The ride was not finished (274)
(Part two hundred and seventy-four, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, May 4, 2015, 3:18 pm)
Conflict in the Middle East that begins Spring
revolutions that occurred in the Arab countries, ranging from the revolution in
Algeria, the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, the fall of Saddam Hussein in
Iraq, and also revolutionary opposition against the Assad regime in Syria, and
is now underway in the conflict Yemen between Shiite Houthi group and salafi popular
resistance groups (Sunni) in Yemen.
If the revolution in the Arab spring started originally
occurred opposition movement against the authoritarian regime in Iraq (Saddam
Hussein) and in Syria (Assad) and in Libya (Muammar Gaddafi).
So now the Arab Spring revolution increasingly pursed
(shrinking) group of Sunni resistance so opposition against the regime in
Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
In Syria, the war is now raging between the opposition,
ranging from Al Nusra, ISIS, to other Islamic groups are all Sunni (Ahlul
Sunnah Waljamaah) against the Assad regime Halawit backed Shiite Islam, Iran
and Hezbollah (Lebanon).
While in Iraq, Iraqi Shi'ite regime is fully supported by
the army Shi'ite Iran and Shi'ite Hezbollah, Lebanon against opposition who
already control most northern regions of Iraq and parts of Syria, namely ISIS
(Islamic State of Iraq, Syria and the Levant / Islamic State of Syria, Iraq and
Sham) including the city of Mosul in Iraq and Harrraqah in Syria.
ISIS today backed army troops Arab origin not only Iraq
itself but also from Syria, and several other Arab countries, such as Jordan
(3000) and 10,000 native Saudi Arabia, Libya and other Arab countries, and
around 25,000 soldiers are Sunni derived ISIS from 100 countries of which came
from the United States, Britain, France, Australia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,
Russia (Chekhnya) and including from Indonesia and Malaysia.
In the fight against ISIS, Iraqi forces assisted by US
fighter jets and military panasehat origin of NATO, such as France, Britain,
Australia and New Zealand, in addition to combat forces of Iran and Hezbollah.
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council also
supports the United States because it considers ISIS is Khawarij (Group
ekstimis Islam), because it has been killing their prisoners including pilot
burn Jordan.
That's why Jordan had attacked ISIS with their fighter
While some observers of Islam in Malaysia and Indonesia
accused ISIS originally supported and funded by the United States (CIA) to stem
Iranian influence in Iraq and against the Assad regime, in Syria.
However, due to excessive ISIS (Exit boundary), which was
originally set up only to stem the influence of Iran and that the US and its
allies have bargain position with the Tehran regime's nuclear problem of Iran,
ISIS is now even establish Islamic state in the Middle East, which will
actually become a sovereign state who tend to be anti-United States and Israel.
Now the war is increasingly raging in Yemen, is the old
rivalry between Sunni (Salafi) with Shi'ite Houthi, supported and armed Iran.
The climax is the army launched a coup against the Shiite
Houthi President Mansour Hadi (Sunni) and had mastered the presidential palace
and the headquarters of the Armed Forces in the capital of Yemen Yemen Saana.
To make the President Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia and is now headquartered in
the city of Aden.
Shia Houthi group backed loyalist troops Yemeni President
Abdullah Saleh's deputy that a lot of heavy weaponry such as tanks almost
mastered Yemen, including the city of Aden, is now in a position sandwiched,
after Saudi Arabia and its allies of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
stormed the Shia Houthi in various positions, including bombard Shia arsenal.
In rastusan attack fighter jets to Saudi Arabia and its
ally Saudi Arabia has supported spy satellites the United States. Proven Saudi
airplanes bombarded the cargo belonged to Iran that was landed at Aden airport,
for allegedly carrying weapons and ammunition and food for the Shia Houthi.
That is why the Iranian Defense Minister hurriedly flew
to Pakistan to persuade Pakistan not to send ground troops into Yemen to combat
Because Pakistan and Egypt outside the Gulf Cooperation
Council countries promised to send ground troops, when Saudi Arabia attacked
Yemen not only through the air, but also the Army attack.
Now a small group of allied ground forces to Saudi
Arabia, Egypt may reportedly landed in Aden alleged troop initial survey to
provide information on Saudi Arabia and its allies in order to more accurately
bombarding Houthi forces and allegedly also in preparation for a ground assault
me attacking Shia Houthi.
Shia vs. Sunni conflict in the Middle East.
According to Armin Ustad Naro in tauziahnya in Radio
Rodja, Sunni and Shia difficult to meet or dialogue, because differences in
creed which contradicts the principle of 90 per cent.
Armeen Naro Sunni vs Shia likens the same difference
between the Islamic faith when Compared with these Christian or Jewish creed
would be difficult to put together, because the difference in faith that very
Especially an issue ketauhid, if Trinitasnya Christian
teachings and consider Jesus as God's children as a result of the miracles that
Jesus belongs only to God as can raise the dead, heal the sick (Buta).
While the Quran and Hadith (Sunnah) come to refute what
was interpreted partly Christian minister through Surah Maryam and surah Al Ikhlas,
that God can not similar (disekutukan) by anyone and do not have children, and also
the birth of Christ through Mary, as well as power Rahim Allah who breathes
spirit into the womb of Mary. Not fertilized human sperm.
Miracle to Mary and Jesus This is proof God wants to show
to the people will kemaha power of God.
Especially in the Qur'an and Hadith Allah says: strongly
condemned those who menyukutukan Allah (to double the Lord / Shirk) like
calling Jesus son of God.
Until God says, God will forgive all the sins of mankind,
except Shirk is sin that is not forgiven by God.
Prophet Muhammad said, if someone had never done shirk,
then he will never in the punishment of Allah.
While the Shia, the first principle is in the case of
using the Koran, when Mayoriras Sunni (2 billion people) use the Quran mushab
collected Caliph Uthman (30 Juz), while shia then use mushab Shia Fatimid
The second principle, Shia considers all the Companions
of the Prophet such as Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar bin Khattab, is an apostate (out
of Islam), but six companions who remained Islam like Abu Dhar and Salman Al
According to the Salaf scholars in Saudi Arabia in
Tauziahnya in Radio Rodja, he did not find the splinter group (kelompok)-
Muslims in accordance with the group of friends of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah
except among the followers of As-Salaf al-Salih Ahlul Hadeeth.
The Mu'tazilah how could correspond to the companions of
the great figures while they denounce the great figures of justice and lowered
their friend and accused them of heresy such as Al-Wasil bin Atho 'which
states: If Ali, Az-Zubair Tholhah and then I did not testify punished because
of their testimony. [See Al-Farqu Bainal Firaq hal.119-120]
The Kharijites had come out of religion and menyempal of
the congregation of the Muslims because some basic points of their doctrine is
mengkafirkan Ali and his son, Ibn Abbas, Uthman, Talha, Ayesha and Mu'awiyah
and is not located on the properties of the companions of the harassing and
mengkafirkan them.
As Shufiyah, they underestimate the legacy of the
Prophets and demeaning the transmitter of the Book and Sunnah and their
mensifatkan as the deceased. A great man they say: You take your knowledge, of
deceased while we take our knowledge of the great life that is not dead (God)
directly. Therefore, they say-with their mouths to reject sanad hadits-: Has
mengkhabarkan me my heart from the Lord.
As for the Shiites, they have believed that the
companions had lapsed after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam except a few people, see Al-Kisyiy -one of them- priest narrates the
history of the book Rijalnya case. 12.13 from Abu Ja'far, that he has stated:
All the apostate after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
except three, I said: Who is the third person? He replied: Al-Miqdaad bin
Al-Aswaad, Abu Dhar Al-Ghifary and Salman Al-Farisiy.
And narrated in p.13 of Abu Ja'far, he said: The
Emigrants and Anshor has come out (of religion) except for three. [See
Al-Kaafiy work of Al-Kulaniy, hal.115]
Khomeini also see their great –leader at the time of this- denounced and cursed Abu
Bakr and Umar in his book Kasyful Asroor case, 131, he stated: Verily syaikhani
(Abu Bakr and Umar) ... and from here we find ourselves forced to submit
evidence proof of their deviations are both very clear about the Koran in order
to prove that the two had menyelisihinya.
And said again terms of 137: ... and the Prophet closed
the eyes (d) while both his ears no remarks on Ibn al-Khattab who erect
falsehood and kufr sourced from practice, kezindikan and penyelisihan to verses
in the Qur ' noble late.
As Murji'ah, they believe that the faith of those
hypocrites who are in the same kenifakan Assabiqunal faith Awalun (first people
who converted to Islam) of the Emigrants and Helpers.
How they all correspond with friends while they are:
Mengkafirkan the elect from among them
Do not accept at all that they are narrated from the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in aqeedah and shariah law.
Follow the Byzantine civilization and Greek philosophy
In conclusion
These groups all want to deny us the witnesses to the
Book and Sunnah and denouncing them while they are more worthy of reproach and
they are the zindiq.
Thus it is clear that the understanding of al-salaf is
manhaj Firqatun Najiyah and Ath-Thaifah Al-Mansurah in the concept of
understanding, acceptance and Istidlal (legal decision).
While those who follow the example of the companions are
those who labor with the narrations (Hadith) are authentic and authentic dalah
Shari'a law, with road and understanding friend, and this is his way of life
Ahlul Hadeeth, not the course of Ahl-ul-bid'ah and hawa. So true and the strong
what we describe when we explain their success in the form arbitrate to the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the success of the person who took
the sunnah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and the Sunnah of the four caliphs
after him.
The third principle says Ustad Armeen Naro, using mushab
Quran Shia Fatimid thicker than Mushab Usmani (Uthman), even Shiites consider
them mushab quran thicker than the Quran Sunni only 1/3 the thickness compared
Mushab Shia Fatimid.
While the Quran Sunni Mushab used about 2 billion people
worldwide Sunni Muslims, while Shi'ite Fatimid mushab used around 60 million
Shi'ite Muslims in Iran, Yemen, Iraq and other countries.
Another difference is a matter of apostolate, if Sunni
Apostle who received the revelation the Quran and the Sunnah through the angel
Gabriel only Prophet, and the Prophet Muhammad was infallible (always kept God
of perversity / sin) as Prophet and the other Apostles. And the Prophet
Muhammad as well as people also do not know the unseen, unless notified of God
through the Angel Gabriel or shown God directly about hell and heaven in the
event of Isra Mirad, the affirmation of the Prophet Muhammad did not know the
unseen God told in the Qur'an sura Al Anam paragraph 50:
Say "I do not tell you, that the treasury of God is
upon me, not (too) I (Muhammad) know the unseen and not (too) I tell you that I
am an angel. I do not follow except what is revealed to me. Say, "Is the
blind equal with those who see ?, So if you do not think about (it)?.
While the followers of Imam Shi'ite found they knew the
unseen and also infallible even exceed prophet and Angels.
This is contrary to the principle of the Sunni faith are
according to Quran and Sunnah are valid that only God knows the unseen and the
only infallible Prophet and His Messenger.
It is clear heresy entering human thought alone instead
of Allah and His Messenger. Sedagkan human thought can not be separated from
the influence of the devil who seeks to mislead people so that they go to hell
Satan is trying to deceive accompany human cunning premises so using the Quran
and Sunnah wrap Shi'ite version, so impressed they correctly and safely.
Facts Shia falsehood is what is now being written expert
on the history of Islam in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia and other
countries, to the extent that the history of the Shi'ite scholars and clerics
were killed in a bomb famous Pakistani Shi'ite extremists, since many written
books of Shi'ite history since time of the Prophet Muhammad to the present.
How can teaching method (proposition) used mashab there.
When the Salafi (official mashab Saudi Arabia), the
reformer and the purification of Islam leader Sheikh Abdul Wahab done (which in
the West is called Wahabi), so it is now called Salafi. But the outside groups
that are not happy with the group of Ahlul Sunnah Waljamaah Salafi Wahabi
calling them.
Using the argument of the Quran Salafi Mushab Uthman, the
argument that many Hadiths narrated by Imam Muslim from the line Buchori and
friends, especially Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali ibn Abi Talib and many other
companions like Abu Hurairah, Salman Alfarisi and Abu Dhar, and using the
argument of being taught by four priests, Syafei priest, imam Abu Hanifah, imam
Hambali, and Imam Malik. In the case of this creed in Indonesia have much in
common with Firqoh performed by Muhammadiyah and EXACTLY, and many other
firqoh, while Nahlatul Cleric Imam Syafei much use of the line, as well as the
third-largest Islamic organization in Indonesia after Nahdlatul Ulama and
Muhammadiyah, which Hidayatullah.
In practice in Indonesia, how to worship a lot done
because of the influence of Wali Songo (Songo because until now none of the
books written Wali Songo, so we do not know clearly Wali using proposition and
Imam whom ?.
But in fact many religious practice in Indonesia
following the way of Hinduism and Buddhism, which is deeply rooted first in
Indonesia, such as the event Tahlilan 7 days, 100 days, haul 1,000 days (Hindu
way), and the event Birthday of Prophet Muhammad that has been initiated
Shi'ite group Fatimis, not based on the argument of the Quran and Hadith Sunni
valid. While the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet, there is no God commands
the Muslims to perform Haul Birth of the Prophet Muhammad, and the ways all
these deviant worship called Salafi as Bid 'ah (held something new in worship).
While the Shia, the argument of teaching using the
argument of Mushab Fatimis Quran, and the Hadith of the six companions of the
Prophet are considered the Shi'ite remain consistent (not Apostate) sepeerti
Abu Dhar and Salman Al Farisi, hence the argument used Hadith and Muslim Imam
Buchori completely unused as a proposition.
Allah in the Qur'an and Muhammad's Word will keep the
authenticity of the Quran and Hadith and will also defend and keep his
followers from Satan's efforts, Jin and the man who seeks to make deviations
from the Koran and the Hadith until the Day of Judgment. Among others, provide
kefaqihan to some people who received God's grace to become penghapal Al Quran,
Hadith and Islamic studies expert based sources Quran and Hadith according
revealed that the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad, such as Imam Buchori,
Imam Muslim, and four Sunni Imams like Imam Syafei, Hambali, Abu Hanifah, and
While Shiite imam considers 12 of them as infallible
(without sin / holy) that they align with the Prophet and Messenger.
Even such a radical Shi'ite Shi'ite imam Rafidah even
assume 12 they are more sacred than the apostle and prophet there.
While Sunnis consider only infallible Prophet and
Messenger, beyond ordinary human Prophets and Messengers without ever receiving
a revelation from the Angel Gabriel.
Even Shia Rafidah had wrongly accused Jibril gave the
revelation to Muhammad, is supposed to Ali bin Abi Talib.
All of the teachings of the Shia have been refuted by
most Sunni clerics. Instead Shi'ite cleric insisted on their premise.
Because the differences are so fundamental principle of
this creed says Armeen Naro difficult fused with Shia Islam, such as water and
fire his things difficult fused, and vice versa. That is why the conflict many
taken in many countries that the dispute between the Sunni against Shi'a in
both the Middle East (and ISIS opposition against Assad Rezaim assisted
Shi'ite, and ISIS against Iraqi Shia government aided Shi'ite Iran and
Hezbollah, as well as the Shia Houthi assisted Iran and resistance Rakyar Yemen
backed Sunni Saudi Arabia, the Gulf kejasama Council, Egypt and Pakistan are
Salafi (Sunni), Pakistan including in Indonesia (Sampang, Madura).
According to Armin Naro, originally Sunni have thousands
of Sunni mosques in Iran, but now many are converted to the Shia mosque in the
mosque besides bearing Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, there is also a 12 Shia
imams. Da many thousands of Sunni clerics who ran out of Iran. Two sentences
Shia creed, not just call Laillahaillaulah (There is no god that must be
worshiped, but Muhammad Rasul Allah plus naming 12 Shia imams. According to
them infallible Shiite 12 Imams (holy man without sin), whereas the Sunni
accordance word Qur'an and Sunnah, which only infallible Prophet and Messenger.
On the outside it all never sinned. (Including 12 Imam Shiites are not a
Prophet and Messenger).
Shiites themselves have grown very rapidly in Indonesia,
especially on college campuses, leaders spreader (Ustad) they include
Jalaluddin Rahmat, Padjadjaran University communications professor (Unpad),
Bandung and many Muslim scholars supported figures include lecturers and
professors at the University Syarif Hidayatullah (IAIN) in Jakarta are now not
only own program Ushuluddin (religion) which was originally just explore Islam
in four mashab (Maliki, Hanbali, Hanafi, and Imam Syafei) but also plus one
became five mashab is studying mashab Jafariah (Shiite) ,
Indonesian Muslim leaders praised the Shia scholars that
in addition to relying on the Quran, and the Hadith but also philosophy and
Sufism, thus warned the Sunni will lag behind in terms of development of
science and technology than the Shia.
Yan attitude tends to be secular is suitable and widely
implemented at the University Syarif Hidayatullah, the first days of the
minister of Religion A Mukti Ali had sent his teachers studied Islam at McGill
(Canada) and in the United States, such as at the University of Chicago,
Nurcholish Madjid and Syafii ( Former Chairman of Muhammadiyah) S3 graduates at
the University of Chicago.
While the Ustad Salaf (scholars) are now widely take dn
S2 S3 at Medina University in Saudi Arabia, which has now become a center of Islamic
studies after Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt.
Opinions and attitude of this Shi'ite denied many
Sunni scholars, including Ulama / Sunni Islamic history expert leaders of
Pakistan who was murdered (in the bombing) Pakistani Shia extremist groups.
However, if conflict and suicide-killing Shi'ites and
Sunnis is already Providence of God as God when it created the Prophet Adam
(the first man) who questioned the Angels, who according to the Human Angels on
Earth caliphate will only make man a different tribe, color and different
religions to kill each other just-killing, Yang in the Quran humans may kill
other humans if they melaknakan jihad on the orders of God. If not for Jihad
carried out the orders of Allah is not justified to kill a fellow human being,
because God gives mercy to all creatures.
That is why Allah says: sin a man who killed one another
human being without rights like they had killed all mankind, otherwise one man
to save another human being like the one they have to protect the whole human
being. Allaah nature.
Islam The Only True Religion
Al-Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas حفظه الله
Every Muslim is fully convinced that the grace of Allah
Almighty that this world is Islam. A Muslim must give thanks to Allah Almighty
for His blessings which have given Islamic guidance. Allah Almighty states that
favors Islam is the greatest gift, as his word:
اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام
"... This day have I perfected your religion for
you, and I have both ends meet My favor to you, and have I ridhai Islam as your
religion ..." [al-Maidah / 5: 3]
As proof of gratitude for the blessings of a Muslim is to
make himself as a Muslim pleasure of Allah as his Lord, Islam as a religion,
and the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the Prophet. A Muslim
must accept and believe in the religion of Islam with a vengeance. Meaning it
with full awareness and conviction accept what is taught by the Prophet
Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and practice in accordance with what is
taught by he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. If someone wants to be a true
Muslim, a follower of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam loyal,
then he must believe in Islam as the only religion of truth (right). He must
learn Islam earnestly and sincerely practice Islam because Allah Almighty to
follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
The condition of some Muslims that we see today is very
sad. They claimed Islam, KTP (Identity Card) their Islam, they all claim to be
Muslims, but ironically they do not know about Islam, not trying to practice
Islam. There are even some religious rituals that they resume practicing just
went along with it. Good judgment and not a person as a Muslim not with the
recognition and ID cards, but based on science and charity. Allah Almighty does
not give an assessment based on the authenticity of ID cards issued by the
government, nor the appearance and shape of the body, but Allah saw to the
heart and charity.
From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, he said, "The Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن الله لا ينظر إلى صوركم وأموالكم, ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم وأعمالكم
Verily Allah does not look to fine you, nor the treasure
you, but He looks at your hearts and deeds. [1]
A Muslim is obliged to learn about Islam that is based on
the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah according to the understanding of the
Companions radi anhum. The Qur'an was revealed by Allah Almighty in order to be
read, understood it and practiced instructions. al-Qur'ân and as-Sunnah are
immortal and preserved guidelines, which must be learned and practiced. A Muslim
would not go astray as long as they adhere to the al-Qur'ân and as-Sunnah
according to the understanding of the Companions radi anhum.
al-Qur'ân is the clue to live, bidders, grace, healing,
and the source of happiness. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
يا أيها الناس قد جاءتكم موعظة من ربكم وشفاء لما في الصدور
وهدى ورحمة للمؤمنين )57( قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون
O people! Indeed, it has come to the lessons (al-Qur'ân)
from thy Lord, cure for diseases that exist in the chest, and a guidance and a
mercy to those who believe. Say (O Muhammad), 'By the Grace of Allah and His
mercy, let them rejoice with it. Bounty and His mercy is better than what they
collect. "[Yunus / 10: 57-58]
Allah Almighty says:
إن الدين عند الله الإسلام
Verily Allah is the religion of Islam ... [Ali 'Imran /
3: 19]
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also says:
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, he would
not be accepted, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose. [Ali 'Imran /
3: 85]
Allah Almighty says:
ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم قل إن هدى الله
هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي ولا نصير
And Jews and Christians will not be the pleasure to you
(Muhammad) till you follow their religion. Say, 'Verily Allah clue that hints
(actual).' And if thou follow their desires after the knowledge (truth) to you,
then there will be no protector and helper for you from Allah. [Al-Baqarah / 2:
The verses above explain that Islam is the only true
religion, as for other than Islam is not true and is not accepted by Allah
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Therefore, a religion other than Islam, it will not
be accepted by Allah Almighty, because these religions have suffered fatal
irregularities and has interfered with the dirty hands of men. Having sent the
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then Jews, Christians and
others shall enter into Islam, to follow the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa
Then verses above also explains that Jews and Christians
are not happy to Islam, and they are not the pleasure to Muslims to follow
them. They are trying to mislead the Muslims and convert Muslims in various
ways. Currently exhaled heavily once the unification of religious propaganda,
which claimed the concept of one God the three religions. This is unacceptable,
both texts (the argument of al-Qur'ân and as-Sunnah) nor reasonable. It is
wishful thinking superficial.
This digression has been denied by Allah Almighty in
وقالوا لن يدخل الجنة إلا من كان هودا أو نصارى تلك أمانيهم
قل هاتوا برهانكم إن كنتم صادقين)111(بلى من أسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن فله أجره عند ربه
ولا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون
And they (Jews and Christians) say, 'It will not enter
Paradise except Jews or Christians. "It was (just) their wishful thinking.
Say, 'Show me your proof if ye are truthful. No! Whoever surrenders to Allah,
and he is doing well, he gets a reward from his Lord, and no fear of them and
they do not grieve. "[Al-Baqarah / 2: 111-112]
Jews and Christians hold such propaganda ploy to Muslims
out of all Islamannya and follow them. In fact, they give the lure that by
following their religion, the Muslims will get a clue. In fact, Allah Almighty
has ordered us to follow the religion of Abraham, q is straight, the religion
of monotheism is maintained. Allah Almighty says:
وقالوا كونوا هودا أو نصارى تهتدوا قل بل ملة إبراهيم حنيفا
وما كان من المشركين
And they said, 'Be ye (adherents) Jews or Christians,
surely you got a clue.' Say, '(Not!) But (we follow) the religion of Abraham.
And he was not among those who join Allah. [Al-Baqarah / 2: 135]
Allah Almighty says:
ولا تلبسوا الحق بالباطل وتكتموا الحق وأنتم تعلمون
And do not confuse truth with falsehood and (do not) you
hide the truth while you know. [Al-Baqarah / 2: 42]
With regard to the interpretation of this verse,
"And you do not confuse the Truth with falsehood," Imam Ibn Jarir t
bring Imam Mujahid rahimahullah statement that said, "Do not confuse
between Judaism and Christianity with Islam."
While the book of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Imam Qatadah
rahimahullah said, "Do not mix up the Jewish and Christian religion with
Islam, because the real religion approves the side of Almighty Allah is Islam.
While Jews and Christians is not heresy of Allah Almighty! "
Indeed, this interpretation is very great treasures of
jurisprudence in understanding the Qur-an.
For that obligation we caution against misguided
propaganda, which states that, 'All religions are good', 'solidarity between
religions',' the god of three religions', 'fraternity between religions','
religious unity ',' association heavenly religions', 'Liberal Islam Network
(JIL)', and others. In fact they also use the term human rights (Human Rights)
to mislead the Muslims with religious freedom.
All the slogans and propaganda intended to mislead the
Muslims, by giving sympathy for religious Christians and Jews, Muslims
mendangkalkan knowledge about Islam that haq, to remove jihad, to eliminate the
'Aqeedah al-wala' wal bara '(love / loyalty to the
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