The ride was not finished (328)
(Part three hundred and twenty-eight), Depok, West
Java, Indonesia, 30 July 2015, 17:25 pm)
Riba bring destruction of a family (the state).
Riba or known designation interest (interest) Allah has
forbidden in the word of God and the Hadiths (sunnah / al-wisdom) of the
Prophet Muhammad.
Riba in addition to the upcoming major sin an authentic
Hadith of Prophet Muhammad said usury a sin equivalent to adultery with a 36
women (men).
Besides the scientific and empirical usury could destroy
the joints lives one family or one nation (state).
See only when the family has a credit card, when both
couples (husband or wife) is still working, they still can repay the credit
card loans and interest, try to see when both are again unemployed (severed the
employment relationship), then usually they make a credit card New to pay (to
cover credit card debt first, and so on as many credit cards and five cards,
the family is not able to start the fifth installment of this credit card debt
collectors and lived (bank debt collector) terror (terror) the owner of the
credit card, quarrel married couple to divorce can occur ends.
Look at Greece, countries in Western Europe is declared
bankrupt, being unable to pay debts from the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), Greece will be bailed out of the World Bank, IMF and other
creditor countries with loans, as a result the country is difficult to get out
of the crisis economy.
Many nations (other countries) life of this flower,
consequently they are happy but false, a lot of rich people whose lives even
stress, suicide, by hanging himself or drugs.
Many of our children are grown from consuming money usury
parents, children grow up with the disorder, not intelligent, and aberrant
behavior (alcohol, free sex, smoking.)
Bertaubatlah (for mercy) in the God stay away from usury
and do not approach again usury so that we survived both live in this world and
in the hereafter.
Riba (interest / interest), understanding and kind usury
Shaikh Isa bin Ibrahim ad-Duwaisy
Understanding Riba
In the dictionary Lisaanul 'Arabic, the word usury is
taken from the word ربا. If someone says ربا الشيئ يربو ربوا وربا means
something that grew and grew. If the states أربيته means I have to add to and
In al-Qur'an mentioned:
ويربي الصدقات
"... And fertilize alms ..." [Al-Ba-Qarah / 2:
Of the word diambillah term riba is haraam, Allaah says:
وما آتيتم من ربا ليربو في أموال الناس فلا يربو عند الله
"And something riba (optional) that you gave him to
add to the wealth of human, then it does not add to usury in the sight of Allah
..." [Ar-Rum / 30: 39]
Then said, ربا المال (treasure it has increased).
As for the definition of the term riba according to the
jurists' (jurists) is to provide additional on specific matters.
In the book Mughnil Muhtaaj mentioned that usury is a
contract of the exchange of certain items with unknown (that the two goods are
exchanged) was the same in view of the Shari'ah, well done when the contract or
to suspend (end a) two goods exchanged or one of them.
Riba is haraam either in al-Qur'an, Sunnah and ijma '.
Allah the Exalted says,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وذروا ما بقي من الربا إن كنتم
"O ye who believe, fear Allah and give up what
remains of usury (which have not been collected) if ye are believers."
[Al-Baqarah / 2: 278]
Allah Almighty also says:
وأحل الله البيع وحرم الربا
"... But Allah has permitted trading and forbidden
usury ..." [Al-Baqarah / 2: 275]
In another verse Allah the Exalted says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تأكلوا الربا
"O ye who believe, do not devour usury ..."
[Ali 'Imran / 3: 130]
In the as-Sunnah once obtained many hadiths which forbids
usury. Imam Muslim narrated rahimahullah of Jabir radi anhu, he said:
لعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم آكل الربا وموكله وكاتبه وشاهديه.
وقال: هم سواء.
"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has cursed
eater of usury, which gives usury, the author and two witnesses," and he
said, "they're all the same."
In the hadith that has been agreed keshahihannya from Abu
Hurayrah anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
إجتنبوا السبع الموبقات! وذكر منهن: آكل الربا.
"Avoid the seven cases were brought
destruction," and he mentioned among them, "Eating usury."
And has come ijma 'on the prohibition of usury.
Imam 'Ali ibn Husayn ibn Muhammad, or better known as
as-Saghadi, mentioned in the book of late-Nutf that usury into three forms,
1. Riba in terms of borrowing.
2. Riba in terms of debt.
3. Riba in hock.
A. Riba In This Loan
Form of usury in the case of loans, there are two
properties (picture):
1. Someone borrowed money 10 dirhams but must return 11
or 12 dirhams and so forth.
2. He took advantage (benefit) of the personal loans,
that is by the borrower to sell their belongings to him at a cheaper price than
the market price of the goods or he should rent it to him or give him or her
(the borrower) must work for the lender with a job that helps affairs or he
should lend him or he should buy something from him with a more expensive price
than the market price or he should hire a charter from him, and so on.
Properties (picture) riba first instance, someone asked
the other person a sum of money by borrowing, he asked him as much as 10,000
riyals, then Ahmad (lender) said, "You must return the loan money to me
for 11,000 riyals," or he said, "You must give me a little extra
though." For this is riba and is haraam. And included in this category of
loans from banks by providing additional loan in return he received.
Allah the Exalted says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تأكلوا الربا أضعافا مضاعفة واتقوا الله
لعلكم تفلحون
"O ye who believe, do not devour usury with a double
and ye fear Allah, that ye may prosper." [Ali 'Imran / 3: 130]
Abu Bakr al-Jashshash rahimahullah said, "formerly
known as Riba and conducted by the Arabs only in the form of dirham and dinar
loans up to a certain time limit to give an additional amount of the loan in
accordance with their agreement. It is a rice-ah usury and usury like this is
very famous among the Arabs during the Jahiliyyah, and when the al-Qur'an down,
then came this prohibition.
Properties (picture) is the second instance, a lender to
take advantage (benefit) of personal loan that he gave.
For example, a person borrows money from others, then
Muhammad (lender) to ask the person that he sold his things to him or give him
something or the other in return for a loan which he gave her. Then he has to
take personal advantage of their loans, and this includes usury.
B. Riba In The Debt
The second form of usury is usury in terms of debt, ie a
person selling goods to another person by means of diakhirkan payment, when
payment time arrived the creditor asking him to immediately pay off its debt by
saying, "Give me an extra few dirhams," the act also includes usury ,
For example a person borrows money from others of 10,000
riyals and will be paid at a certain time (according to the agreement). When
the repayment time has arrived, he is unable to pay, then he (the lender) said
to him, "You pay my right now or you have to give me extra above 10,000
riyals that you borrowed and repayment will diakhirkan again." So this is
also including usury.
C. Riba In Pawnshop
The third form of usury is usury in a pawnshop. Riba in
this case there was a difference of opinion of the scholars رحمهم الله.
[Copied from the Book of Al-Buyuu ': Al-Jaa-Izu minhaa wa
Mamnuu' Author Shaikh Isa bin Ibrahim ad-Duwaisy, Title in Indonesian Purchase
The permissible And Prohibited, Ruslan Translators Nurhadi, Lc, Reader
Publishers Ibn Kathir Bogor, Muharram 1427 H First Edition - February 2006 M]
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