(Part two hundred and ninety, Depok, West Java, Indonesia, May 22, 2015, 19:00 pm)
Looking for God's grace
According to a Radio Ustad in tauziahnya in Rodja Friday, May 22, 2015 explained that of 100 owned grace of God, one of which was given by God to its inhabitants, including humans, jinn, angels and animals for life in the world.
While the grace of God that the other 99 will be given by God to His creatures in Nature hereafter.
One of God's grace given to the human inhabitants of which live in the wild over the world, whether in the form of sustenance (crate riches and pleasures of life, oxygen, rain makes the plants grow and others).
Therefore, the visible (physical) eg United Nations be given the grace of God in the form of natural resources, the wealth of the world and the most superior human resources compared to other nations. Even in the accumulation of capital wealth the United States number one in the world, followed by China and Japan.
Why did the US become the number one, first the earth and the US territories of God endowed with vast natural resources, whether oil, natural gas, gold, and fertile land for crops of wheat, corn, soybeans and even palm was grown in California.
Human resources of 250 million inhabitants (world number four) is also a combination tribes and nations and intelligently chosen from various parts of the world.
Ranging from the best Jewish (Eanstein), the nation's descent Germany, Britain, Russia, other European, Latin America, until Muslim scholars from the Middle East, India and Pakistan, immigrated to the United States. Be countries the US became the richest nation in the capital, and a gathering place for the intelligent world.
No wonder 80 percent of the world's richest people in the US, ranging from Microsoft owner Bill Gates to a wealthy Filipino boxer living in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.
No wonder most major US military budget in the world, so it is very strong US military force able to respond behind the invasion across the Asian and African countries come together (without Russia, China, and India) able to avenge US attacks behind each joint Asian-African troops.
Because only nuclear military power of Russia, China and India alone are capable in Asia and Africa that can offset the US nuclear military power.
This is just a glimpse of a small part of God's Grace human beings, including for the Americans.
As an illustration, the US is now producing oil the US reached 12 million barrels per day, but due to run out in kunsumsi in the country (all US households have a car, and some even have more than one), so the shortage of fuel imported from Saudi Arabia (production 10 million barrels per day) and other countries.
Saudi Arabia among OPEC members as
manufacturer and the largest crude oil exporter, because the people were few.
When combined wealth (capital) combined from all over the world both on earth, and is still stored in the bowels of the earth, it is still much smaller than the grace of God given God given to its inhabitants.
Ustad said on Radio Rodja, as a comparison if your finger dipped in seawater, and then we lift, the drop of water that's falling, while the ocean water that is owned by Grace of God given to inhabitants in the world
So the wealth of the world, it is not nothing compared to God's grace 99 of God's grace will be given by God to His creatures in the hereafter.
Moreover, in terms of the enjoyment of the world, the longest human life in the world of 100 years, but on average less than 70 years, so how short compared to the lifetime in the grave (barzah) which may be a thousand years, a million years), and in the hereafter for nature -lamanya (perennial).
So why should we mortgaged the very short life of this world we sacrifice our life hereafter.
However, the science of religion (Islam) to the hereafter for the sake of eternal time in the hereafter we pelajai since Toddlers (learning to read the Koran from both parents) until the end of our life (death), because the knowledge of God in the Quran and Hadith is very broad and continuously growing, well we hear directly from the cleric at mosques, radio, TV, or from books written by religious scholars who are competent to understand the Qur'an and Sunnah according practiced by the Prophet Muhammad through the search hadiths valid, as narrated by four priests , Syafei Imam, Imam Hambali, Imam Hanafi, Imam Malik and Imam Buchori-Muslim narrated. And other hadith scholars such as Sheikh Albany, Abdul Wahab from Saudi Arabia.
Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith illustrates the value of the world's wealth is from Allah, not more valuable than the wing of a mosquito, even worse (hina) compared to the carcass of a goat kids who have dropped ears.
So if we choose the life of the world, which is the word of God only joking, and games that can mislead people, when life without guidance (Quran and Hadith).
Prophet Muhammad himself ahead of the appointment, he became the Apostle in question and the Angel Gabriel, which is the command of Allah asked Prophet commitment, if you want to be the only Prophet and King (the world's wealth like that of Solomon), but Muhammad remained steadfast just want to become a regular Apostles and people mostly (simple), because Muhammad realized becomes more noble apostle, because there are human safety at him as the messenger (the decline in the Quran and Al Hikmah / Hadith).
Very simple prophet to ration war reparations that are part of the Prophet, mostly given again to the poor, the poor widow, after a fraction of a living nine wives and children.
Even one day because there is no grain to eat the wives and children of the Prophet never mortgaged armor on a Jew, the results of this pledge to buy 70 kg of wheat to distribute the wives and children of the Prophet.
This is how simple prophet also as President of the Islamic State of Madina, Imam Mosque, and the Head of Household life is very simple like any other human being.
It was done for the sake of his love for the Prophet Muhammad Allah, and for the sake of essential life in the hereafter is eternal, the world is short compared to the life of (the Prophet Muhammad died at the age of 63 years).
So, brothers and sisters do not mortgaged (interchange) short life of this world to eternal life hereafter, bertaubatlah, return to God the creator, and is Rich and Merciful and Compassionate and Maha maha Taubat receiver (forgive all the sins of his servants who repent) , Immediately repent, before our lives up in the esophagus (gullet).
This is not meant as a people of faith, we ignore the world, because the world is a bridge to the life hereafter. During the Prophet's life teaches us to keep a normal life like human nature, the need to eat and drink, so as to make a living for my wife and children as jihad fisabilillah. We also taught the Prophet's forbidden to beg (live begging / dependent mercy of others), even the Prophet never taught his companions to look for firewood in the forest to be sold in the market, so that the family can eat.
Which is translated at present is that we prepare our children to be independent in the middle, people with their schooling in order to become a doctor, engineer shipbuilder fly, cars, mathematicians also be seotang Ustad order to teach Islamic religion our children in accordance Quran and the authentic Hadith. So that people can live happily in the world both short and essential life in the hereafter.
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