The ride was not finished (276)
(Part two hundred and seventy-six, Depok, West Java,
Indonesia, May 8, 2015, 11:52 pm)
Want to go to heaven: this condition?.
All mankind from the very first man (Prophet Adam) until
doomsday necessarily want to go to heaven, not a single human being wants to go
to hell.
One of the conditions if we want to obtain and Hidayah
grace of God that we go to heaven and not tortured in nature barzah when we
die, is to love God and His Messenger exceed besides both.
But love is not just a greeting both orally or only in
the liver (heart / heart) we are alone, but need to practice (done) in the
attitude of action (action) real.
If we love God, then we must consistently implement the
pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith.
After our recognition of the power of God through words
Laillahailaulah Muhammad Rasul Allah (There is no god that must be worshiped
except Allah) and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah).
After recognition of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), we then
praying five times a day, the reward is equal to prayer 50 times.
This prayer shall maust be practice, and one big sin if
abandoned, that is why if we are healthy other than we are obliged to pray five
times a day, that when we pray in the mosque / mosque will be folded doubled 27
degrees compared to pray alone.
If we are sick and (old and weak), then we should pray
while sitting and if not firmly seated (dying / ill), then we are allowed to
pray while sleeping.
Prayer is very important in the eyes of God, especially
God tells us through the Word of the Prophet Muhammad, that the reckoning was
first asked in Nature Barzah / hereafter (akherat) is about our prayers, we
pray that good, then good also our other practices, if we never prayer, we are
threatened in the category of the Kufr and infidels, but infidels confirmed as
coal hell.
This is a matter of prayer merits, besides besides other
commands, prayer is the only command of God (beyond the revelation of God
through the angel Gabriel) were performed directly through Isra (Prophet Muhammad's journey from Mecca to the
Haram al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem / Palestine), and Mirad (Journey of the Prophet
Mohammed from Al Aqsa to Sidratul Muntaha. During this trip the Prophet met
with the Prophets and Apostles who had died prior earlier, like Adam, Jesus and
When he came to Sindratul Muntaha (Sky to seven) that the
Prophet Muhammad received the order to pray 50 times, but after wanting to return
to earth of the Prophet Muhammad met the Prophet, and in Advise, that the Ummah
of the Prophet Muhammad will not be able to pray 50 times a day, then met God
back in Sidratul Muntaha requested waivers on God, and after going back and
forth from Sindratul Muntaha back to the Prophets and Apostles it back Prophet
advised the same thing until the end of the Prophet Muhammad obtain merciful
that his community is only required to pray five times a day, namu reward
equated with prayer 50 time.
It shows how God's grace was very broad, because if we
are to worship at God's command reward doubled, while that man doing the sins,
only one that was not doubled. Nevertheless, because human nature is basically
the devil so easily seduced to do sin, so that the word of the Prophet Muhammad
in his saying that every child adam (man) must have sinned, so after our
prayers and remembrance encouraged many beristighfar (ask for forgiveness to
God / repentance) in addition to read surah Al Ikhlas 10 times.
Because the words of the Prophet Muhammad, read Surah Al
Ikhlas 10 times the reward equal to the reward of reading the Koran 2/3.
In fact, reading the Quran with a stammer one letter we
get two rewards, read al-Quran fluently and understand its meaning, the Angels
will be with us to pray for us to go to heaven.
Said the Prophet Muhammad, when we read the surah Al
Ikhlas 10 times, then God will love us in heaven palace.
In addition to the obligatory prayers five times we are
in be advice to do sunnah prayers, especially prayers night and Duha (morning),
in order to cover the five-time prayers we may have neglected.
After the prayer, and then we carry out fasting
obligatory fasting in Ramadan, because the reward of the fasting month of
Ramadan coincides moreover we worship at night Lailatulqadar, who said the
Prophet Muhammad occurred on odd nights, the last ten days of Ramadan, the
reward of worship on the night of Laylat al Qadr during the worship similar 82
years, the Ummah of Muhammad rarely we find human lifespan could reach 80
years, the Prophet himself only 63 years old.
This is one of the biggest favors them even though the
Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad with an average age of 60-70 years only but
favors reward lailatul Qadr night up to 82 years, a different bunch of mankind
Noah to reach 1,000 years, but there is no destiny Laylat al Qadr night.
Indeed Allah has given destiny into three categories,
common destiny that God wrote in the book:
"Lawh Mahfuz".
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: "Allaah
has set all the destiny of all creatures from fifty thousand years before God
created the heavens and the earth". (HR. Muslim no. 2653).
"Nothing a calamity befalls on the earth and (nor)
in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book (Lawh Mahfuz) before We bring it.
Verily it is easy for Allah ". (QS. Al-Hadid: 22).
Then Fate lifetime where the command of God, Angels
record what we do for the rest of our lives, Fate lifetime starts since God
breathed the spirit of the fetus at the age of four months and ten days.
Then fate yearly, in the form of Laylat al Qadr night
when the month of Ramadan.
Then we carry out the Hajj / Umrah if we can, the reward
if being done with sincerity and using lawful money and become Haji Mabrur.
Will wipe away our sins.
What is the Hajj Mabrur: if before Hajj / Umrah us lazy
prayer, then afterwards we are diligent fasting, and diligent sunnah fasting
(fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, or fasting Prophet David, or other
appropriate sunnah fasting Sunnah valid proposition, which has been practiced
Prophet and his companions, is not and worship without postulate (bid ah).
Then pay zakat and use the wealth we have for the sake of
Why to the path of God, because we are working hard to
find the treasure in addition to our obligation to support his children and
wife are on the road to Alah, such as helping their parents, siblings, nieces
and others who urgently need such as orphans and the poor widows and people who
have difficulty (debt for example).
Because we are of no use to accumulate excessive wealth
if not used in the way of Allah, because if we die (die) we just brought the shroud.
Abandoned treasure. If we die only three
cases to his credit continues to flow to us in the grave (natural barzah), the
first useful knowledge, pious children's prayer, and charity (sadaqoh /
Then in addition to love God we love the Apostle
(Muhammad) implementation we carry out the sunnah (sayings / Hadith) are valid,
appropriate practiced by the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions (until
generation Tabi and Successors), is not being practiced in addition to the
Prophet and Tabi-Successors, as practiced Shiite Fatimid familiarize Organizing
the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (though none Dalil Al Quran and Sunnah are
authentic advocate Birthday of Prophet Muhammad.
Worship was originally forbidden, except after the
proposition that require, so if we worship without proposition for whatever
reason are called heretics, heretics said the Prophet Muhammad is misguided
because the add-add proposition that there is no argument, and the perpetrators
threatened to go to hell.
If in Indonesia is not only the Shi'ite habit only that,
but also the habit of Hinduism / Buddhism, such as the event Tahlilan 7 days,
100 days Haul tahlilan 1,000 days, to build large tombs made of stone kijjing for
example, causing many thousands of people are feared people This pilgrim to
grave do (to worship other than Allah) kesyirikan practice. Though God
threatens, God forgives the sins of mankind despite AKN of the earth and the
sky, but do shirk (to double the Lord, ask something to the dead in the
cemetery) go to traditional healers (people smart) so he was cured.
Though God through the Prophet said, God will enter into
heaven without an accounting if someone directly concerned never in rukqiah
(because God does not want human beings will depend on a shaman / smart people
it), if you want all you needs then pray / ask directly to God, not go to the
shaman or wise man.
Why are we not to follow the way of the Shi'ite, because
their teachings are fundamentally different from the same akidahnya humans.
If the Sunnah way to use the argument of the Quran and
Sunnah are valid, then use the Koran mushab Shi'ite Fatimid (Shi'ite) which is
thicker than mushab Uthman (Sunni).
Using the argument of the Quran Shia Fatimid mashab,
hadith lane six companions that they consider have not lapsed, because
according to all the companions of the Prophet Shia apostate (out of Islam)
except six companions, like Abu Dhar and Salman Al Farisi, Shi'ite also put two
sentences sahadatnya with 12 their priests.
Shiites consider them infallible imam 12 (without sin)
knowing things unseen exceed Prophets, Apostles and Angels.
In fact, in his word Allah in Surah Al an-am verse 50
tells man that only God is the only one who knows the unseen matter, not also
the noblest of Allah the Prophet Muhammad.
Besides the Koran mushab Fatimis, Hadith outside Rasidin
first four lines and the companions of the Prophet beyond six companions,
Shi'ite also use the arguments of philosophy and Sufism.
Whereas philosophy is merely human reason is limited and
has many weaknesses, so that could be affected, thinking the devil who wants to
mislead people, such as the Bible and the Torah which originally true
revelation of God, but in the aftermath of after the death of Moses and Jesus,
has entered human thought a case of philosophy and Sufism.
Sufism is indeed there are some there is the argument of
the Quran. But the rest is footage of Hinduism, Buddha, Zoroaster, Kong Fuchu,
the Gospel and the Torah, and many other religion base on philosophy.
So if we want to go to heaven Love God and His Messenger
exceed besides the two, if not ask forgiveness from Allah before it's too late
(breath / lives up to the esophagus).
Islam The Only True Religion
Al-Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas حفظه الله
Every Muslim is fully convinced that the grace of Allah
Almighty that this world is Islam. A Muslim must give thanks to Allah Almighty
for His blessings which have given Islamic guidance. Allah Almighty states that
favors Islam is the greatest gift, as his word:
اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام
"... This day have I perfected your religion for
you, and I have both ends meet My favor to you, and have I ridhai Islam as your
religion ..." [al-Maidah / 5: 3]
As proof of gratitude for the blessings of a Muslim is to
make himself as a Muslim pleasure of Allah as his Lord, Islam as a religion,
and the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the Prophet. A Muslim
must accept and believe in the religion of Islam with a vengeance. Meaning it
with full awareness and conviction accept what is taught by the Prophet
Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and practice in accordance with what is
taught by he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. If someone wants to be a true
Muslim, a follower of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam loyal,
then he must believe in Islam as the only religion of truth (right). He must
learn Islam earnestly and sincerely practice Islam because Allah Almighty to
follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
The condition of some Muslims that we see today is very
sad. They claimed Islam, KTP (Identity Card) their Islam, they all claim to be
Muslims, but ironically they do not know about Islam, not trying to practice
Islam. There are even some religious rituals that they resume practicing just
went along with it. Good judgment and not a person as a Muslim not with the
recognition and ID cards, but based on science and charity. Allah Almighty does
not give an assessment based on the authenticity of ID cards issued by the
government, nor the appearance and shape of the body, but Allah saw to the
heart and charity.
From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu, he said, "The Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن الله لا ينظر إلى صوركم وأموالكم, ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم وأعمالكم
Verily Allah does not look to fine you, nor the treasure
you, but He looks at your hearts and deeds. [1]
A Muslim is obliged to learn about Islam that is based on
the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah according to the understanding of the
Companions radi anhum. The Qur'an was revealed by Allah Almighty in order to be
read, understood it and practiced instructions. al-Qur'ân and as-Sunnah are
immortal and preserved guidelines, which must be learned and practiced. A Muslim
would not go astray as long as they adhere to the al-Qur'ân and as-Sunnah
according to the understanding of the Companions radi anhum.
al-Qur'ân is the clue to live, bidders, grace, healing,
and the source of happiness. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
يا أيها الناس قد جاءتكم موعظة من ربكم وشفاء لما في الصدور
وهدى ورحمة للمؤمنين )57( قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون
O people! Indeed, it has come to the lessons (al-Qur'ân)
from thy Lord, cure for diseases that exist in the chest, and a guidance and a
mercy to those who believe. Say (O Muhammad), 'By the Grace of Allah and His
mercy, let them rejoice with it. Bounty and His mercy is better than what they
collect. "[Yunus / 10: 57-58]
Allah Almighty says:
إن الدين عند الله الإسلام
Verily Allah is the religion of Islam ... [Ali 'Imran /
3: 19]
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also says:
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين
And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, he would
not be accepted, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose. [Ali 'Imran /
3: 85]
Allah Almighty says:
ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم قل إن هدى الله
هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي ولا نصير
And Jews and Christians will not be the pleasure to you
(Muhammad) till you follow their religion. Say, 'Verily Allah clue that hints
(actual).' And if thou follow their desires after the knowledge (truth) to you,
then there will be no protector and helper for you from Allah. [Al-Baqarah / 2:
The verses above explain that Islam is the only true
religion, as for other than Islam is not true and is not accepted by Allah
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Therefore, a religion other than Islam, it will not
be accepted by Allah Almighty, because these religions have suffered fatal
irregularities and has interfered with the dirty hands of men. Having sent the
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then Jews, Christians and
others shall enter into Islam, to follow the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa
Then verses above also explains that Jews and Christians
are not happy to Islam, and they are not the pleasure to Muslims to follow
them. They are trying to mislead the Muslims and convert Muslims in various
ways. Currently exhaled heavily once the unification of religious propaganda,
which claimed the concept of one God the three religions. This is unacceptable,
both texts (the argument of al-Qur'ân and as-Sunnah) nor reasonable. It is
wishful thinking superficial.
This digression has been denied by Allah Almighty in
وقالوا لن يدخل الجنة إلا من كان هودا أو نصارى تلك أمانيهم
قل هاتوا برهانكم إن كنتم صادقين)111(بلى من أسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن فله أجره عند ربه
ولا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون
And they (Jews and Christians) say, 'It will not enter
Paradise except Jews or Christians. "It was (just) their wishful thinking.
Say, 'Show me your proof if ye are truthful. No! Whoever surrenders to Allah,
and he is doing well, he gets a reward from his Lord, and no fear of them and
they do not grieve. "[Al-Baqarah / 2: 111-112]
Jews and Christians hold such propaganda ploy to Muslims
out of all Islamannya and follow them. In fact, they give the lure that by
following their religion, the Muslims will get a clue. In fact, Allah Almighty
has ordered us to follow the religion of Abraham, q is straight, the religion
of monotheism is maintained. Allah Almighty says:
وقالوا كونوا هودا أو نصارى تهتدوا قل بل ملة إبراهيم حنيفا
وما كان من المشركين
And they said, 'Be ye (adherents) Jews or Christians,
surely you got a clue.' Say, '(Not!) But (we follow) the religion of Abraham.
And he was not among those who join Allah. [Al-Baqarah / 2: 135]
Allah Almighty says:
ولا تلبسوا الحق بالباطل وتكتموا الحق وأنتم تعلمون
And do not confuse truth with falsehood and (do not) you
hide the truth while you know. [Al-Baqarah / 2: 42]
With regard to the interpretation of this verse,
"And you do not confuse the Truth with falsehood," Imam Ibn Jarir t
bring Imam Mujahid rahimahullah statement that said, "Do not confuse
between Judaism and Christianity with Islam."
While the book of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Imam Qatadah
rahimahullah said, "Do not mix up the Jewish and Christian religion with
Islam, because the real religion approves the side of Almighty Allah is Islam.
While Jews and Christians is not heresy of Allah Almighty! "
Indeed, this interpretation is very great treasures of
jurisprudence in understanding the Qur-an.
For that obligation we caution against misguided
propaganda, which states that, 'All religions are good', 'solidarity between
religions',' the god of three religions', 'fraternity between religions','
religious unity ',' association heavenly religions', 'Liberal Islam Network
(JIL)', and others. In fact they also use the term human rights (Human Rights)
to mislead the Muslims with religious freedom.
All the slogans and propaganda intended to mislead the
Muslims, by giving sympathy for religious Christians and Jews, Muslims
mendangkalkan knowledge about Islam that haq, to remove jihad, to eliminate the
'Aqeedah al-wala' wal bara '(love / loyalty to the Mukminin and innocent of any
other kind), and develop anti-Islamic thought. From all sides it is very
detrimental to Islam and his people.
All these misguided propaganda damage 'Aqeedah of Islam.
While the 'Aqeedah is the most basic and principles of the Islamic religion,
because religion that teaches the principles of true worship to Allah Almighty
alone, just Islam.
Messenger of Allah, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam, is the last Messenger and Messenger cover. He shari'ah n is an eraser
for previous shari'ah. And Allah Almighty does not accept other shari'ah of a
servant other than the Shari'ah of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
(Islam). Islam is the eternal shari'ah and maintained cover of irregularities
that occurred in the Shari'ah-shari'ah before, and all people are required to
carry out this shari'ah.
Every Muslim is obliged to stick to the religion of
Islam, and he shall not die but in a state of Islam. Allah Almighty says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم
O ye who believe, bertaqwalah to Allah, True-true taqwa
to Him; and do not you ever die but in a Muslim state. [Ali 'Imran / 3: 102]
So anyone who does not convert to Islam after the coming
of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and he dies in a state of disbelieve
then he became residents of Hell. Wal 'iyâdzubillâh.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
والذي نفس محمد بيده! لا يسمع بي أحد من هذه الأمة يهودي ولا
نصراني, ثم يموت ولم يؤمن بالذي أرسلت به, إلا كان من أصحاب النار
Demi Rabb that Muhammad was in his hand, not one from the
Jews and Christians who heard he sent me (Muhammad), then he dies in a state of
not believing in what I sent to him (Islam), surely he is including the
dwellers of Hell. [ 3]
Any person who is Muslim is obliged mentauhidkan Allah
Almighty and left all forms of shirk. And a Muslim must understand the meaning
of monotheism, the meaning of the creed, the creed and the pillars of the
terms, so he really tauhid to Allah Almighty.
Tawhid according to the etymology (the language) is taken
from the words: وحد, يوحد, توحيدا means making something that one.
Meanwhile, according to the terminology (the term science
syar'i), tawhid means the Oneness of Allah Almighty in everything that is
special for him. Mentauhidkan Allah Almighty in all three kinds of monotheism,
ie Tawheed Uluhiyyah, Tawhid Rububiyyah, and Asma 'and His nature. In other
words, Tawheed means worship only to Allah Almighty alone.
Tawhid Rububiyyah means mentauhidkan everything what is
done Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, either creating, giving good luck, turn
on and off. Allah Almighty is King, Ruler and Lord who arranged everything.
Uluhiyyah Tawheed means the Oneness of Allah Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala through all the work of servants, who in that way they can
draw closer to Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, if it disyari'atkan by him,
such as praying, Khauf (fear ), the king '(hope), mahabbah (love), dzabh
(slaughter), bernadzar, isti'ânah (for help), istighatha (for help in hard
times), isti'âdzah (for protection) and all that disyari' atkan and commanded
by Allah Almighty not associate him with anything. All these and other worship
should be done only to Allah only and sincere for Him. And worship should not
be turned away to other than Allah.
Tawheed Asma 'wa Shifat means to establish the Names and
Attributes of Allah Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala has set upon him and that has been established by His Messenger n, and
purify Names and Attributes of Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala from all the
shame and shortcomings, as it has been sanctified by Allah Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala and His Messenger n. And the Muslims shall establish Attributes of Allah
Almighty, both contained in the al-Qur'ân and in as-Sunnah, and should not be
ditakwil. Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وإلهكم إله واحد لا إله إلا هو الرحمن الرحيم
And ye gods are gods Almighty; There is no god but He,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful. [Al-Baqarah / 2: 163]
Shaykh al-Allama 'Abdurrahman bin Nasir as-Sa'di
rahimahullah (d th, 1376 H) said, "Allah Almighty was single in His
Essence, His Names, His Attributes, and deeds His -perbuatan. No partner for
Him, both in His Essence, His Names and Attributes of His. Nothing is equal to
Him, nothing is comparable, there is no equivalent, and no partner for Him. No
one creates and regulates this universe except Allah Almighty. If so, then He
is the only one who is entitled to diibadahi and Allâh should not be
disekutukan with any of His creatures. "[3]
This is the essence of Islam, namely mentauhidkan Allah
Almighty. A Muslim is obliged mentauhidkan Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and
carry the consequences of the shahada لا إله إلا الله as an expression of
gratitude to Allah Almighty. Whoever tauhid to Allah and do not shirk to Him,
the forbidden him Paradise and Hell.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
من مات وهو يعلم أنه لا إله إلا الله دخل الجنة
He who dies in a state he knows that there is no god has
the right diibadahi properly besides Allâh, then he goes to heaven. [5]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
ما من أحد يشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله صدقا
من قلبه إلا حرمه الله على النار
It is not someone testify that no god (deity) are
eligible diibadahi correctly but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah, truthfully from his heart, but Allah forbid Hell [6]
Conversely, those who do shirk to Allah Almighty, then
forbidden Paradise for them and where they are in Hell. Allah Almighty says:
إنه من يشرك بالله فقد حرم الله عليه الجنة ومأواه النار وما
للظالمين من أنصار
"... Indeed those who ascribe (something to) Allah,
then indeed Allah forbid Paradise for him, and his place is hell, and it is not
there for people that helper wrongdoers." [Al-Maidah / 5: 72]
Islam is a religion that is easy and appropriate to human
nature. [7] Islam is a religion that is not difficult. Allah Almighty wills
ease to humanity and does not want hardship to them. As the word of Allah Allah
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
يريد الله بكم اليسر ولا يريد بكم العسر
"... Allah desires ease for you, and does not want
hardship for you ..." [al-Baqarah / 2: 185]
His words also:
وما جعل عليكم في الدين من حرج
"... And he did not make difficulties for you in
religion ..." [Al-Hajj / 22: 78]
Islam is a religion that is in accordance with human
fithrah, both in terms of 'aqidah, Shari'ah, worship, and other muamalah. Allah
Almighty who has created man, will not give the burden to his servants what
they can not do, Allah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها
Allah does not burden a person but according to his
ability ... [Al-Baqarah / 2: 286]
No matter whatever is difficult in Islam. Allah Almighty
will not charge something that humans are not able to carry it out. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إن الدين يسر ولن يشاد الدين أحد إلا غلبه, فسددوا وقاربوا,
وأبشروا, واستعينوا بالغدوة والروحة وشيء من الدلجة
Surely the religion (Islam) is easy. It is not difficult
for a person (exaggerated) in religion except going undefeated (can not execute
it perfectly). Therefore, apply luruslah, simple (not to exceed the limits),
and be glad (for obtaining the reward) and ask for help (to Allâh) with worship
in the morning, afternoon and most of the night. [8]
It's just that there are some people who think Islam is
heavy, hard, and difficult.
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