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Friday, May 1, 2015

A ban on the veil: Terrorist

The ride was not finished (271)

(Part two hundred and seventy-one, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, May 2, 2015, 2:52 pm)

A ban on the veil: Terrorist

Congo became the first country in Africa that prohibits Muslim women there using the veil, after France in Europe.
Indeed, using the veil is still being debated also among Islamic scholars, whether it is appropriate or excessive syariate, so now also be used to hide the identity of the terrorist group.
Moreover, Islam's image in the eyes of the western world is now very bad due to a group called the Islamic Jihad perform actions beyond the bounds of Islamic law itself, such as beheading prisoners, hostages, carry out suicide bombings, and acts outside the bounds of Islam itself , and contrary to God's nature that gives mercy to all creatures creations, including all living creatures animate like animals.
Even Prophet Muhammad in revealing his saying there was a woman in hell because confine the cat to death because it is difficult to find a meal, there is also a Jewish woman go to heaven because of his services to give drink to the thirsty dog again.
So terrorism itself is very far from the nature of God who gives his grace to all its inhabitants.

Republic of Congo, or Congo Brazzaville, prohibit the use of the veil that covers the entire face to be used in public places in the country.
The authorities also banned Muslims immigrants to stay in the mosques.
They claimed that such measures are taken with the aim of preventing the growth of terrorism over there.
Thousands of people, mainly Muslims, had fled to the Republic of Congo from neighboring countries who are experiencing conflict, mainly from the Central African Republic.
The refugees generally rest on mosques in the Congo before getting a more permanent shelters.
In general, the Muslim population in the Republic of Congo is a minority, the number is less than 5%.
Congo is the first country in Africa where the policy like this.
In Europe, France is a country that also enforce the use of the veil in public under the legislation which applied in 2010, with the penalty of a fine of around 2.5 million.
Last summer, the European Court of Human Rights supports the use of the niqab, or face veil ban after a French woman filed a lawsuit because it considers the ban violates religious freedom.

European Court of Human Rights for the first time support a ban on the use of the niqab (a veil which leaves only the eyes) in force in France.
The case was filed by a 24-year-old French woman who argued that the ban on the use of the niqab in public is a violation of the right to freedom of religion and of expression.
However, the human rights court in Strasbourg ruled that the French government has a legitimate purpose in an attempt to maintain social harmony and unity in the country's diverse population.
In a statement, the European Court of Human Rights said that the decision was also "consider the statement of the French state that faces play a major role in social interaction."
Law on the ban imposed on France under President Sarkozy's conservative government four years ago.
According to the law in 2010 that, no matter serorang allowed to wear clothing that hides the face in public.
Those who violate this ban can be fined 150 euros, or about USD 2.5 million.

CAUSE RADICALISM and its treatment

Ustadz Dr Ali Musri Semjan Son, MA

Many things that the background of writing this topic, including:
1. The rise of radical action in the midst of the people, who need to get serious attention from all circles, both from the community leaders, government and in particular the clergy.

2. There is a misconception in some communities in addressing radicalism action, where they assume that radical action is only carried out by religious fanatics.

3. There are some people who capitalize on the issue of radicalism to inhibit the rate of propaganda trip Sunnah in this Nusantra earth. And disseminate misleading information in the media that the radicalism caused by kepanatikan against the teachings of Islam.

1. As betuk our active role in finding the best solution to the problems being faced by the nation and the people of today.

2. As an obligation for a Muslim to ward off negative accusations against the noble Islamic teachings in general and specifically the propagation Ahlusunnah.

3. As a string of advice to the people, in order to own a cautious attitude toward various issues and thought that discredit Islam. As well as a string of advice to the most activist propaganda that menyelisihi manhaj Salaf in conveying propaganda.

Throughout we read of references that exist, yet we find that radicalism directed at a religious teachings, especially directed specifically to Islam. However, most definitions to link with politics. Here we nukilkan about the understanding of Radicalism:

"Radicalism (from the Latin radix, meaning" root ") is the term used in the late 18th century to support the Radical Movement. In history, the movement that began in the United Kingdom have asked for a radical reform of the electoral system. This movement was originally declared himself as far-left party opposed to far-right party. Once the "radicalism" historically started absorbed in the development of political liberalism, in the 19th century meaning of the term radical in the United Kingdom and mainland Europe turned into a progressive liberal ideology "[1].

Through the above explanation we can conclude that the origin of radical action arises from one political stream instead of the teachings of a particular religion. In other words, we can also state that the radical movement is not derived from religion. But it could happen causing misunderstanding in religious radical movements.

Radicalism in the habit stigma, a group will accuse other groups as radicals, there is no clear standards in the assessment of when a particular group or private person or group referred to as radical sensible. During this assessment authority is always left to the perception of the influence of the mass media or political forces. This can be evidenced by reading the history of radicalism from time to time.

"But we need to know that the radicalism charges for new Muslims known in recent years. Starting since the cold war between the two superpowers ended, after the defeat of the Soviet Union superpower against Afghanistan. Then the Islamic countries that gentleness in the grip of the country trying to escape. Then more prominent again after the events of September 11 th 2001 in the United States.

However, an astounding thing shameful for a statement from one who is regarded as Islamic figures that characterize groups of Radicalism is beard, short trousers and always carry a small Manuscripts. It shows the character of underdevelopment in terms of information and thought no more about the understanding of religious teachings. The statement does not correspond to the facts besides also tucked forms of hatred against Muslims who try running the religion according to the instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [2]

In wikipedia says: "According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, the word" radical "in the political context was first used by Charles James Fox. In 1797, he was declared a "radical reform" electoral system, so that the term is used to identify the movements that support parliamentary reform. "[3]

Radicalism can refer to the following:
Extremism, in politics means belonging to the groups of the radical left, extreme left or extreme right.

Radicalization, the transformation of passivity or activism to a more radical stance, revolutionary, extreme, or militant. While the term "radical" is usually associated with movements of the extreme left, "Radicalization" do not make such a difference.

In a special sense:
Radicalism (historical), a group or a political movement with the aim of achieving independence sagging or electoral reform that includes those who are trying to reach republicanism, the abolition of the title, the redistribution of property rights and freedom of the press, and is associated with the development of liberalism.

Radical Party - a political organization that calls itself the Radical Party, or use the word radicals as part of its name [4].
In fact the history of the ruling party or parties who did not want his strength sapped always accuse the weaker party as radicals. While their radical attitude toward others not considered as a radical action.

Radicalism already existed since the coming of the first Apostle Noah Alaihissallam, where the he did not hesitate to mock and insult Noah Alaihissallam to maintain the belief that they profess. Then continues in accordance with the passage of time until the time of Prophet Ibrahim Alaiihssallam, where he was subjected to torture of political forces Namrud the Radicals. Subsequently Moses Alaihissallam, how well he shared the Israelites suffered various torture and murder of a radical political force under pinpinan Pharaoh. Even Pharaoh and his people accused Moses Alaihissallam as those who do mischief on earth. As Allah Almighty mentioned in al-Qur'ân:

وقال الملأ من قوم فرعون أتذر موسى وقومه ليفسدوا في الأرض ويذرك وآلهتك قال سنقتل أبناءهم ونستحيي نساءهم وإنا فوقهم قاهرون

Society of the Pharaoh said, "Do you want to let him do mischief on earth? And he left you and sesembahanmu." Pharaoh replied, "We will kill their sons anaak men and letting their daughters. And indeed we are the people who rule over them. [Al-A'raf / 7: 128]

Similarly radicalism committed by Jews against the Prophet Isa Alaihissallam. The same thing, even more than that experienced by our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his Companions He radi anhum the city of Mecca. They are oppressed, tortured, and even killed.

In an age of globalization how much tindakkan radical politics that have killed hundreds of millions of lives and membinaskan possessions, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and Yemen as well as murder in Palestine that was never seen by the world as a radical tindakkan.

Then the core of the problem Radicalism is when assessing perpetrators of organized radical as anti radicalism, the more things they actually deserve to be called radicals.

Getting to know about something because we want to therapy is critical. Because through these causes will be done diagnostics to provide appropriate therapy for a disease. Therefore, before prescribing and therapy, we important to know causation of an illness. So that appropriate therapy given hit the target, so expect health will very quickly be restored. Even therapy should not eat the drug, but may be enough to avoid a cause-sebanya only.

If we look at a lot of issues and causes that support the emergence and development of Radicalism. In the following we will mention only the most dominant, among others:

1. colonization and annexation of the Muslim countries, such as Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The world was deafening occupation conducted against Israel and America. Why did President George Bush was not brought to the international court for war crimes. Because he has opposed UN decisions and international world in the invasion of Iraq. In fact, the reason the raid has not been proven as alleged that the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons in Iraq. Similarly, the cruelty of Israel against the Palestinian people. Why not take action against the international world and to punish Israel for crimes and atrocities in Palestine? Why Israel should build a uranium enrichment plant and nuclear senjara but other countries do not? Is this all named as justice and democracy are implemented and enforced by the West and the United States to other countries?

Surely all of this does not escape the attention of leaders of Muslim countries. Hopefully, Allah Almighty give them strength to speak up in the international world for the sake of justice.

Why are crushed and destroyed a country and an innocent man just for the sake of capturing Saddam and Bin Laden? Surely those who disbelieve indeed will never do justice.

والكافرون هم الظالمون

And unbelievers are the ones that wrongdoers. [Al-Baqarah / 2: 254]

In another verse Allah Almighty says:

ولا تحسبن الله غافلا عما يعمل الظالمون إنما يؤخرهم ليوم تشخص فيه الأبصار

And do not ever you (Muhammad) think that Allah is unaware of what is done by people who are wrongdoers. Verily Allah gives respite to them until the day when the eyes (they) widened [Ibrahim / 14: 42]

Allah Almighty reiterate in another verse:

إنه لا يفلح الظالمون

Indeed, those who do wrong will not be lucky [Joseph / 12: 23]

2. The persecution of Muslims in various parts of the world, especially in countries whose majority infidels, they restrained and handcuffed, not free to practice their religion completely. Although according to the international laws of each individual is guaranteed the freedom to practice religion. However, this law only dinikmat by infidels who are in Muslim countries. As for people who are in Muslim countries disbelievers these laws are not enforced. Sure that this case is obliged to deliver the Muslim rulers in Hapan world leaders.

3. The brutality of some authorities against activists propaganda, which cause prolonged revenge within their portion. Then, accompanied by a struggle for power between the policies in the activist propaganda by some authorities. So that not infrequently geared to the kidnapping and murder of the authorities against activists propaganda. Plus the parties are not responsible for the deliberately banging between Muslims and the authorities. So there is a concern of the authorities of impending Islamization against a nation. Then thought to disrupt the security and unity of the nation.

This error can not be charged to a particular party, but on both sides there is an error. Because there proselytizing among activists who made the issue of Islam as a stepping stone to satisfy their political desires. But it needs to be affirmed by all enforcement of this nation that Islam is unifying the nation. Islam tells its followers to obey the ruler in all truth. Islam forbids tindaka-action that could undermine the ruling even though there were irregularities in the middle of the ruler. This is emphasized by every cleric in the books of Aqeedah Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah.

4. Ignorance of the religious community, especially the problem of aqidah and the laws of jihad.
When ignorance and setbacks to spread religious understanding in the midst of the Islamic community, especially the younger generation, then this becomes a fertile field for alira-cult to spread their doctrines including Radicalism movement, especially among the younger generation. The duping there is programmed in the education system and some are unintentional.

5. Ghuluw (eksrim) in understanding and practice of the religion of most of the youth of Islam. Religious zeal that is not accompanied and supported by sufficient religious knowledge and true understanding often leads to an attitude eksrim in attitude and action.

Satan in human plunge into apostasy was to utilize two doors; door lust (sinful) and the door doubtful (heresy / ghuluw). If someone mad lust then the devil will menyesatkanya through the door immoral. And if someone loves to do obedient, then the devil will deceive through the door of heresy or ghuluw. This happens if obedience is not based on the science and the Sunnah.

What is meant by ghuluw is beyond the limits of religious orders, until finally falling to the act of heresy. Here we mention the proposition of the Qur'an and Sunnah about the prohibition of action ghuluw in religion:

Allah Almighty says:

يا أهل الكتاب لا تغلوا في دينكم ولا تقولوا على الله إلا الحق

O People of the Book! Do not transgress limits in religion, nor say of Allah except the truth [An-Nisa / 4: 171]

And the word of Allah Almighty:

قل يا أهل الكتاب لا تغلوا في دينكم غير الحق ولا تتبعوا أهواء قوم قد ضلوا من قبل وأضلوا كثيرا وضلوا عن سواء السبيل

Say, "O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate (beyond the limit) in a way not true in religion. And do not follow the desires of people who have gone astray previously (before the advent of Muhammad), and mostly they have been mislead (men), and they stray from the straight path "[Al-Maidah / 5: 77]

Naration by Ibn Abbaas anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said: "O people! Stay away from the attitude ghuluw (eksrim) in religion. Because truly religious attitude ghuluw destroyed those before you "[6].

6. Much of the guidance of Ulema in studying and understanding the religion.
Studying religion to show self-taught or studied religion is not the experts are among the main causes of the birth of various heresies in living and practicing religion. That one is not a religion, but the way and the path to understanding. Therefore, Allah Almighty commanded us to ask the experts.

فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون

Then ask the person who has knowledge if you do not know. [An-Nahl / 16: 43]

Instead of theology, the science of the world even if it is not learned through expert will bring to destruction. Let us imagine if someone wants to become a doctor. He went to the bookstore and then he bought all the medical books. Then he tried to understand themselves at home without learning to health professionals. Or the book he understands by the concept he learned through a shaman or shaman. Then after five years he opened pratek health care, about what would happen if people like that treat people. People like this are definitely captured and processed to court because it is considered as a fake doctor. But now many Ulema and preachers fake why not arrested? Though they are much more dangerous than quacks.

Yesterday he was a movie star, comedian, model, singer and former detainees crime. Suddenly today become famous preacher and berfatwa arbitrarily. Political figures, too, talking about the religion and religious teachings ruffled.

And more sadistic again, there were studied Islam to unbelievers. Those who have obviously gone astray in understanding the Torah and the Gospel, then why now Koran are learned through them? Even if it feels strange but true.

Narrated from Abdullah bin Amr bin 'Ash radi anhu, he said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said," Verily, Allah does not revoke the science to unplug it from the (chest) human. But he revoked mewafatkan science with the scholars, so that when he is not leaving no one has learned the man was making the characters who are not knowledgeable (as cleric). Then they have asked (about religious problems) then they were not based on science berfatwa so they are misguided and misleading. [7]

7. kemungkaran endemic in society, both in terms of morals and thought. Kebesan reason in thinking and acting has opened the door wide for the worshiper desires and the zindiq to undermine religious teachings.

It is more appropriate if we call kebablasan not freedom. Such freedom is very difficult to distinguish with the freedom of the wilderness with a man who has a sense of freedom. Conversely if there are people who run the correct religious teachings considered to violate freedom. This unilateral freedom make the most of the parties is not happy and trigger follow-radicals in the midst of society.

8. Lack of law enforcement agencies in taking action against the various forms of legal violations. Particularly for people who insulted and denounced symbols and religious laws. The law of Allah Almighty blame and severely criticized, while laws and man-made law should not be criticized and blamed. What if there is someone who interprets Act 45, and the Penal Code to arbitrarily and at will. Surely the person will be punished in accordance with applicable law. But if there are people who interpret al-Qur'ân then casually mocks the laws of Allah Almighty and the contents of al-Qur'ân, when required to be punished and processed, considered contrary to the law of human rights. Even blasphemy contained in Islamic campuses, as recently Muslims shocked by the actions of one Islamic college student who made a banner that read "God rot".

9. The preachers are less mature in terms of knowledge, patience and experience in dealing with the challenges of preaching. Sebahagian people there who want when preaching started in the morning, then in the afternoon should see the change in total 180 darjat. This is contrary to the Sunnah and the Sunnah Syar'iyah kauniyah. In kauniyah everything changed in a way beransur-ansur. Similarly in Syar'iyah sunnah, Allah Almighty decrease in beransur syari'atnya-ansur. Among the Prophet there were preaching hundreds of years, like Noah Alaihissallam, but he Alaihissallam patient in waiting for the results. Among them also were sent to the cruel rulers, such as Abraham and Moses Alaihissallam Alaihissallam, but they preach patience in his people. Never invites his followers to kidnap and damaging state property. Similarly, our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam in Mecca, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his followers were tortured and humiliated, even there keluaga Ammar radi anhu was tortured before he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. At that time, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not do anything radical to the Gentiles, even told sebahagian Companions to move to the country Najasyi the Christian religion. Did not the preachers we take 'ibroh and lessons of our prophet Muhammad preaching trip sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam?

1. Stop the occupation of the Muslim countries, as well as restoring the rights of Muslims, especially in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Miyanmar.
At the beginning of this paper we describe about some of the causes that trigger the emergence of radicalism in various countries around the world. In our opinion, the occupation and annexation of the Muslim countries, such as Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan are among the main causes of this problem. So the solution is to stop all forms of colonialism is. Including coercion west to follow their political system. Because each part of the world have characteristics berbada. Do not want to be equated all forms of political systems around the world. This has infringed the freedom of a country in determining the way of life of their nation. It is the occupation that is wrapped with a splinter of democracy.

2. Stop the oppression and repression against Muslims from the freedom to practice their religion, especially in countries whose majority infidels.
In our opinion will move radicalism can be overcome even discontinued, if the oppression and repression against Muslims practice their religion from discontinued particularly in countries that majority infidels.

3. To uphold the values of justice in the middle of society, and crush all forms of vice and kemungkaran mainly desecration to religion.
Besides we condemned radicalism, on the contrary it is also necessary to prevent all forms of kemungkaran, particularly pollution and blasphemy in the hands of the liberals. Because this will also result in the radical. Although diawalnya not impressed cause radicalism, but still resulted in the estuary there. Because they create a twit in religion, when people fool with misguided religious doctrines very easily contagious in the middle of the community. Supposing if people are not given a healthy nutrition aqidah then the public will be easily infected with various diseases aqidah is misguided.

4. Instill the correct Aqeedah to the people, especially the younger generation.
Because if we look at, just to teach the correct Aqeedah all dangers could we face. Islam has the perfect solution to solve all the problems, both political and socio-religious social, including the relationship between religious umar. Islam forbids injustice act against our fellow human beings to animals even though. Radicals may not be crushed by the sheer strength of troops and weapons. Even personnya death, but the thoughts and doctrines still flourish through writing and other media. In this country a lot of references that spread and spread radical doctrines on the grounds of freedom of speech and thinking.

5. Studying the theology of Ulama who trusted and in science, not those who pretend like Ulama.
Need we reiterate once again, that we mean religious scholars here are people who studied religion under the care of Ulama, not under the care of people who do not understand religion. Such as the study of religion to the pagan figures, which they had made confusion-confusion in the understanding of religion. Then confusion was wrapped with renewal terms, which in essence is to make fraud in religion.

Word of Allah Almighty:

فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون

Ask the scholars if you do not know (a religious matter)

Besides, it is necessary to have real support from the authorities to facilitate religious leaders in conveying religious messages to the public. Ironically, we find today many religions that speak not of the Ulama. Moreover, when we speak of matter and the quality of the scientific issues are very far below a decent standard. Therefore, it is not surprising that we find in the middle of the community notions of freaks and perverts. Similarly we have seen how many sellers verses Allah Almighty for the sake of gaining popularity, position and title. They twist the sense of the verses of Allah, specifically the verses that speak plural.

Results of religious education that is far from the guidance of Ulema will lead to two things: First, ghuluw or ifraath (eksrim) namely the excessive and likes to go beyond the boundaries of religion. Second: Jafa 'or tafrith (abuse) is a group that likes mempemainkan and harass religious instruction. Both will be geared towards radicalism. The solution is to restore the position of Ulama in the midst of society as a protector, guide and driver. Similarly, the scholars should be really aware of their responsibility Tagung over people. Where in the hereafter they will be held accountable and will be questioned about the science and their fatwas. Then it should be, every religious educator actually speak in accordance with science-based al-Qur'ân and Sunnah are authentic.

6. Restore the issues important to the Umara 'and Scholars.
Many important things that should be seized by the authorities right sebahagian Islamic organizations, causing dualism policy, which in turn likely to conflict among groups and groups Atar. Conversely, there are many things under the authority of Ulama seharus but seized by the authorities. Cracks in the policy of this great opportunity to seize the mutual interests that will lead to conflict harizontal.

Allah Almighty says, which means, "And when there comes to them a word about the safety or fear, they then broadcast it. And even if they were handed to the Apostles and Ulil Amri among them, surely the people who want to make a decision ( will be able to) know of them (Apostles and Ulil Amri). Had it not for the grace and mercy of Allah to you, surely you follow Satan, except a small sebahagian "[An-Nisa / 4: 83]

Most commentators interpret Ulama ulil amri in verse by Umara 'and Scholars.

7. Cooperation between the Ulama dam Umara 'the enlightened understanding of religion to the younger generation.

Through this paper we propose to the relevant parties to fix the order of coaching youth of this nation.

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