya Malam Lailatul Qadar setiap malam ganjil 10 hari terakhir bulan ramadhan, dimana bagi hambanya yang beribadah bertepatan pada malam itu pahalanya sama dengan beribadah 1000 bulan (80 tahun lebih).
Takdir berupa kematian tidak bisa diulur (ditunda) , baik oleh dokter paling pintar atau pun rumah sakit termahal sekalipun, walaupun demikian kita sebagai fitrah manusia tetap wajib berusaha untuk berobat, sembuh tidaknya kita serahkan pada Allah yang maha kuasa.
Bukankah musibah itu, seperti sakit kalau kita bersabar akah menghapus dosa si sakit dan memberi pahala pada keluarganya yang bersabar, musibah sakit juga merupakan kecintaan Allah pada hambanya, dengan mempercepat azab berupa sakit, lebih baik membersihkan dosa beupa azab sakit di dunia yang hanya singkat dibandingkan azab di neraka yang pedih dan lama.

Olga Syahputra Meninggal Dunia di Singapura

Liputan6.com, Singapura Kabar duka kembali menghampiri dunia hiburan Tanah Air. Olga Syahputra dikabarkan meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit Mount Elizabeth di Singapura, Jumat (27/3/2015).

Kabar ini disampaikan langsung oleh Manajer Olga Syahputra, Mak Vera melalui sambungan telepon dengan stasiun televisi swasta. Komedian kawakan Indonesia ini menghembuskan napas terakhirnya pukul 16:17 WIB.

"Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya Olga Syahputra pd pkl 16.17 waktu Jkt #RipOlgaSyahputra," tulis di salah satu akun Twitter televisi swasta tersebut.

Sampai saat ini Olga Syahputra masih berada di Singapura. Sebelumnya Mak Vera mengatakan kabar tentang meninggalnya Olga Syaputra secara resmi baru keluar dari mulutnya.

Kabar tersebut sudah ramai diperbincangkan di dunia sosial. Hingga membuatnya menjadi perbincangan dunia dengan tagar #RIPOlgaSyahputra.

"Innalilahi wa inalilahi rojiun telah berpulang kesayangan mak olga syahputra di jam 5.17 sore (waktu Jakarta) dihari jumat. minta doa buat kesayangan mak," ungkap Mak Vera lewat akun Twitter resminya @MakVeraZanobia.

Kisah Hidup Olga Syahputra, Dari Penggemar Hingga Presenter Terkenal

Dunia hiburan tanah air kembali berduka. Kali ini, kabar duka datang dari presenter dan komedian Olga Syahputra yang beberapa bulan dirawat di rumah sakit Singapura. Setelah sekian lama tidak muncul di layar televisi, pria kelahiran 8 Februari 1983 ini dikabarkan meninggal Jumat sore kemarin.

Baca Juga: 4 Kebaikan Olga Syahputra Semasa Hidup yang Membuatmu Terharu

Perjalanan untuk menjadi seorang terkenal bagi Olga tidaklah mudah. Sebelum menjadi seorang presenter terkenal, dia hanyalah orang biasa yang mendatangi lokasi syuting demi bertemu sang idola. Berikut kisah hidup Olga Syahputra selengkapnya.

1. Minta tanda tangan idola
Kemunculan Olga dalam lokas syuting pada awalnya hanya sebagai penggemar. Pemilik nama asli Yoga Syahputra ini hanya orang biasa yang juga punya idola. Salah satunya, penyanyi dangdut Rita Sugiarto.

olga syahputra
olga syahputra
Tak jarang, pria berdarah Jawa-Minang ini dulu sering bermain ke tempat syuting untuk meminta tanda tangan dan foto bareng sang idola. Sebaliknya, sekarang begitu banyak fans Olga yang datang menghampiri untuk meminta tanda tangannya. Begitu pula saat mereka yang membanjiri sosial media dengan ucapan duka kepada Olga Syahputra.

2. Bermain Lenong Bocah
Sebelum terjun menjadi seorang presenter, Olga pernah mencoba keberuntungan di dunia akting. Saat itu, dia ditawari main film Lenong Bocah. Akan tetapi, untuk bisa bermain di film tersebut, dia harus mengikuti latihan di Sanggar Ananda. Olga harus menjual kulkas demi bisa mengikuti kursus di Sanggar Ananda.

Olga di Lenong Bocah
Olga di Lenong Bocah
Selama di sanggar, Olga kerap kali ikut main film meski hanya mendapatkan peran minor. Akan tetapi, perjuangan Olga sebanding dengan apa yang dia dapatkan. Tak hanya sukses bermain di Lenong Bocah, namun kakak Billy Syahputra ini juga mendapatkan tawaran syuting Kawin Gantung dan Si Yoyo.

3. Asisten Rita Sugiarto
Siapa sangka, Olga yang begitu terkenal ternyata dulunya sempat menjadi asisten Rita Sugiarto. Pelantun Dua Kursi tersebut mengenali Olga sebagai sosok fan yang sangat ingin dekat dengannya. Karena itu, Rita mengajak Olga menemaninya pergi sebagai teman bahkan sahabatnya, bukan sebagai asisten.

Olga Dulunya jadi Asisten
Olga Dulunya jadi Asisten
Di samping itu, Rita melihat Olga sebagai sosok yang tekun dan suka menolong. Salah satu contohnya, Olga sering membantu mengangkat koper Rita dari mobil, meski Rita tidak pernah memintanya. “Saya enggak pernah perintah ini atau itu, dia yang rajin membantu saya. Anaknya rajin dan membantu tanpa pamrih,” ungkap Rita Sugiarto, dilansir dari Tempo.com.

4. Jadi presenter terkenal
Setelah main film Kawin Gantung, Olga lalu mulai merambah menjadi presenter Ngidam di SCTV bersama Jeremy Thomas. Tak lama setelah itu, dia juga tergabung dalam Extravaganza ABG. Bahkan, pria yang mengaku mengidolakan sosok Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ini pernah bergabung bersama Indra Bekti dan Indy Barends dalam acara Ceriwis yang membuat namanya mulai terkenal.

Olga dan Raffi
Olga dan Raffi
Akan tetapi, karir Olga bisa dikatakan melambung saat dirinya menjadi presenter Dahsyat bersama Raffi Ahmad dan Luna Maya sejak tahun 2008 lalu. Mereka tidak hanya terlihat sebagai rekan kerja, akan tetapi sudah seperti sahabat bahkan saudara.

Meski sudah menjadi orang yang sangat terkenal, Olga masih dikenal sebagai sosok yang rendah hati dan mau berbagi. Namun sayangnya, Olga yang lucu dan baik hati ini kini telah pergi. Dia menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di salah satu rumah sakit di Singapura.

Invaded the island in search of gold rush

Invaded the island in search of gold rush

The sun beat down on the city Namlea, the capital of the island of Buru, Maluku, when I trace the month March 2015 the city.
On both sides of the street I saw a lot of sign saying "sell gold".
Similar scenes, I met when I was in several different villages on the island of Buru.
I finally met with Mahani, a middle-aged woman.
Mahani explained that she used to be a farmer eucalyptus oil, but since the past three years into a gold miner on Bald Mountain.
Island formerly known as the producer of eucalyptus oil that four years is transformed into becoming a gold producer.
Begins with a dream
It all started with the dream of a population that in a location called Bald mountain, there is gold.
Residents in 2011 flocked to dig the area and found that the real gold at Bald Mountain.
Now Mahani and tens of thousands of people on the island of Buru switch professions generally a farmer eucalyptus oil, gold miners, for the reasons given by Mahani.
"If I were a gold miner that can than be a farmer eucalyptus oil. Because one day it can get results per gram, the price Rp385.000,00. Because the mother is difficult, for the sake of the children can go to school," said Mahani.
Gold miners in Gogorea, Buru, coming from across the region in Indonesia
Besides Mahani who is a resident of the island of Buru, many people from outside the island of Buru speculate on gold miners in Bald mountain.
This then led to conflict between people who do not rarely result in death. The government has tried to cover the bald mountain, but these efforts have not produced results.
Residents continue to look for gold. Trisno from Jakarta is one of them. However, Trisno gold miners in other locations on the island of Buru named Gogorea.
"My boss first attempt at Bald Mountain. Well, finally after the last riots, all existing drum on Bald Mountain moved to Gogorea. Finally, I who was in Jakarta, has not been working in the mine at all, told the boss to move to Gogorea, "said Trisno.
The process of making gold in Gogorea, Buru Island, Maluku
Trisno admitted previously a marketing employee bottled water in Jakarta, when his superiors assigned him to be a gold miner in Gogorea. He was forced to learn a lot about gold.
Sell ​​gold in store
But after gold miners get gold, what is actually happening with the gold?
Coming home from my trip on the island of Buru, I had a talk with Nur Octavhiani, a gold seller in shopping centers Cempaka Putih, Jakarta.
He has around 10 years of selling gold. Vhia, so Nur Octavhiani often called, explained the origin of the gold that he was selling.
"I personally take the goods from sales (the seller). And its sales itself usually take some of the factories. The factory started from there in Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta up from Kendari, Makassar."
Selling gold is quite favorable for Nur Octavhiani
Selling gold is Vhia family business since decades.
In one month, the family-owned store Vhia can achieve a gain of about 30-50 million rupiah.
Even though it is an economics graduate management, Vhia decided to stay abreast of the family business to sell gold for gold business promising.

He also admitted knowledge he gained in college are useful for managing the gold shop. BBC

Menyerbu pulau buru mencari emas

Menyerbu pulau buru mencari emas

Matahari bersinar terik di kota Namlea, ibu kota pulau Buru, Maluku, saat saya menelusuri kota tersebut bulan Maret 2015.
Di kanan-kiri jalan saya melihat banyak papan bertuliskan "jual emas".
Pemandangan serupa, saya temui ketika saya berada di beberapa desa berbeda di pulau Buru.
Saya akhirnya bertemu dengan Mahani, seorang wanita paruh baya.
Mahani menjelaskan bahwa dia dulu merupakan seorang petani minyak kayu putih, namun sejak tiga tahun terakhir menjadi seorang penambang emas di gunung Botak.
Pulau yang dahulu lebih dikenal sebagai produsen minyak kayu putih itu empat tahun terakhir memang berubah menjadi menjadi tempat penghasil emas.
Berawal dari mimpi
Semua berawal dari mimpi seorang penduduk bahwa di suatu lokasi bernama gunung Botak, terdapat emas.
Warga pada tahun 2011 berbondong-bondong menggali daerah tersebut dan menemukan bahwa emas nyata ada di gunung Botak.
Kini Mahani dan puluhan ribu orang di pulau Buru beralih profesi dari umumnya seorang petani minyak kayu putih, menjadi penambang emas, karena alasan yang dikemukakan oleh Mahani.
"Kalau jadi penambang emas itu dapat lebih daripada menjadi seorang petani minyak kayu putih. Karena satu hari itu bisa mendapatkan hasil per gram, harganya Rp385.000,00. Karena ibu ini orang susah, demi anak-anak dapat bersekolah," jelas Mahani.
Penambang emas di Gogorea, pulau Buru, berasal dari penjuru daerah di Indonesia
Selain Mahani yang memang merupakan penduduk pulau Buru, banyak warga dari luar pulau Buru mengadu nasib untuk menjadi penambang emas di gunung Botak.
Hal ini kemudian menimbulkan konflik antar warga yang tidak jarang berakibat pada kematian. Pemerintah sudah berusaha menutup gunung botak, namun usaha tersebut belum membuahkan hasil.
Warga terus mencari emas. Trisno asal Jakarta adalah salah satunya. Meski demikian, Trisno menjadi penambang emas di lokasi lain di pulau Buru bernama Gogorea.
"Bos saya dulu usahanya di gunung Botak. Nah, akhirnya pasca kerusuhan yang terakhir itu, semua tromol yang ada di gunung Botak dipindahkan ke Gogorea. Akhirnya, saya yang tadinya di Jakarta, belum pernah kerja di tambang sama sekali, disuruh bos untuk pindah ke Gogorea," kata Trisno.
Proses pembuatan emas di Gogorea, pulau Buru, Maluku
Trisno mengaku sebelumnya merupakan pegawai pemasaran air kemasan di Jakarta, ketika atasannya menugaskan dia untuk menjadi penambang emas di Gogorea. Dia pun terpaksa belajar banyak mengenai emas.
Berjualan emas di toko
Namun setelah para penambang emas mendapatkan emas, apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dengan emas tersebut?
Sepulang dari perjalanan saya di pulau Buru, saya berbincang-bincang dengan Nur Octavhiani, seorang penjual emas di pusat perbelanjaan Cempaka Putih, Jakarta.
Dia sudah sekitar 10 tahun berjualan emas. Vhia, begitu Nur Octavhiani kerap disapa, menjelaskan asal emas yang dia jual.
"Kalau saya pribadi ambil barang dari sales (penjual). Dan sales-nya itu sendiri biasanya ngambil dari pabrik-pabrik. Pabriknya mulai dari yang ada di Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta sampai dari Kendari, Makassar."
Berjualan emas cukup menguntungkan bagi Nur Octavhiani
Berjualan emas merupakan bisnis keluarga Vhia sejak puluhan tahun.
Dalam satu bulan, toko milik keluarga Vhia dapat meraih keuntungan sekitar 30-50 juta Rupiah.
Meski merupakan seorang sarjana ekonomi manajemen, Vhia memutuskan untuk tetap mengikuti usaha keluarganya berjualan emas karena bisnis emas menjanjikan.

Dia pun mengaku ilmu yang ia peroleh di bangku kuliah berguna untuk mengelola toko emasnya. BBC

Friday, March 27, 2015

Saudi Arabia launches a military attack in Yemen, assisted Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt and Pakistan

Saudi Arabia launches a military attack in Yemen, assisted Gulf Cooperation Council countries, Egypt and Pakistan

Saudi Arabia accused the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels were also Shia.
Saudi military launching an offensive operation against the Houthi rebels in Yemen, said the Saudi ambassador to the United States.
Saudi Ambassador to the US, Adel al-Jubeir, said his country was in action for the sake of 'defending the legitimate government' led by President Mansour Hadi Abdrabbuh.
The military operation involving air strikes, according to Al-Jubeir, starting on Thursday (26/03) at 23:00 GMT or 06.00 pm.
He said the operation was also supported a number of Gulf countries.
Saudi Arabia attack came just two days after Yemeni Foreign Minister Riad Yassin pleaded Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for military intervention. Application Yassin newspaper quoted Saudi Arabia, Asharq al-Awsat.

President Mansour Hadi Abdrabbuh trying to maintain his power to flee to Aden.
Conflict in Yemen occurred after Houthi rebel stronghold depose President Mansour Hadi Abdrabbuh. Hadi then attempt to maintain power by fleeing the capital Sanaa and set up a government center in the city of Aden.
Lunge the Houthis have aroused suspicion of Saudi Arabia that their action is supported by the Iranian government, which also Shia. However, both the Houthis and Iran dismissed the allegation.
However, there is concern that the Saudi military operations will trigger a new conflict that dragged Iran. BBC

CONFLICT BETWEEN YEMEN Yemeni Shiite to salafi
One of the local media in Yemen, Al Baidha 'News (23/10/2011) says that the Shia Al Khautsiyin conflict with the Dar Al-Hadith Dammaj had lasted several months. Shiites have hindered the Muslim community in Yemen who declare themselves as Salafis to meet their daily activities.

In the month of Ramadan and one of the leaders of this institution, Joseph San'ani also killed while leading the market in the city of Sa'dah. In April, some of the complex close to the center of Dammaj Salafi study is also controlled by the Khautsiyin and drive guards, without any fighting.

Jama'ah Khautsiyin itself has distributed leaflets stating that Yahya Al Hajjurri, a central figure in the educational institutions, has asked Saudi clerics to provide input to the Saudi government in order to attack Shiite Yemen.

In the leaflets were also mentioned that Al Hajjurri Dammaj invites residents to cancel the peace treaty with the Shiites. Al Hajjury himself denied that what is mentioned in the leaflet was a statement.

While Naba 'News (5/11/2011) Yemen local media also mentioned that Sheikh Muqbil Al Wadi'i not open the institution except after signing an agreement with Majduddin Sayyid Al Mua'yyidi, the main character Shiite Zaydiyyah, which places it became the center of scientific study that do not harm each other.

Chronological Attack

A blog Salafis who speak Indonesian, kaahil.worpress.com, released a chronology of the attack.

Shiite group that controls some mountainous regions around Darul Hadith since two years ago to blockade the Salafi education area. Governor Sha'dah trying to mediate the dispute between the Shia and the Salafis, but to no avail. The reason for the Shia ask the vacated area of ​​the Salafis. Obviously Salafis reject and will defend to the death.

A few days later, after the blockade was not immediately opened, Salafis in Darul Hadith began to lack of food. Shaykh Yahya began reading Qunut Nazilah God to destroy the Shiite group that surrounded them. Meanwhile both sides tense and waiting to start shooting each other.

Shaykh Muhammad Mani in Shana'a the Salafis also expressed its readiness to assist Darul Hadith to mobilize the students. The Salafi supporters began to be concentrated in cities Hasyid, Harodh, Ataq, and others to help Salafi Darul Hadith. However, because there was a ceasefire by the President of Yemen in Shana'a, they are still waiting for their leadership instruction. However, the Shiites provoke Darul Hadith by capturing one of the students Salafi.

7th Dzulhijjah Dhuhr time, Thursday, November 3rd, Shiites began firing Headquarters Darul Hadith. However, a new victim fell on Friday the next day of the Salafis. A student named Mu'adh al Abyani killed by a sniper bullet Shia. While it is rumored 7 Shiites reportedly shot and killed.

Sabtunya, the Day of Arafah, Sho'dah governor called for a ceasefire. However, cease only lasted a few hours. Four people were shot dead Shia. While the Salafi Piihak no.

Sunday, November 6, Eid al-Adha, Sho'dah government began firmly against Shiites. They bombard the group and reportedly killed 30 people angggotanya. They were clustered and bombed.

Arab Saudi lancarkan serangan militer di Yaman, dibantu negara Dewan Kerjasama teluk, Mesir dan Pakistan

Arab Saudi lancarkan serangan militer di Yaman, dibantu negara Dewan Kerjasama teluk, Mesir dan Pakistan

Arab Saudi menuding pemberontak Houthi disokong Iran yang juga beraliran Syiah.
Militer Arab Saudi tengah melancarkan operasi serangan terhadap pemberontak Houthi di Yaman, kata Dubes Saudi untuk Amerika Serikat.
Dubes Saudi untuk AS, Adel al-Jubeir, mengatakan negaranya beraksi demi ‘membela pemerintahan sah’ yang dipimpin Presiden Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.
Operasi militer yang melibatkan serangan udara itu, menurut Al-Jubeir, dimulai Kamis (26/03) pukul 23.00 GMT atau pukul 06.00 WIB.
Dia mengatakan operasi tersebut juga disokong sejumlah negara Teluk.
Serangan Arab Saudi terjadi hanya dua hari setelah Menteri Luar Negeri Yaman Riad Yassin memohon Dewan Kerja Sama Teluk (GCC) untuk melakukan intervensi militer. Permohonan Yassin dikutip surat kabar Arab Saudi, Asharq al-Awsat.

Presiden Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi berusaha mempertahankan kekuasaannya dengan mengungsi ke Aden.
Konflik di Yaman terjadi setelah kubu pemberontak Houthi melengserkan Presiden Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. Hadi kemudian berupaya mempertahankan kekuasaannya dengan mengungsi dari Ibu Kota Sanaa dan mendirikan pusat pemerintahan di Kota Aden.
Sepak terjang kaum Houthi telah membangkitkan dugaan Arab Saudi bahwa aksi mereka disokong oleh pemerintah Iran, yang juga beraliran Syiah. Namun, baik kaum Houthi dan Iran menepis dugaan tersebut.
Meski demikian, ada kekhawatiran bahwa operasi militer Saudi akan memicu konflik baru yang menyeret Iran. BBC

Salah satu media lokal di Yaman, Al Baidha’ News (23/10/2011) menyebutkan bahwa konflik pemberontak Syiah Al Khautsiyin dengan pihak Dar Al Hadits Dammaj sudah berlangsung beberapa bulan. Kelompok Syiah telah menghalang-halangi komunitas Muslim Yaman yang menyatakan diri sebagai Salafi ini untuk memenuhi aktivitas harian mereka.

Pada bulan Ramadhan lalu salah satu tokoh lembaga ini, Yusuf Shan’ani juga dibunuh saat menuju pasar di kota Sa’dah. Pada bulan April lalu, beberapa kompleks yang dekat dengan pusat kajian Salafi Dammaj ini juga dikuasai oleh pihak Khautsiyin dan mengusir para penjaganya, tanpa ada pertempuran.

Jama’ah Khautsiyin sendiri telah menyebarkan selebaran yang menyebutkan bahwa Yahya Al Hajjurri, tokoh sentral di lembaga pendidikan itu, telah meminta kepada para ulama Saudi untuk memberi masukan kepada pihak pemerintah Saudi agar menyerang Syi’ah Yaman.

Dalam selebaran itu juga disebutkan bahwa Al Hajjurri mengajak penduduk Dammaj agar membatalkan perjanjian damai dengan pihak Syi’ah. Al Hajjury sendiri membantah bahwa apa yang disebutkan dalam selebaran itu merupakan pernyataannya.

Sedangkan Naba’ News (5/11/2011) yang juga media lokal Yaman menyebutkan bahwa Syeikh Muqbil Al Wadi’i tidak membuka lembaga pendidikan tersebut kecuali setelah menandatangani kesepakatan dengan Sayyid Majduddin Al Mua’yyidi, tokoh utama Syi’ah Zaidiyah, yang tempat itu menjadi pusat kajian ilmu yang tidak membahayakan satu sama lain.

Kronologis Penyerangan

Sebuah blog Salafi yang berbahasa Indonesia, kaahil.worpress.com,  merilis kronologi penyerangan tersebut.

Kelompok Syiah yang menguasai beberapa wilayah pegunungan di sekitar Darul Hadits sejak dua tahun lalu memblokade area pendidikan Salafi tersebut. Gubernur Sha’dah berusaha menengahi pertikaian antara Syiah dan Salafi, namun hasilnya nihil. Penyebabnya karena Syiah meminta daerah itu dikosongkan dari kaum Salafi. Terang saja Salafi menolak dan akan mempertahankan sampai mati.

Beberapa hari kemudian, setelah blokade tidak segera dibuka, Salafi di Darul Hadits mulai kekurangan makanan. Syaikh Yahya pun mulai membaca Qunut Nazilah agar Allah menghancurkan kelompok Syiah yang mengepung mereka. Sementara itu kedua belah pihak tegang dan saling menunggu untuk memulai tembakan.

Syaikh Muhammad Mani di Shana’a yang juga Salafi menyatakan kesiapannya membantu Darul Hadits dengan mengerahkan para pelajar. Para pendukung Salafi pun mulai terkonsentrasi di kota Hasyid, Harodh, Ataq,  dan lain-lain untuk membantu Salafi Darul Hadits. Namun, karena sedang ada genjatan senjata oleh Presiden Yaman di Shana’a, mereka masih menunggu instruksi pimpinan mereka. Namun, kelompok Syiah memprovokasi Darul Hadits dengan menangkap salah seorang pelajar Salafi.

Tanggal 7 Dzulhijjah waktu Zhuhur, Kamis 3 November, Syiah mulai menembaki Markas Darul Hadits. Namun, korban baru jatuh pada Jumat esok harinya dari pihak Salafi. Seorang pelajar bernama Mu’adz Al Abyani tewas diterjang peluru sniper Syiah. Sementara itu dikabarkan 7 orang Syiah dikabarkan tertembak dan tewas.

Sabtunya, Hari Arafah, Gubernur Sho’dah meminta diadakannya gencatan senjata. Namun, genjatan hanya berlangsung beberapa jam. Empat orang Syiah tewas tertembak. Sedangkan dari piihak Salafi tidak ada.

Hari Ahad, 6 November, Hari Raya Idul Adha, pemerintahan Sho’dah mulai tegas terhadap kelompok Syiah. Mereka membombardir kelompok tersebut dan dikabarkan 30 orang angggotanya tewas. Mereka sedang bergerombol dan dibom.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Saudi Arabia Attack Yemen Against Shia Houthis, supported the invasion of 8 OIC countries, Egypt, Pakistan

Saudi Arabia  Attack Yemen Against Shia Houthis, supported the invasion of 8 OIC countries, Egypt, Pakistan

Washington / Riyadh, GATRANews - Saudi Arabia launched a military operation to Yemen to fight Houthi Shiite militias that threaten the government there, said the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States, as quoted by AFP.

"The military operation is to maintain the legitimate government," said Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir told reporters in Washington, as reported by Antara.

Meanwhile from Riyadh reported that five countries in the Gulf states will protect Yemeni President Mansour Hadi Abedrabbo of Houthi rebels are getting closer to the city of Aden where the president fled after escaping from the capital Sanaa.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates said they "have decided to answer the request of President Hadi to protect Yemen and its people from aggression militia (Shiite) Houthi".

Conflict History of Yemen until the Shiite Conflict - Salafi relation to the US

 Posted on Friday, 7 November 2014 | 04:43 outline Blog Title Jihad Zone, Kultweet

Muslimedianews.com ~ Republic of Yemen is one of the countries in the Middle East are also affected by the Arab Spring. In this state, the revolution took place in order to overthrow the Ali Abdullah Saleh, the 33-year dictatorial regime.

33 years, since Ali Abdullah Saleh became president of North Yemen.

Yes, actually Ali abdullah Saleh is the President of North Yemen since 1978, when still united with South Yemen.

North Yemen and South Yemen finally united with a name of the country; Republic of Yemen.

When the unification of Yemen Main and South Yemen in 1990, Ali Abdullah Saleh became the first President of the Republic of Yemen.

Before entering the discussion, let me comfortable, we first identify the country of Yemen. Yemen in the past to get prosperity for the Asia trade route used - Africa.

From the historicity, Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the world. Ancient Romans call this state as "Arabia Felix", or Arabic are happy, because prospered by trade.

Caesar Augustus never launched an attack to seize this region, but failed. Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum conquered Yemen in 520. In 570, Yemen is in control of Sassanid Parsia.

While in the 7th century, the Islamic Caliphate began to dominate the region. Yemen is one of the number one Islamic country in the world. Almost all of the population is Muslim.

The people of Arab descent in Indonesia derived mainly from Yemen. Yemen is also known as the country where the study of Islam, in the city of Hadramawt. From the city of Hadramawt, Islamic da'wah disyi'arkan to various countries, including Indonesia.

Before reunification between North Yemen and South Yemen, the country late in the history of bloody conflict.

We discuss first North Yemen ..

North Yemen gained independence in 1918 after a long time under the rule of "Caliphate" Ottoman. Once separated from the "Caliphate", North Yemen stand by name: Kingdom of Yemen, the first King Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din.

Kingdom of Yemen on the way military coup in 1962, ending the era of the Kingdom of Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic was born.

The first President of the Yemen Arab Republic Abdullah as-Sallal.

Yemen King defeated adl. Muhammad al-Badr. | Story, he had a week jd king succeeded his father who died.

Faithful followers of the King of Yemen who coup against and there was a civil war between the faction versus faction kingdom of Yemen Yemen Arab Republic. Kingdom of Yemen supported by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, moderate faction of the Republic supported by the Soviet Union. Civil War finally ended, and was won by the faction of the Republic in 1970 and received recognition by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, South Yemen gained independence from British rule in 1967, and established the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. The first President of South Yemen was Qathan Mohammed al Shaabi.

Countries southern Yemen Arab country terpangaruh satu2nya Marxist understanding. However, with the collapse of communist countries in the world, South Yemen finally agreed with the peaceful reunification of North Yemen in 1990.

Ali Abdullah Saleh became chairman of the board of the President of Yemen, and not long before he became the President of Yemen is absolute.

In 1994, civil war conflict hit Yemen, the Yemeni government with socialist party followers in southern Yemen. The conflict was triggered by the desire to break away and reshape the state of South Yemen.

War known as the "Summer Wars 94" this is the end after the Yemeni government managed to control the situation. After southern Yemen subsided, Yemen rebellion rocked back in the north, in the province of Sa'adah.

Sa'adah province directly adjacent to Saudi Arabia. The rebellion was led by Al-Houthi.

Al Houthi group have actually been around since 1994, but in 2004 began a total resistance. The name Al Houthi in nisbatkan on their leaders killed by the Yemeni army, named Hussein al-Houthi Badreddin in 2004.

Initially this group calling itself "Al-Shabab Al-Mumineen" opposition group that opposed the US invasion of Iraq and US interference in Yemen. After the leader of this movement Badreddin Hussein Al Houthi was killed, his brother who named Abdul Malik Houthi replace him.

He popularized the name of Al-Houthi as the name of his movement and the struggle of significant progress. Al Houthi insurgents Muslim majority Zaydiyyah (one of the streams in the Shi'ite), it is considered a serious threat to Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

To overcome the Al Houthi insurgents Saudi Arabia even willing to inject funds into Yemen every year 2 billion USD. With a target of guaranteeing the security of the border region of Saudi Arabia - Yemen. Saudi Arabia worry uprising that spread to its territory.

Yemen and Saudi Arabia also pointed out to Iran's role behind the Al Houthi rebellion, that the weapons were supplied Iran's Al-Houthi. Worse, the Yemeni government of arming tribal militia formed to confront Al-Houthi group.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and Yemen is a partner of the Arabs who both have close relations with the United States. During Yemen's fight against al-Houthi, the US allegedly involved helping, with evidence of fighter jets passing which is owned by US.

The strengthening of the US aid to Yemen to the attention of Al Qaeda. Why is that, because of Al Qaeda in the statement is always eyeing the US wherever located.

The new round of conflict in Yemen vs al Qaeda began ...

Al Qaeda Jihadists immediately came and appeared in South Yemen. South Yemen which had influenced communist, now the basis of Al Qaeda Salafi Jihadi groups. Yemen warns US not to deploy troops to Yemen, because of fear of the people of Yemen turned to support Al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda attack is directed to US-owned agencies in Yemen. South Yemen was turbulent. Yemen vowed to combat al-Qaeda since start disrupting its territory. US funds also to cope with Al Qaeda in Yemen flows and increased sharply, from the previous 70 Million USD by 150 million USD in 2011.

The US was kind enough to make a cash injection as a grant in Yemen.

President Ali Abdullah Saleh is to mess around on two fronts to cushion the Northern Territory (Shiite HOUTI), South (Al Qaeda). So to overcome HOUTI Shia, Ali Abdullah Saleh to pick up support from Saudi Arabia, while Al Qaeda quell For he partnered dg US

Although shaken with 2 different strengths, namely the Shiite Houthi and Salafi Jihadi Al Qaeda, Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen is still solid lead. Until eventually disastrous for Ali Abdullah Saleh's rule came in when he entered a period of 30 years at the helm of Yemen.

Ali Abdullah Saleh finally collapsed, not because of the rebellion of weapons by Al Qaeda or Al Houthi but by the People's Revolution. Arab People's Revolution, which is echoed in several Arab countries demanded the downfall of dictators in the Arab countries, including Yemen.

1 million mass demonstrations urged Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down from the presidency that he occupied more than 30 years. Demonstrations triggered when Ali Abdullah Saleh tried to propose a constitutional amendment that makes it lasting power. Moreover, Ali Abdullah Saleh's regime was not able to improve the life of the people of Yemen.

Poverty is increasing among people who productive, the lack of political freedom, corruption is high, unemployment reached 40%. Under Ali Abdullah Saleh, the people also fret over by security problems, such as Al Qaeda insurgency in the south and Al Houthis in the North. People then compact urged Ali Abdullah Saleh down from office, held demonstrations across Yemen.

Ali Abdullah Saleh, trying to drown out the protesters by offering will not run again to be president and will go down in 2013 Demonstrator Ali Abdullah Saleh rejected the offer, and asked him to step down as soon as possible.

"People want regime change!" "Reject corruption, reject dictatorship!" Shouted the protesters at the Univ. Sana'a, Yemen.

"Yaumul atharu" or "Day of Anger" held the demonstrators For overthrow Ali Abdullah Saleh from the presidency.

President Ali Abdullah Saleh has lost its legitimacy, the people did not believe him anymore.

While the Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia is the big boss asks him to resign before Yemen worsened.

Ali Abdullah Saleh is not only lose the support of its people, its allies abroad were asked to step down. Ali Abdullah Saleh tried stalling, several times the Gulf countries plan to facilitate the transition of leadership molor.Sampai Ali Abdullah Saleh finally become victims of the bombing in early June 2011.

Ali Abdullah Saleh of lives saved, he was rushed to Saudi Arabia for treatment. The departure of Ali Abdullah Saleh to Saudi Arabia for treatment of joy greeted the people of Yemen and refused Ali to return to Yemen. A year later, Ali Abdullah Saleh, under pressure from Saudi Arabia officially handed over the post of Vice President of Yemen; Abd. Mansour Hadi.

Amid the bustle of the Arab Spring in Yemen, Al Houthi freely controlling Yemen in Wil. North, while Al Qaeda in Wil. Selatan.Al Qaeda continues to build strength, even in 2009 the merger of two groups of Jihadists Saudi and Yemeni jihadists dg AQAP name.

AQAP is now led by Nasser al Wuhaysi, former personal secretary of Osama, he often appeared later pose a threat to the US and Yemen. US responds to send drones to bomb training camps AQAP in Yemen.

AQAP not stay silent, last month arrested a US spy someone, then killed and hanged in football goalkeeper.

AQAP continues to demonstrate its activities Jihad in Yemen. Even several times clashed with Al Houthi group. And recently, American drones return to "purge" AQAP militants in Yemen.

American drones continue targeting militant bases targets. AQAP pointed out to the role of Saudi Arabia in Yemen behind the bombing. Circulated images of US bases in Saudi Arabia, published by WikiLeaks in which US drones launched.

AQAP said; "Saudi Arabia is now appealing the rifle used in todongkan on the face of Al Houthi, and in todongkan us"

Indeed, Yemen is now in the vortex of "a million conflict" in various country side. Yemen today, much different from the past, which is known as the land Arabia Felix (Arabic happy).