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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Band members Slank Kidney failure, doom or Exam.

Unfinished journey (248)

(Part two hundred and forty-eight, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, March 24, 2015, 5:12 pm)

Band members Slank Kidney failure, doom or Exam.

In his press conference one of the famous Indonesian band members, Slank doctor sentenced sick kidney failure. The choice, the doctor said, he had to undergo surgery transplant (kidney transplant) through the kidney donor others, or perform dialysis (hemo dialysis / HD).
Whatever it is, if we suffer unfortunate illness, this is one test that God gave to man, if we are patient, God will wipe away our sins, of course, be patient here while we remain diligent prayer and worship do practice seek forgiveness and remembrance.
Unfortunate illness is also one of the love God has for us, because the unfortunate illness of the believer is God's punishment accelerated in the world, God does not want doom over our sins done in the hereafter (hell) because longer and more painful, while doom in the world only briefly and temporarily, so that the man in the punishment of God d world like purgatory, and much lighter than in hell, so that the patient suffered from unfortunate illness that could die in a state of khusnul Khotimah (removed all sin) so that God's promise to go to heaven.
For members of the band Slank kidney transplant If his choice, should also be remembered, was one initiative alone, there is no guarantee of doctors most intelligent and most expensive hospital can cure the disease, because all the destiny of turmoil like illness including age limits we have a Providence of God which has been written in the book: "Lawh Mahfuz".

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: "Allaah has set all the destiny of all creatures from fifty thousand years before God created the heavens and the earth". (HR. Muslim, no. 2653).

"No misfortune can happen on earth and (nor) in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz) before We bring it. Verily it is easy for Allah ". (QS. Al-Hadid: 22).

I had a rich friend, when sick asked me: '' where the best hospital abroad, since he already expensive treatment at the hospital in the country .: '' I refer to a famous hospital visited by many wealthy people, including officials Indonesian high.
However, after surgery in hospital and in abroad, returned to Indonesia the pain is getting worse and coma a few months, eventually died. So taqdir God is unchangeable most clever doctor or by a stack of money.
For members of the band Slank, if the choice of dialysis (HD), it must be utilized to repent. During dialysis 4-5 hours after prayer utilized by many seek forgiveness and remembrance.
It's just that we have to be careful, with the possibility wildness that can resemble devil jinn and humans roam around the room dialysis, because in these places the devil likes the prowl trying to patients who were dialysis (dying) not to die in a state of khusnul khotimah. Satan's cunning and very clever trick humans, could be someone in around your  fellow dialysis practice shamanism to wrap ayat of the Quran as if impressed shaman Islamic Syarie treatment using -ayat Qur'an verse, where the devil trap us, so we asked for healing depending on the shaman's not pray to God directly, where the devil trap us that we are caught in the act of shirk. Or reliance on shamans rather than on God.
Though the shaman was a smart man he obtained derivative inheritance from his grandfather, or his ancestors, he said knowing the occult.
Though witchcraft was just possessed of God, except sorcery, witchcraft science / shamanism that according to Quran and Hadith is one of the science of God that was stolen demon of two angels who fell to the Prophet Solomon. Well this is the magic that is transmitted to the devil jinn and humans, as a witch or shaman as God's warning in Surah Al Falaq.

Allah says in the Qur'an letter to Al-Falaq 113: 1) "Say: I seek refuge in the Lord that chalenge dawn. 2) from the evil creatures. 3) And from the evil of the night when it was dark gulita.4) and of evil sorcerer women who blow on knots-buhul.5) and from the evil of the envious, if he is jealous.

Anyway Prophet also said: If we want to go to heaven without an accounting do not ask in rukyah, unless we merukyah yourself, the Prophet's warning that mankind does not depend on the help of others or stuck in shirk, but prayer should be directed to God directly, not must use an intermediary, unless there is a specific proposition that we ask in praying for others such as the story of a devout prayer to her mother Uais Yemeni Al Qurni. Besides Uais Al Qurni Prophet Muhammad only give general criteria regarding anyone prayer certainly will God give it, as those who were terzolimi (get badly heart), both physically terzolimi by his or her middle weight affected the form of pain for example (in the sense terzolimi exam)
Prayer terzolimi person that does not mean he prayed for God avenged on her hurt, but the pain he suffered, so invite a reply Wrath of God.
The prayer of this terzolimi not only applies to a Muslim, but applies to all creatures, humans.
For example when Geng His messenger trade representative Khan who was sent to Baghdad, Iraq beheaded (killed) on the orders of King Muslim power in Iraq.
Decapitation trade envoy has violated his sense of humanity and diplomatic manners that make sense angry gang His Khan.
Apparently the gang His anger is like a prayer Khan terzolimi, until the Islamic empire in Iraq at that time was destroyed and defeated and colonized Geng His grandson Khan, Hulagu Khan, who is not a Muslim.
This proves the grace of God that does not belong to Muslims alone, but also for all the creatures of God.

Patience According to the Qur'an and Hadith

"Within us is sometimes so hard to be patient for something, whether it is affected or being tested by him, many verses of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that describes patient, here there is little description of meaning patient, hopefully this article can increase our patience and helpful to us all. Aamiin ... "

From Suhaib ra, that the Prophet SAW said, "It is amazing its case believer, for all his affairs are good for him. And the thing that should not be there but only on the believers: That if he gain happiness, he was grateful, because (he knows) that it is the best for him. And if he was stricken, he was patient, because (he knows) that it is the best thing for him. " (HR. Muslim)

Brief of Hadith

This hadith is a hadeeth with isnaad as above, through Abdurrahman ibn Abi Thabit from Laila, from Suhaib of the Prophet, narrated by:
- Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, Kitab al-Zuhud wa Al-Raqa'iq, Bab Al-Mu'min Amruhu Kulluhu Khair, Hadith No. 2999.
- Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in his Musnad in four places, namely Hadith No. 18 455, 18 360, 23 406 and 23 412.
- Also narrated by Imam al-Darimi, in Sunannya, Kitab al-Riqaq, Bab Al-Mu'min Yu'jaru Fi kulli Syai ', Hadith No. 2777.

Meaning Hadith General

This brief hadith has a broad meaning as well as providing a definition of the nature and character of those who believe. Every believer is described by the Prophet Muhammad as a person who has the charm, which is described by the term 'ajaban' (عجبا). Due to the nature and character will dazzle anyone.
Then the Prophet illustrates that the charm stems from the existence of positive thinking every believer. Where he looked at the problem from the standpoint of all positive, and not from the point of nagatifnya.
For example, when he was getting kindness, happiness, happiness, pleasure, and so forth, it will be reflected in the form of penysukuran against Allah. Because he knows and understand that it is a gift of God which is given to him. And God does not give him something, but certainly something that is positive for him.
Conversely, if he gets a calamity, disaster, grief, sadness, misfortune and other negative things, he will be patient. Because he believes that it is a gift for her at the same ordeal that definitely has a secret goodness in it. So the reflection is to be patient and give it all to God.

Urgency Patience

Patience is one of the fundamental characteristics of pious to Allah SWT. In fact, some scholars say that patience is half of faith. Patience has links that may not be separated from faith: Linkages between patience with faith, is like the head with his body. There is no faith that is not accompanied by patience, as well as no bodies that do not have a head. Hence the Prophet describes the characteristics and virtues of the believers as the hadith above.
But patience is not solely have a sense of "nrimo", incompetence and synonymous with oppression. Patience actually have dimensions on pengalahan lust contained in the human soul. In jihad, patiently implemented with salallaahu who wants him to sit with a relaxed and quiet at home. It's when he was silent that, in fact he has not been able to be patient against the challenges and fulfill the divine call.
Patient also has a dimension to change a condition, both personal and social, to the improvement in order to better and better. Even a person can be said to be impatient to say, if he receives bad conditions, surrender and give up. Patience in worship is implemented in the form of combat and force yourself to get up from the bed, and then perform ablution and then walked to the mosque and pray in congregation acted upon. So that the patient is not appropriate if only interpreted by a passive nature, but he has a balance between the value of the active nature of the passive nature.

Meaning of Tolerance

Patience is a term derived from the Arabic, and has become a term in Indonesian. Originally he is "Shobaro", which form the infinitive (masdar) becomes "shabran". In terms of language, meaning restrain and prevent the patient. This amplifies the meaning as the word of God in the Qur'an:
Restrain thyself along with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Countenance; and do not turn your eyes from them (as), desiring the life of this world; and obey not him whose heart We have neglected of Our remembrance and who follows his own lusts and is the situation that crossed the line. (QS. Al-Kahf / 18: 28)
Command to be patient in the paragraph above, is to refrain from desire 'out' of the community of people who call her Rab and always seeking His Countenance. Patient orders above as well as the prevention of human desires that want to be with people who are heedless of remembering Allah.
In terms of the term, patient is:
Refrain from the nature of anxiety and a sense of emotion, then hold oral complaints and arrest members of the body of the act which is not directional.
Amru bin Usman said, that the patient is the firmness with God, receiving his examination of the roomy and quiet. The same thing was also stated by Imam al-Khowas, that patience is a reflection of the determination to realize the Qur'an and Sunnah. So that the patient actually not synonymous with resignation and inability. It is precisely this kind of people who have indicated their impatience to change the existing conditions, impatience for trying, impatience to fight and so forth.
Prophet Muhammad ordered his followers to be patient when jihad. Whereas jihad is fighting the enemies of Allah, the climax is the use of weapons (war). That is to act as the necessary patience to waive keiinginan soul who wants a sense of relaxed, lazy, and so forth. Patient in jihad also means the determination to confront the enemy, and not run away from the battlefield. People who fled from the battlefield because of fear, is one indication impatient.

Patience As Described In The Qur'an

In the Qur'an many verses that talk about patience. If traced as a whole, there are 103 times referred to in the Qur'an, the words that use the word patient basis; well shaped and fi'ilnya isim. This shows how much patience to the attention of Allah, the God emphasize to His servants. Of verses exist, the scholars classify the patient in the Qur'an into some sort;

1. Patience is the order of Allah. It is as found in QS.2: 153: "O ye who believe, ask for help to God with patience and prayer, Allah is with those who patiently."
Other verses similar to the command of the patient is very much present in the Qur'an. Among them are the QS.3: 200, 16: 127, 8: 46, 10: 109, 11: 115 jobs.

2. Prohibition isti'ja l (haste / impatient), as Allah says (QS. Al-Ahqaf / 46: 35): "So be patient as people who have the courage of the apostles and do not You asked for expedited (doom) for them ... "

3. Praise God for those who are patient, as contained in the QS. 2: 177: "... and those who are patient in adversity, suffering and in war. They are the ones who really faith and they are the ones who fear Him."

4. Allah will love those who wait. Aal Imran (3: 146) Allah says: "And Allah loves those who are patient."

5. Mutual Allah with those who are patient. This means that God always will be with His servants who wait. Allah says (QS. 8: 46); "And be patient, for verily Allah is with those who patiently."

6. Getting the reward of heaven from God. Allah says in the Qur'an (13: 23-24); "(It is) heaven 'Eden which they enter into it together with those of the pious fathers, wives and grandchildren, are angels enter their places of all doors; (while saying ): "Salamun` alaykum Milky shabartum "(salvation for you, for the patience that you do). So it is good to place the end of it."
This is among the Qur'anic description of patience. Gembaran other representations regarding the same, there are still very many, and can be found in the books that specifically discuss about patience.

Patience As Described In the Hadith.

As in the Qur'an, the hadith is also a lot of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad that describes about patience. In the book The Gardens of the Righteous, Imam Nawawi 29 hadith include themed patient. Broadly speaking, these hadiths describe patience as follows;

1. Patience is "Dhiya '" (very bright light). Due to this patient, someone will be able to unveil the darkness. Prophet Muhammad said, "... and patience is a bright light ..." (HR. Muslim)

2. Patience is something that needs to be cultivated and trained optimally. Prophet Muhammad once described: "... whoever mensabar self-sabarkan (try to be patient), then God will make a patient ..." (HR. Bukhari)

3. Patience is a gift of God most good. Prophet Muhammad said, "... and it is not a person is given something better and more spacious than patience." (Agreed Alaih)

4. Patience is one of the characteristic properties of the believers at the same time, as the hadith found in muqadimah; "It's amazing the case of people who believe, for all its case is good. If he gets the pleasure, he was grateful because (he mengatahui) that it is indeed good for him. And if he is stricken or hardship, he perseveres because (he knows) that it is good for him. " (HR. Muslim)

5. A person who is patient will get the reward of heaven. In a hadith described; From Anas bin Malik said, that I heard the Prophet SAW said, He says, "When I test my servant with his eyes, then her patient, then I replace heaven for him." (HR. Bukhari)

6. Patience is the nature of the prophets. Ibn Mas'ud in a history once said: From Abdullah bin Mas'ud said, "As if I looked at the Prophet tells one of the prophets, who was beaten by his people to bleed, later he wiped the blood from his face and said, 'O Allah forgive sin of my people, because they do not know. " (HR. Bukhari)

7. Patience is characteristic of a strong man. Prophet Muhammad once described in a hadith; From Abu Hurairah ra said, that the Prophet SAW said, "The strong is not that good at wrestling, but the strong is the one who has the soul when angry." (HR. Bukhari)

8. Patience can take away sins. Depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a hadith; From Abu Hurairah ra that Rasulullan SAW said, "It is not a Muslim get fatigue, pain, anxiety, sadness, danger and distress, until the thorns that pierced him, but God will blot out their sins with it." (HR. Bukhari & Muslim)

9. Patience is a must, which one can not despair until he wants death. Had it been so compelled to let him pray to God, that God will give you the best thing for him; whether life or death. Prophet said; From Anas bin Malik, that the Prophet SAW said, "Let one of you recall the arrival of death due to calamities that befall him. And if she had indeed to expect it, let him pray, 'O Allah, keep my life if only life was better unttukku. And wafatkanlah me, if only it was better for me. " (HR. Bukhari Muslim)

Forms of Patience

The scholars divided the patience to three things; patient in obedience to God, wait to leave and wait for exams disobedience of God:

1. Patience in obedience to God. Realization of obedience to God, requires patience, because in his nature, the human soul is reluctant to worship and do obedience. Judging from the cause, there are three things that cause human difficult to be patient. Firstly because lazy, as in doing worship. Both as hunks (miser), such as alms giving and infaq. Thirdly because both, (lazy and stingy), like Hajj and jihad.
Then to be able to realize patience in obedience to God needed a few things,
(1) In the condition before performing worship in the form fix intentions, namely kikhlasan. Ikhlas is patience in the face thorns riya '.
(2) The condition when conducting worship, so as not to forget God in the midst of implementing the worship, not lazy in realizing manners and sunna-sunahnya.
(3) The condition when it has completed the prayer, which is to not talk about worship that has been done so that the other person is known or praised.

2. Patient in left disobedience. Leaving disobedience also requires great patience, especially in disobedience which is very easy to do, such as backbiting (read; huddle), lie, looking at something forbidden etc. Because of the tendency of human life, like the things that are bad and "fun". And immoral acts identical to the things that "fun".

3. Patience in dealing with the trials and tribulations of God, such as getting a disaster, either material or inmateri; for example, loss of property, loss of loved ones and so on.

Aspects of Patience as Described in the Hadith

In the hadiths of the Prophet, there are some traditions that describe specific aspects or conditions seseroang required to be patient. Although these aspects are not a 'restriction' in the fields of patience, but only as examples and emphasis that has a value of motivation to be more patient in dealing with a variety of other problems. Among the conditions which emphasized that our patient is:

1. Tolerance towards disaster.
Patient with an unfortunate aspect of patience is most often advised many people. Because the patient in this aspect is a form of patient's In a hadith narrated,:
From Anas bin Malik, that once the Prophet passed by a woman who was crying near a cemetery. Then the Prophet said, 'But fear Allah, and be patient. "The woman replied,' Get away from me, because actually you do not know and can not feel the tragedy that happened to me. 'Then notified to the woman, that people who had admonished him is the Prophet . Then he went to the door of the Prophet and he did not get his guards. Then he said to the Prophet, '(sorry) I was not aware you, O Prophet.' The Prophet said, 'Truly patient was found on the first beat. "(HR. Bukhari Muslim)

2. Be patient when facing the enemy (in jihad).
In a narration, the Prophet said: From Abu Hurairah ra said, that the Prophet SAW said, 'Do you daydream to face the enemy. But if you had to deal with the patient (to deal). "HR. Muslims.

3. Patient congregation, to amir unwelcome.
In an illustrated history; From Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet, he said, 'Those who saw the amir (leader) something he did not like, then let him be patient. Because anyone who separates himself from the congregation of the span, then he died. Then he dies in a state of ignorance death. (HR. Muslim)

4. Tolerance to the office and position.
In an illustrated history: From Usaid bin Hudhair that one of the Ansar said to the Prophet Muhammad; 'O Messenger of Allah, thou lift (given position) the so and so, but did not raise (to give the position to me). Rasulullah SAW said, Surely you will look after me 'atsaratan' (ie everyone is considered better than the other), so bear with you until you meet me at telagaku (later). (HR. Turmudzi).

5. Tolerance in social life and interaction with the community.
In a hadith narrated, the Prophet SAW said, "A Muslim when he interacts with the public and patient against the negative impact they are better than a Muslim who does not interact with the community and not be patient over their negativity. (HR. Turmudzi)

6. Patience in the rigors of life and economic pressure
In an illustrated history; 'From Abdullah ibn Umar said that the Prophet once said, "Those who endure the difficulties and the crush of his life, then I would be witnesses or intercessors for him on the Day of Judgment. (HR. Turmudzi).

Tips To Increase Patience

Impatience (read: being isti'jal) is a liver disease, which should be anticipated and treated early. Because it has an negative impact of a human deeds done. As the results are not optimal, fall into disobedience, reluctant to perform worship to God etc. Therefore, it takes a few tips, in order to increase patience. Among these tips are;

1. Mengkikhlaskan intention to God, that he was merely doing just for him. With the intention of this kind, will support the emergence of patience to God.

2. Increase the recitations (read; reading) of the Qur'an, either in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. Will be optimized again when the reading is accompanied by reflection and pentadaburan meanings it contains. Since the Qur'an is a cure for the human heart. Also included in this category dhikr to God.

3. Increase the sunnah fasting. Because fasting is to reduce the passions that are syahwati especially with the opposite sex. Fasting is also a worship that is specifically able to exercise patience.

4. Mujahadatun nafs, which is an effort made for the human being and the maximum vigorously trying to beat the soul desires that tend to like the negative things, such as lazy, angry, greedy, etc.

5. Looking back life's purpose in the world. Because this will spur beings to be perfect charity. While impatience (being isti'jal), has a large enough percentage to make one's practice is not optimal. Especially if contemplating that God will see "deeds" someone who does, and not look at the results. (See QS. 9: 105)

6. Need to conduct exercises to patient personally. Like when you're alone in the house, let trained for charity worship of the watch television for example. Then train yourself to set aside part of sustenance for infaq fi sabilillah, etc.

7. Read-read stories patience companions, tabi'in and other Islamic leaders. Because it will also instill exemplary exemplary in real life in the world.


Here's a little sketch about patience. In essence, that the patient mereupakan one of the nature and character of the believers, the true nature can be possessed by every human being. Because, basically, humans have the potential to develop a patient's attitude in life.
Patience is not synonymous with submission and surrender to the existing conditions, or identical with keterdzoliman. Precisely patient is an active attitude, to change the existing conditions, so it can be better and better. Therefore, let us strive together to reach this attitude. Insha Allah, God will provide a way for His servants who sought in his path.

Source: www.eramuslim.com

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