Unfinished journey (243)
(Part two hundred and forty-three, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, March 21, 2015, 5:19 pm)
Want Log Heaven: Appreciate Time.
One of the people who are guaranteed to get into heaven,
said the Prophet Mohammed was a young man who fills his spare time with praying
to God until death (Death) came to pick him up
If we look at the great scholars and narrators of hadith
scholar Imam Buchori large as, Imam Muslim, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbali, Imam Malik,
Sunan Abu Daud and the other well-known scholars such as Albany, Uthaymeen and
the other Successors always use their spare time to learn the science of
religion from a young age.
In fact, many of them for the sake of studying, leaving
only sleep (rest) only two-three hours per day, even among those studied
(requires Sciences) to visit other countries (wander and safar).
Not much time left, just to daydream, or hanging out at
the coffee shop.
Now in the modern world, human beings are usually
preoccupied with the search for treasure as much as possible, even to win the
treasure as much as we sometimes deceived by the world (treasure) that they
forget the purpose God created Man and Jin alone to worship God to achieve
ultimate happiness either in the world and the hereafter.
We even sacrificed to prepare a variety of merchandise,
good pastries, coffè, yellow rice to be sold to the next day from morning to
stay up all night, sometimes we forget the prayer time even for a moment.
We are preoccupied with the world of work (office)
departs from the office at dawn, dawn came home again, also sometimes neglect
prayer time.
So on routine every day, eventually arrive at old age
(retirement), it is time that we as called by God (deceased), had to repent, if
you do not have time to repent how.
Is not no devil in this world who continue to try to
tempt man to man continues to neglect during his life, and trying to prevent
people to die in a state of khusnul Khotimah.
So that we (humans) died in a state khusnul Khotimah
(sinless) God gives recipes and tips through his Word Quran and Sunnah (Hadith)
of the Prophet Muhammad, if we hold on to both confirmed we will be happy in
the world and the hereafter.
In search of the world, sometimes we forget to choose to
make money, whether or not the way God blessed.
See how many rich people in the world who end up not
enjoying the fruits of his labors beupa riches, but instead died of suicide,
drug overdose, drugs, hanged himself due to stress. And other actions that
drove him to death in vain.
Is not to be inhabitants of heaven we do not need to be
rich first, such as becoming a famous singer, actress and movie stars, tycoons,
or even become Mayor, Regents or the Governor, the President first.
One example of ordinary people (the poor) are confirmed
to heaven is Uais Al Qurni of Yemen.
As told the Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith when intestate
to his friends before he died.
Blessings God depends Ridho both parents as one of the
shots Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad in the Sunnah (his saying) said Ridho
God depends on both our parents, especially mothers of our bladder.
Prophet in the hadith even to repeat the words of the new
mother three times followed by the father.
Warning Prophet Muhammad is how Islam teaches respect for
the elderly must be upheld.
Even we as Muslims should not be taught to say '' End ''
as a rejection if ordered both our parents.
Even the Prophet also reminded us, that we should not
insult the parents, although the parents of others, because it could be the
parents of others who despise it would avenge insult our parents.
How great God placed the height of both parents, so we
have to respect and we need berdharma devotion to them.
When the Prophet was still alive and told the companions
,: There will come a man from Yemen, Al Qurni Uais his name, his skin was no
sign hairpiece, former leprosy affected.
'' If you see him ask for prayer to him for you, ''
Al Qurni Uais prayer Prophet Muhammad is said diijabah
God, because he is a very loyal and berdharmabakti on his mother.
Her mother went everywhere, because Mrs. Uais Al Qurni
paralyzed because of old age, always was carrying its own, including when he
travels to Mecca pilgrimage, during the procession carrying Hajj always her
When the Prophet Death, Caliph Abu Bakr ordered child
buahbya check and ask any member of Yemeni tribes who came to Mecca for Pilgrimage.
But in the period of Caliph Umar Bin Khattab, then Uais
Al Qurni found, after checked one by one among the tribes of Yemeni origin
newfound Yemenis whose characteristics correspond testament prophet.
'' Are you Uais Al Qurni, "asked Umar to Uais, yes,
I Uais Al Qurni, from Yemen.
'' Please pray for us to God so that we can guidance from
God, '' Umar said, ''. What is the meaning I were just ordinary people and the
poor, while Companions Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Umar is more noble,
'' said Uais, then Umar tell their message and testament of the Prophet
Muhammad, '' Hearing the message, then Uais Al Qurni lifted her hands In the
above pray God to Umar and his caliphate.
It shows how people who berdharma devotion to his parents
with heart and sincerity will be rewarded by God in the form of heaven in the
hereafter and prayers diijabah God, although Uais Al Qurni a poor man, who
works just looking camel grass food for the tribe. (Messenger).
So to reach heaven we need not look for treasure it out to
spend all the time we have. If you are looking for treasure is not for the
purpose of worship to God alone, the more we feel less thirsty continue
endless. That ended when the agony Picked us, but when we die, we only carry
the shroud and good deeds, not carrying treasure mellimpah though, even the
wealth we accumulate if we do not remove the path of Allah will be a poisonous
snake bite us in hell.
Did not the Prophet Muhammad when Isra Mirad to the
seventh heaven, God is shown on the condition that the majority of heaven
filled with the poor but faithful.
The word of God, the ultimate happiness of its place in
the liver (piety), instead of the many treasures that we have accumulated.
Musings On Time
By The
Ustadz Isma'il Abu Muslim al-Atsari
Time is one of the great blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala to humans. It is appropriate to use it as a good man, effectively and as
much as possible for good deeds.
Allah Almighty has sworn to call time on his word:
والعصر )1( )2( إن الإنسان لفي خسر إلا الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات
وتواصوا بالحق وتواصوا بالصبر
For the sake of time. Behold, the man really in loss,
except those who believe and do righteous deeds and advised counsel that obey
the truth and counsel advising that Patience and Constancy. [Al-'Ashr / 103:
In this noble letter Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala swear with
time, and this shows the importance of time. Indeed, in the past there are
miracles. In the past occurred pleasure and distress, healthy and sick, wealth
and poverty. If someone menyian waste of age, a hundred years doing useless,
even a mere disobedience, then he repented at the end of his life, with
repentance is accepted, then he will get a perfect happiness in return, are in
heaven forever. He really knows that his time is the most precious little time
that repentance. Actual time is a gift of Allah Ta'ala, no reproach to him, man
was the one who reprehensible when not to use it.
WARNING Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has
recalled the importance of utilizing the time, as mentioned in the following
عن ابن عباس قال قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نعمتان مغبون
فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة والفراغ
From Ibn 'Abbaas anhuma, he said: The Prophet
sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Two of pleasure, most people fooled
on both, (namely) the health and leisure". [Bukhari, no. 5933].
This noble hadith reported that leisure is a big favor
from Allah Ta'ala, but many people fooled and get a loss against this favor.
Among the disadvantages of this form is:
1. A person does not fill his spare time with the most
perfect form. As occupy his spare time to practice less mainstream, but he
could fill with more mainstream practice.
2. He did not fill his spare time with the deeds which
the main, which has benefits for religious or her world. However kesibukkannya
is permissible to those cases which are not rewarding.
3. He filled it with things that are forbidden, this is
the most deceived and loss. Because he squandered a chance to use the time with
a useful case. Not only that, even he occupied his time with matters that may
lead to the punishment of Allah in this world and in the hereafter.
Time urgency and obligation of keeping the case agreed
upon by people who have sense. Here are among the points that show the urgency
of time.
1. Time Is Human Capital.
Imam al-Hasan al-Basri rahimahullah said:
ابن آدم إنما أنت أيام كلما ذهب يوم ذهب بعضك
O Ibn Adam (man), you were just a (set of) days, every
single day passes, the missing part of you. [1]
It was narrated that 'Umar ibn' Abd al-'Aziz rahimahullah
إن الليل والنهار يعملان فيك فاعمل فيهما
Indeed, working night and day to you, then beramalah at
night and during it. [2]
2. Time Very Fast Passes.
Someone said to 'Amir bin Abdul-Qais rahimahullah, one
tabi'i: "Talk to me!" He replied: "Hold the course of the
Imam Ahmad rahimahullah said: "I do not equate youth
except with something stuck in my sleeve, then fall".
Abul-Walid al-Baji rahimahullah said: "If I had
known with a very confident, that my whole life in this world like an hour in
the hereafter, then why I'm not griping at the time of my life (to do things
that are useless, Pen.) , and only kujadikan life in goodness and obedience
3. The Elapsed Time Never Return.
Abu Bakr radi anhu said:
إن لله حقا بالنهار لا يقبله بالليل, ولله حق بالليل لا يقبله
Indeed Allah has the right during the day, he will not
accept it at night. And Allah also have the right during the night, he would
not accept it in the daytime. [History of Ibn Abi Abi Shaybah, no. 37 056].
Thus one should hasten to carry out their duties on time,
and do not accumulate and postpone tasks that would incriminate himself.
Therefore, the time on the side of the Salaf is more expensive than the money.
Al-Hasan al-Basri rahimahullah said:
أدركت أقواما كان أحدهم أشح على عمره منه على دراهمه ودنانيره
I have met people who are very grabber to age than to the
drachma and dinarnya. [3]
Most poet said:
والوقت أنفس ما عنيت بحفظه ... وأراه أسهل ما عليك يضيع
Time is the most expensive cases that need to be kept in
thine heart, but I see it most easily you waste it.
4. People do not know when the end of the allotted time
for her.
Therefore, Allah Ta'ala many ordered to hasten and
compete in obedience. Similarly, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
ordered that hasten perform righteous deeds. The scholars have warned that a
person is not procrastinating practice. Al-Hasan said:
ابن آدم إياك والتسويف فإنك بيومك ولست بغد فإن يكن غد لك فكن
في غد كما كنت في اليوم وإلا يكن لك لم تندم على ما فرطت في اليوم
O son of Adam, do not procrastinate (deeds), because you
have the opportunity today, while tomorrow is not necessarily you have it. If
you meet tomorrow, then do it tomorrow as you did on this day. If you do not
meet tomorrow, you will not regret your attitude that is wasted today. [4]
Here are some of the human condition in response time.
1. People who practice their pious more than their time.
It was narrated that Shaykh Jamaluddin al-Qâshimi
rahimahullah pass a coffee shop. He saw people who visit coffee shops immersed
in a game of cards and dice, drank a variety of beverages, they spent a long
time. Then the Shaykh said, "If time could be bought, surely I bought
their time!"
2. People who spend their time in the pursuit of cases
which are not berfaidah, either in the form of knowledge that is not useful, or
other world affairs.
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah mention a man who spent
his lifetime to collect and accumulate wealth. When death comes, it is said to
him, "Say la ilaha illa Allah," but he did not say it, even he began
to say, "The price of cloth 5 dirhams, the fabric costs 10 dirhams, this
great fabric". He was always in such circumstances to his soul out.
3. People who do not know what they should do with
respect to time.
An ancient scholars said:
I have seen most people spend time in a strange way. If
the long night, they spend on useless talks, or reading romance books and stay
up. If the length of time of day, they spent sleeping. While in the morning and
afternoon, they on the riverbank Dajlah, or in the markets. I URLs they were
with people who talk on board, the ship kept going to bring them and their
news. I have seen many people who do not understand the meaning of life.
Among them, there are people who have been given
sufficient by Allah Almighty, he does not need to work because of his property
which is a lot, but most of the time padai day he spent with hanging out in the
market (if today at the mall and so on, Pen.) see people (passing). How many
evils and kemungkaran the past.
Among them there are solitary play chess. Among them are
some who spend time with stories about kings events, about prices soaring and
down, and others.
So I know that Allah does not show urgency ages and
levels of health time except to those who Allah give taufiq and guidance for
use. Allah says:
وما يلقاها إلا الذين صبروا وما يلقاها إلا ذو حظ عظيم
Good properties were not given, but to those who are
patient and are not awarded but to people who have a great advantage. [Fushilat
/ 41: 35].
As for the cause of the differences in the human
condition in response time, back to the following three cases.
1. For the first, do not set a goal of life. Therefore, a
Muslim must know that Allah created the goal is to worship Him, as His words:
وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون
And I have not created the jinn and humankind only that
they may serve Me. [Adh-Dzariyat / 51: 56].
He must know that this world is a charity, not a relaxed
and playful, as his word:
أفحسبتم أنما خلقناكم عبثا وأنكم إلينا لا ترجعون
Did you suppose that We created you for messing around
(only), and that you would not return to Us? [Al-Mukminun / 23: 115].
World is the fields hereafter. If you plant goodness in
this world, then you will reap eternal pleasure in the hereafter. If you plant
a meanness in this world, then you will reap a painful torment in the
However, this does not mean people should not have fun
with the case that Allah allowed in this world, because the Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam also said:
والله إني لأخشاكم لله وأتقاكم له لكني أصوم وأفطر وأصلي وأرقد
وأتزوج النساء فمن رغب عن سنتي فليس مني
For the sake of Allah, verily I am the most fearful and
the most pious among you to Allah, but I fast and break the fast, prayer
(night) and sleep, and I marry women. Whoever hates my Sunnah, then he is not
from me. [Reported by al-Bukhari, no. 4776; Muslim, no. 1401]
2. For the second, ignorant of the value and urgency of
3. The third cause, lack of will and determination.
Many people know the value and urgency of time, and
useful to know those cases should be done to fill the time, but because of the
weakness of the will and determination, they do not do it. So a Muslim is
obliged to treat the case and hasten and compete perform righteous deeds, and
begged for help to Allah Ta'ala, then joined by comrades who worships.
If we really understand the purpose of life, and we truly
understand the value of time, then should we fill our time with things that are
going to make the pleasure of the Lord of us, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. I hope
Allah always guide us on the straight path. Amen.
[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 03-04 /
Year XVII / 1434H / 2013M. Publisher Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah
Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel.
0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]
[1]. History Abu Nu'aim in Hilyatul-Auliya`. These words
are also reported to al-Bayhaqi in Syu'abul- Faith, from Abud Darda 'anhu radi
[2]. Book of Rabi al-Abrar, p. 305.
[3]. Mentioned in the book of Ibn al-Mubarok zuhd Taqrib,
[4]. Taqrib zuhd IbnulMubarok, 1/28.
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